i swear im alive break has just been me sleeping and bitching and making another blog because what's self control?
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sorry for the absence ive been kinda busy with things this week uh yeah i should work on drafts or something
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dopey mun below the cut
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so my tummy rly hurts like i ate a ton of pad thai (my meal of the day) and now ive been drinking liquids like nobodys business and now i hella regret it so im gonna be on skype for a while but im not gonna be doing threads or anything cause yea
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There's a moment of hesitation as Belt considers the question and how to answer it.          ╔  Trees?  ╝
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╔  This  ╝   One clawed hand points to himself, the other preoccupied with tracing words in the dirt. ╔  Is a sloth  ╝
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Claws...poisonous?                  Oh no, no, no!       --Though that would be incredibly handy. One very, nonpoisonous claw makes quick work of the dirt. ╔Sloth.        The claws aren't poisonous; they're more suited for grabbing. ╝
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      Don’t mind him.              He’s just going to stare in awe at all the tall people.
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╔ For you to get a better attitude ╝       No need to be rude, mister miniature tree.
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      Wow. Rude. ╔ …           A sloth. ╝
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The sound of the gunshot was deafening and the next thing the little sloth knew, the man with the gun was facing him. Flinching backwards, long arms coming up to show he meant no harm, the sloth gave a very audible, very startled squeak.
five brave soldiers ... and a sloth
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He held the gun close as eyes where narrowed onto the bottle across a few feet away; slowly, he took in a breath and held it. He waited for a few moments before he then shot it off, the sound ringing across the area.
After a few moments he exhaled; pushing himself up up to walk over and inspect the item. It was in shards. His smile grew; glad that he was showing signs of improvement. However he turned around, thinking he heard someone.
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i just bought an unholy amount of candy at target it was on sale i couldnt help myself oh god does anyone want my skype?
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its 1 30pm this is the latest i have ever slept i got off work and just totally crashed good news is a couple on the bus were so sweat and bought me a beanie?? idk why but ?? ill wash if beore i do anything ofc but aaaah also i feel like ive been hit by a train hello to all my new followers ;u;
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work again in a few minutes hopefully i dont have to coax a girl who is so drunk that she cant tell us what stop she wants, off the bus, again and hopefully i dont have to deal with some drunk dude puttin his hands around my waist again (and then asking when he gets to take me home)
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sordidusx started following you
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Look at the little sloth,          thuggin' it up.
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Glasses? No, he can't say that he has seen them. Maybe they just...grew legs and walked off.            ╔  No?  ╝
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     Whatever it is, Belt is innocent.          Honest.
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An energetic nod and the sloth is back to attempting to wrap itself around Erd while maintaining a grasp on the writings tools. He gives a excited few squeaks in response-- the thought of being able to climb around on trees is definitely appealing.          ╔  Hostile territory?  ╝
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If it’s any comfort, Belt isn’t exactly the most high maintenance creature to exist. All he really needs is food, water and a healthy dose of affection. Of course, being able to pick the foods he wanted to consume is always a big plus.       ╔  Fruit, vegetables.              Not very picky.  ╝ He’s consumed some very strange things, especially for a sloth. But it’s probably best not to mention that— don’t want to terrify poor Erd.
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╔  This  ╝   One clawed hand points to himself, the other preoccupied with tracing words in the dirt. ╔  Is a sloth  ╝
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That’s not what he expected.     ╔  Sloth  ╝
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yo quiero taco sparda
[1:04:17 PM] Giggles: petition to wrap dante up in giant blanket
[1:04:25 PM] d a n t e: he'll probably punch u
[1:04:29 PM] Giggles: shhh
[1:04:31 PM] Giggles: sneak attack
[1:04:34 PM] Giggles: belt will distract him
[1:04:36 PM] Giggles: so will elf
[1:04:46 PM] Giggles: the jingling will get his attention
[1:04:53 PM] Giggles: belt will cling to his head and just
[1:04:57 PM] Giggles: latch on
[1:05:13 PM] Giggles: and someone will have to roll him into a giant blanket burrito
[1:05:20 PM] Giggles: FOOLPROOF PLAN OK
[1:08:25 PM] d a n t e: omfg
[1:08:34 PM] d a n t e: sparda burrito
[1:08:38 PM] d a n t e: 99 cents
[1:08:48 PM] Giggles: the son of sparda
[1:08:51 PM] Giggles: has never tasted so good
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ok its nap time im tired hungry and got sucked into movie a whole buncha stuff everywhere
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