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 I do trust you, for most part anyways. Well from my understanding he was very much a taken man back then— and well, he wasn’t really looking. so i guess that could be why, but i hear he’s very much free now. so who knows someone might just happen to like that, i personally don’t know him so. 
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Well, I wish him all the best in finding a new lady friend than I suppose. That is too bad he is someone I feel like I want to get know. But I guess I am stuck with you instead.
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 Good, because sometimes i have that just happen. If i had black and silky covers, you can bet i’d never leave them, but mine aren’t. oh have you now? I’ve heard the lead male is quite handsome and British. so, I’ve heard.
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Well I appreciate it. And well you can definitely trust me when I say it is a struggle every day. Hmm, that is what I have been hearing too. Pretty talented I must say, I don’t know how he doesn’t have girls flocking him now.
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 I have my moments, that’s for sure. so, I suppose your blankets are black. Nothing wrong with wanting to get away from the world for a bit. I totally get it, well, I’m happy to hear you are doing better. So what netflix shows were you catching up on? Anything goood? Anything… Vamprish?? 
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Well I can appreciate some cleverness. They are, black and silky so it was very hard to leave them. Exactly everyone needs some time alone once in a while, and to be frank I may have been caught up in some random show called the originals? I don’t know it is alright. The characters are pretty good looking.
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 Welcome out of your hole, love. Why were you in a hole though? Was a bed not good enough for you?
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Very clever I see, but turns out I have enough blankets on my bed that it just turns into a black hole that I seemed to get lost in for days. No big reason, just trying to relax and to binge some netflix since I never get the chance. Plus I had a small cold
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 I legit wish I was but I’m not. You’re gonna make it up to me? look forward to seeing that. NO ONE, especially those bunny ones. oh yeah? how many looks did you get at the market? I’m curious.
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Honestly, this makes me so sad but I will think of something that will make it up to you just wait. You should look forward to it. Well I am glad you agree that it is my personal apitude being able to look good in bunny slippers. Honestly a lot, but one guy asked me for my number..in my bunny slippers! I had to tell him he needed to raise his standards a bit.
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“Screw certain people, they always find reasons to nag. We don’t like them. But we do like unicorn kids. Though I’ll admit, I was more of a mermaid kid myself.”
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You are so right, we do not like them but I think I like you a lot of babes.  I am not surprised that you liked mermaids, is that what got you interested in H2O?
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Yes, what do you want to talk about?
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What you have been up to lately? Work? Any ladies in your life? Spill Paul.
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no, not that i know of. i’ve had chocolate chip and cookie dough. they’re kinda similar right? no? i’m in the middle of cooking dinner right now so if i go this very second the house might burn down but after dinner for sure. i do love anna but let’s not forget the incredibly talented blake lively. ever heard of her?
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SLightly, but rocky road is just more chocolatey and delicious. Well, i dont want your house to burn down but you should try it as soon as you can. Hmm the name sounds vaguely familiar, she is some blonde right? Heard she can rock those pants suites.
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it’s quite brilliant i have to say. evil at times lol. i’ve never had rocky road before. i’m pretty bad with keeping up with the latest gossip to be honest. heard that a simple favor was a big hit, didya know that? ;)
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The best kind are. And never had rocky road?? You must stop everything and go try it right now. I am too but I did hear that it was quiet the hit hasnt it. I cannot imagine why, must have been because Anna is so great.
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“You should’ve taken the fuzzy robe with you, it sounds amazing. But other than that, I am not in the loop. Trump’s still the president, that sucks. And unicorns aren’t as popular anymore. That’s all I know.”
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I should have but it might have been frowned upon by certain people. And those are two very sucky things, but maybe there is some little kids keeping the unicorn dream alive. I am never in the loop so I understand
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You are welcome, I hope it gets you sleeping well tonight. 
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It might just keep me up all night, anyway lets change the topic..please.
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No guys? I would like to think there are some guys who would like to see me naked too, even if that sounds weird as hell. Why are we even talking about me naked? I need to be stopped before these convos start
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See and you said there were not that many people who wanted to see you naked and you are making my case for me. Well you started this convo and now this is the last thing im going to think about today. Thanks a lot.
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@taylorswift: Happy 4th from us ❤️
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when you asked for scoops it made my mind think of scoops of ice cream. now i’m wishing i had some. who or what do you want the scoop on?
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Man now I am also thinking of ice cream, especially some rocky road. I like how your mind works. Um nothing in particular really, just any big news that might be something I need to know.
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Oh no, not everyone want to see me naked I can assure you that
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The majority of women in the world do, yes I assure you. I will not disclose what side of the scale I am on. 
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Admit it, you are just wishing I am naked under that robe. Joking , i’m joking
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Oh my, Paul! The Robe wouldn’t even be long enough to cover all your...parts. Though it is a show that many would enjoy seeing.
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