thelivieebeewrites · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick Sentence Starters
(can be shortened and names/pronouns shortened to suit your needs)
"I don’t like that look, _______."
"He’s the fastest man alive."
"Oh, don’t do it. Don’t do it."
"Put that in your Pentagon budget!"
"...You can’t get a promotion, you won’t retire, and despite your best efforts, you refuse to die ... Why is that?"
"It's one of life's mysteries, sir."
"This isn’t a joke. I asked you a question."
"I’m where I belong, sir."
"The future is coming, and you’re not in it."
"Escort this man off the base. Take him to his quarters. Wait with him while he packs his gear. I want him on the road to North Island within the hour."
"Call came in with impeccable timing, right as I was driving here to ground your ass once and for all."
"It galls me to say it, but… For reasons known only to the Almighty and your guardian angel… You’ve been called back to Top Gun."
"Your kind is headed for extinction."
"Your reputation precedes you."
"Wasn't a compliment."
"Must admit, I wasn’t expecting an invitation back."
"They're called orders, _________."
"Actually, sir, I finished second. Just want to manage expectations."
"No, someone’s not coming back from this."
"We don’t want you to fly it. We want you to teach it."
"You fly for Top Gun, or you don’t fly for the Navy ever again."
"Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me."
"Well, that is a long story."
"Who’d you piss off this time?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"I can never stay mad at you. That’s the problem."
"You must be in a lot of trouble. No way you’d come back here willingly."
"______, trust me, as improbable as it seems right now, somehow you’ll be back in a fighter plane with your tail on fire."
"Don’t give me that look."
"I’m not giving you any look. I swear."
"You look good."
"Much-appreciated, Pops."
"What am I missing?"
“Disrespect a lady, the Navy, or put your cell phone on my bar…”
"This is how I find out you’re stateside?"
"Yeah, I just thought I’d surprise you."
"I guess I surprised you back."
"It’s good to see you."
"How about ringing me up before the evening rush?"
"______, as I live and breathe."
"God, he loved flying with you, ______."
"I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true."
"Let’s not do it like this."
"You gonna wash me out?"
"Am I dismissed?"
"Easy, ________. Let’s try not to get fired on the first day."
"Been here the whole time."
"All right, you put us here. How you gonna get yourself out?"
"Breaking the hard deck, insubordination. Are you trying to get kicked out?"
"Talk to me. What the hell was that?"
"He pulled my application to the naval academy. Set me back four years."
"You could learn a thing or two about timing, Captain."
"I just came by to pay off a debt."
"Thank you, Captain. Consider your tab closed."
"You’re supposed to be in the Navy!"
"I don’t sail boats, _______. I land on them."
"Why didn’t you anticipate the turn?You were briefed on the terrain."
"It’s not the plane, sir, it’s the pilot."
"________, that’s enough!"
"How's my wingman?"
"Please, don’t worry about me. What can I do for you?"
"_______, please, don’t ask me to send someone else to die."
"Don’t ask me to send _______. Send me."
"The only reason I’m here is you."
"The Navy needs ______. The kid needs ________. That’s why I fought for you. That’s why you’re still here."
"One last thing. Who’s the better pilot? You or me?"
"This is a nice moment. Let’s not ruin it."
"He will always resent me for what I did. Why should he resent her too?"
"I just… I wish I would’ve done it better."
"This is not our first date."
"Okay. Fine. But this is the last time I go out your window."
"I'm never gonna leave you again."
"You’ll have to find a way back on your own."
"If you lost your wing man up there, you’d keep fighting. You wouldn’t just give up. Those are your pilots. If anything happens to them, you’ll never forgive yourself."
"I don't know what to do."
"Well, I’m going anyway."
"I think the admiral’s asking a rhetorical question, Captain."
"You give ’em hell!"
"Sir? I… I just want to say…"
"We’ll talk. When we get back."
Hey, ______! _____! Hey. You got this."
"Talk to me, dad."
"C'mon, kid. Don't think. Just do."
"________, evade, evade!"
"I can’t shake ’em! They’re on me! They’re on me!"
"Dagger one is hit! I repeat, dagger one is hit!"
"But, sir, ________ is still out there."
"You think I took that missile so you could be down here with me?
You should be back on the carrier by now!"
"I saved your life!"
"I saved your life. That's the whole point.
"What the hell were you even thinking?"
"You told me not to think!"
"Well, it's good to see you."
"It's good to see you, too."
"It's been a minute, huh, ______?"
"Eject, eject, eject!"
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions… And prepare for landing."
"I'll see you back on deck."
"Thank you for saving my life."
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