The Living Dead
                                        “The living dead”
Katrina Talam, Kaye Reroma, Khyze Marinduque, Irish Baluarte
Adapted from the novel ‘Warm Bodies’ by Isaac Marion
 In the dark, as the silence surrounds the entire afternoon, S wandered around the school campus and saw himself as a living dead. A lifeless soul gurgling rumble deep in his gut together with the fellow infected acquaintances. Heading aimlessly, S witnesses the chaotic mind that corrupted the human flesh. He realised that he himself is different as before. S was filled with questions behind his behaviour. His life turned upside down when he woke up barely recognizing himself.
Why does he seem to crave for flesh? Wasn’t he used to be one?
Even if their existence was an uncharted twist experience for them, they were already used to their current state. None of them were particularly attractive. Having gray skin, the unpleasant smell, the dark circles beneath the eyes. He met his friend named “Frr” across the hallway. It’s funny because back when he was a living high school guy, both of them were laughing until their souls fall off. Frr says the irony of being a zombie is that everything is funny, but you can’t smile, because your lips have rotted off.
One lazy afternoon, a crowd full of lifeless walker began to notice the noise coming from the storage room. Out of curiosity, several walkers trailed where the sound of cans clashing against the cement. After which, the humans coming from the storage room heard a gurgling rumble coming from the outside. In a dash of seconds, a spar of walkers attack without a warning.
Blood splattered every corner of the room as the red colour squandered over the white painted walls. Suddenly, S scented a sweet taste of aroma coming from the veins of a living.  He quickly turned his head and there, he saw a lady who fearlessly fought for survival. After a few rounds of battle, she ties her hair into pony tail as he witness her astonishing beauty flaunted before his eyes. His menacing self turned calmly as he was looking her from a distance. Gazing at her strong personality, he ignored the bullets that were hitting him coming from hers. She started to put down her rifle as S was getting closer, as she figured out that S was slightly more strange than the other walkers.
On their way to the Equipment Room, a minute of silence occupied the entire space. She is terrified and at the same time was suspicious of his intentions. She gradually trusted him after he rescued her during a failed escape attempt and finds food for her deems it safe enough for her to leave. The two bonded, listening to random records and playing games to kill time. S started to introduce himself but sadly, she can’t understand a word. She then introduced herself first; her name was Olivia, the lieutenant of the alpha team.
S insists that Olivia will stay with him for a few days, until he begins to come to life; his heart starts beating and he was able to communicate with words slowly. After a few days, Olivia gets restless, and tries to return home, yet attracts swarms of walkers. After fending off a group including Frr, who is confused by S's actions, S decides to return her to the human enclave. Sneaking out at night, S secretly flees towards a clandestine passage that they newly discovered.
They were so close to reach the door when a bunch of walkers tried to devour both of them. S’s mind was all over the place but he knew one thing; he needed to see Olivia. In a flash of second unlock the door and pushed Olivia out of his messy world.
“Ai ...misssssh... yerrr...!” he managed to growl before releasing the door behind.
She’s safe... and that’s what matters...
After weeks of loneliness, the thought of Olivia, her face, the curves of her smile was stuck in S’s mind. He wondered what she was doing while he suffered under her charm.
 He dashed away towards the passage room while catching his breath. When S opened the door, he then saw the most astonishing lady standing in front of him. They were both startled when they saw each other. And there, they hugged like the world is about to end, until the skinless came and were about to slice their throats out. Olivia held the hand of S while they run like in the movie "maze runner". The soldiers were alarmed when S and Olivia were being chased by the skinless running towards their military base. The chief captain of the camp, who is the father of Olivia, shot the four skinless on the head using his m4A1 rifle.
The cold midnight turned silence when the only thing that's heard was the sound of the empty shell hitting the crooked floor.
"I can exp-" she gasps... Her father starts to aim at S when he is now behind Olivia's protection.
"Don't shoot!" she exclaimed
"He is my... Zombie friend dad...”
"Didn't I tell you not to invite the others?" He responded quickly
"He saved my life, okay? He's the main reason why I am still like you and why I am standing right in front of you dad, so please." Her father was about to walk out when S started to speak,
"S-skinless...c-coming...n-need...p-prepare..." He tried his best to warn the humans.
Five minutes ago the camp was all at peace, but now, every single human being in the military base was being productive and making sure that every move counts. The night has come where all meets its end. The blood sheds ubiquitously, the disaster of the human enclave, all were in ruins.
Days, weeks, months passed by as humans strive to renovate their place, somewhat called home. The illness from the walkers gradually diminished as they mingle with the humans. As they were in the hospital, Olivia’s friend, Amber, conducted a blood test, and performed an assessment. In just a span of time, Frr’s monitor acted out of the ordinary. It’s as if it’s on the verge of a race between a Ferrari and a cheetah.
Was his heart beating for Amber?
Five months later, Olivia and S go to an exclusive restaurant and their date went smoothly like usual couples do. After that, they witnessed the splendour of the city light as they wandered from the uppermost part on the place. They spent their time under the moonlight by the veranda. Nobody talked. They take pleasure from the striking view. A thought came across from Olivia’s mind.
“Funny how it seems that we’ve been together for a year now. Ever since you remembered your past life, you never mentioned your name.”
S’s attention bolted from the city lights to her. He was quite taken aback but then he smiled.
“What does S stand for?”
S’s smile broad widely. He was feeling butterflies in his stomach. His eyes were gleaming with joy and his heart was about to explode like a time bomb. He couldn’t believe that despite his condition of being a half walker and a half human as well, someone would appreciate and accept him for who he is.
“Sebastian, I’m Sebastian”
There was a balloon that popped accidentally which was odd since they were the only people in the room. They turned their backs and saw their families, friends, relatives, and especially the father of Olivia.
“Sebastian Fitz?” his father’s words stuttered in every syllable he spoke. He run and embraced Sebastian while he whispered,
“You’re my long lost son, Sebby.”
They were deafened by the shrieking voice of Olivia.
“No! This can’t be! Were getting married in two days and you are telling me that he’s my brother?”
Olivia was stepping backwards every single word until she slipped over the veranda. It was all in a slow motion, he was reaching for her hand as she was for his. But it was too late before he realized that she was falling and he couldn’t save her.
In just a blink of an eye, everything was gone. They were sharing a deep connection awhile ago but now, she’s gone. She was his world, and she’s beneath his grasp.
Sebastian’s life is on the point where he is left hanging in a cliff. He couldn’t think straight, only Olivia’s fall was on his mind. When suddenly, the elevator opened and when they all turned their backs, they were in the total state of shock.
“Did I miss something?”
Everybody stood frozen, nobody knew what was happening.
Only her father knows.
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