thelomle-blog · 2 years
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thelomle-blog · 2 years
i love you. i really do. it’s not just a cliche saying when im saying it to you. it means more than just “i enjoy being around you.” it means “i have butterflies when i see you, i want you in my arms forever, i wish i could just pause when i’m with you and stay that way forever, i want to be there for you when you’re going through something, i want to be there for you when you need someone to talk to, i need you.” and i always will. i just need you to let me love you. let me be there for you when you’re allowed. let me hold you when i can. let me cuddle with you. let me live every second of every day i have with you like it’s my last. i love you forever and always. no one else could ever take my heart the way you took it. you’re my everything. my forever and always.
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i’m not easy to love. i am stubborn and breakdown constantly about the littlest things. but i promise to love you. i promise to give you all i possibly can give. i promise to hold you and kiss you every chance i get. i promise to show you off to the world, because i will be truly the luckiest boy in the world if i have you by my side. i promise to always make sure you are taken care of and i promise to never let you go to bed upset. i promise to give you all of my attention, regardless if i’m out with my friends. i’ll always put you first and i’ll always make sure you’re smiling. i promise to give you the world if you promise to stand by my side, no matter how rough things may get. if you love me, i promise to love you unconditionally. always...
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i hope you find the kind of happiness that exists on your own terms. i hope you take out the time to truly figure out what moves you, what encourages you and what you deeply crave for your life, and i hope you have the courage to chase that. i hope you have the courage to believe that you are deserving of everything you desire, that you are capable and worthy of curating the kind of life for yourself that sparks something within you- i hope you never let convenience or easiness stand in your way. you're capable of a lot and i hope you know that.
happy 1st mensiversary, rumi. i love you.
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thelomle-blog · 2 years
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