I'm sorry... I'm the Doctor. And you are?
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Arent you all glad to see me ?
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That’s insulting. Come on, try again !
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And you are?
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Arent you all glad to see me ?
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All flesh and blood. 
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Well two big baddies can do a lot of damage.
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Hello! I'm the Doctor.
Alright, so two big bads and how many of us now?
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I need to do a freakin’ roll call or somethin’. Damn, I wish Sammy was here.
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My kind of hello.
The Doctor is sitting in his swing, working under the TARDIS console panel. He's wearing Amy's glasses.
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He takes them off and sighs. Tears pooling in his eyes.
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The Doctor never got tired of fixing the TARDIS. And he barely needed any sleep so why not fix it in the middle of the night? He knew now that leaving London was NOT an option. Similiar to when he'd lost Amy and Rory in New York, the TARDIS could not leave London without blowing up in the process. Except he'd had trouble landing the last time, he'd never had problems taking off. Running away was always his expertise. "Well not this time.." He muttered under his breath.
He was in one of the storage rooms, looking through old stuff that could be of use. He groaned, lifting a heavy steel colored device, putting it on top of the cart, wiping sweat off of his forhead. He grabbed the handle of the cart, dragging it behind him. He had to walk through another storage room to get to the console room. Looking around made him smile to himself. This room was filled with memories. Things he'd kept of his companions, or from his with journeys them. He was so busy looking around that he couldn't see the shackles laying on the ground in front of him. Swearing he grabbed hold of a table next to him, dragging it down along with him.
He got up, and looked at the mess he'd made. A lot of Amy's old stuff was lying around his feet. Including her round glasses. How did they end up here? He recovered them from the ground, making sure they were whole. Oh Amy. He missed her so much. He'd tried not thinking of her. Thinking that there was nothing he could do. In the end he'd made her lose faith in him. Which was a good thing. At least she'd known that her Raggedy Doctor couldn't be in her life forever. But it still hurt that she'd chosen to go with Rory, but at least she'd be happy with him. He grabbed the cart again and started walking towards the console, putting the glasses in his inner pocket.
He realized that he was being selfish for thinking this way. But what else could he do? He had to move on from his companions, he had to go on alone. Always alone. The last of his kind. His stomach grumbled and he realized he hadn't eaten in almost two days. He left the cart next to the console and walked quickly out of the TARDIS. He could've gotten something to eat in his own kitchen but why not take a break and look around some more in the hotel? He opened his hotelroom door, walking straight into Elena, making them both fall to the floor.
"Oh dear, I'm so sorry I should've watched where I was going I.." He was laying on top of her, their faces almost touching. He pushed himself off of her and steadied himself before offering his hand to help her up. "I was.. going to grab something to eat before I continue with the repairs.."
Bigger on the inside || Elena and the Doctor
Her first few days in London had been fairly interesting, meeting new people with stories as weird as her; some even weirder. For once, Elena Gilbert almost felt accepted. Sure, it wasn’t as homely in England’s capital as it was in Elena’s home town of Mystic Falls, but that was the way it was always going to be. And she missed her younger brother, Jeremy. But still, it was a lot of fun in London. 
Since her arrival, she’d had one brief meeting with one particular man that intrigued her. She’d seen him only once before, only for a few seconds. But she could remember the whirring of his strange blue box and later asking her friend Caroline about him. Caroline just kept silent. Elena still spent sometime thinking about that, despite lot’s of things changing. Why had his box disappeared? Who was he? Why didn’t Caroline want to speak about him?
But now, Elena was living off only a few hours sleep after the person in the room next to her spent the whole night being loud and clunking around. She could hardly function with how tired she was. Every time it stayed silent for a few minutes, Elena had convinced himself maybe the person had gone to sleep, maybe she could sleep… but it didn’t stop. And Elena was going to confront her newly found neighbour.
After throwing on her old hoodie and some jeans, and throwing her hair up in a messy ponytail, Elena left her room and walked to next door. Confronting people had never been something Elena enjoyed doing, but seeing as she was mad and functioning with only a couple of hours sleep, it seemed like a good idea. After a deep breath, Elena went to knock on the door, but who ever was inside beat her to it…
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From what i've heard, you do stupid things all the time. And i'm sorry but I can't let you do that.
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I'm so bored.
I might be tempted to do something stupid.
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He kept holding her hand, looking straight into her eyes. He wanted to savor this moment, he didn't know when she'd meet her again. "It's very lovely to meet you too." He smiled licking his lips. "But i'm no hero, i've killed people, whole civilizations really. So it can't just be heroes that have been sent here." He let go of her hands, looking away slightly. He wanted to know how she responded to that. If she could handle the truth about him.
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"But I was brought here for a reason, and I will find out what happened. Why this is happening.." He started to walk away from her but changed his mind at the last second. Turning back to her he gave her a heart-warming smile. "I'll see you around crazy vampire girl!" Then he headed off into the tall hotel building.
New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
She smiled warmly and shook his hand back gently. “It’s lovely to meet you Doctor.” She relaxed slightly when his hands took hold of one of hers, her eyes shining warmly into his. “It’s the apocalypse and they are trying to bring in all the heroes to stop it.” She told him, not looking worried at all. If anything, she found this to be a bit exciting.
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"Which one? I don't even.. I forgot to check, what year is this? And i've met Gods, they don't scare me. So no one really knows what's happened, but a bunch of people have ganged up to find out. Good, that's good. Co-operation is the way to go!"
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"I guess if everything is under control then I guess it wont hurt socializing.. Well I have a lot of stories.. I'm an alien, yes a real live alien, two hearts and everything! I'm from a planet called Gallifrey and I travel around in my box. Well it's not actually a box, she just looks like that my good old TARDIS. It's a space-ship.. And a time-machine. I travel around the universe and I do stuff."
New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
"No aliens since the New York invasion, as far as I know, but it seems you might be the one to tell me if it is or not. From what I gather from the angel on my shoulder, it’s something big. Bigger than God, if you believe that kind of thing. There’s a bunch of us here, so we’re treating the hotel as a base of operations. The hotel’s owner is a friend of mine, and a teammate."
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"Whatever it is, we’ll be ready for it. In the meantime, what’s your story? Everyone here’s got one."
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Smiling at her, he quipped: "I knew it. Of course you are. Being a vampire and everything." He turned away from her, making sure the TARDIS had been locked thoroughly and in the process she couldn't see him wincing at the thought of Gallifrey.
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"Oh I'm from around. Leadworth actually, anyway, do you happen to know if there's anyone who could've sent me this distress call?" Looking up at the big building next to the TARDIS he scratched his head. "Hmm.. London looks like a big mess, but this tall building is still standing. Stark hotel? Maybe that's where I got the distress call from?" Turning back towards her he looked at her confused face, giving her a big goofy smile. "Let's go for a little chat with this 'Stark person' shall we?"
New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
"Thank you, Doctor." She replied, smiling. It wasn’t until a few moments later it hit here that "Doctor" wasn’t a name as much as it was a profession, but she chose to ignore that fact and focus more on the odd instrument he held in his hand, scanning the surrounding area. What was it? She’d never seen anything like it before. "What’s that?" She asked, tilting her head and frowning.
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"And no, I’m from Mystic Falls, Virginia. And you… where are you from?" Sure, he looked and sounded British, but something… something about him seemed almost foreign. He had a sort of vibe she’d never felt before, happy, bubbly, exciting yet lonely, mysterious, almost sad-like. 
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"No? Oh well..." He looked at her for a few seconds. She was a very beautiful girl, big brown doe eyes, long dark brown hair framing her face. He smiled at her when she extended her hand. "Pretty name, Elena. I'm The Doctor. Pleasure to meet you." He shook her hand and then took out his sonic screwdriver scanning the area for any dangers. He stopped, pointing the device at her. "You're not from around here are you?" He licked his lips,  putting his screwdriver back in it's pocket.
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New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
"Distressed call?" Elena asked, frowning at the strange man in front of her. "I’m not in distress." She stood for a moment, staring at the big blue box that the man had just walked out of, then looked back to him and held her hand out. "Elena Gilbert."
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Looking around The Doctor saw a brunette girl standing next to the TARDIS, staring at him. "Uhm... Hello. I got a distress call, are you the one who sent it?"
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New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
Elena stopped, glaring at the man whose box seemed to just appear in front of her. She shook her head, frowning. “And I thought my day couldn’t get any weirder…” She mumbled, almost certain she was going insane.
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"Clint... Hawkeye.. Where have I heard that before?" He stared at the man, deep in thought. "Anyway. No I got no call, which is odd because I have a telephone box. The only thing I got was a distress call. What is going on around here? What happened to London? Is it Aliens? Again?!"
New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
"Clint Barton, Hawkeye." Clint just smirks at the little device and the whirring sound. "I’m assuming you got the call like the rest of us?"
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Oh that's alright! I do that all the time. I'm The Doctor. And you are?
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I know I once said that I wanted to visit London, but… - 
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It’s an odd place to just turn up in overnight.
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"I'm The Doctor." He takes her hand in his, shaking it in a friendly way. He then goes very serious, taking her hand in both of his, looking into her eyes. "And well.. I do need your help.. Can you tell me what happened here? Why I got a distress signal calling me here?" He then smiles at her, trying to conceal his concern.
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New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
"Well I’m always handy if you need any help." She chirped, twirling a piece of blonde hair around her finger. "Forbes. Caroline Forbes. And you are?" She asked, ignoring the pain that she even had to ask this question.
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He doesn't have time to assess the situation before a blonde girl stands in front of him. Wait. Not just a blonde girl. Caroline. Ever since she'd compelled him to forget about her and Mystic Falls, the TARDIS had slowly been drawing the compulsion away from his mind, a little everyday, until the compulsion had worn off completely. The memories had crashed onto him, leaving him shocked. He decides to not tell her he remembers just to see what happens. "Yeah i'm always a bit lost. Thank you, miss?"
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New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
[Caroline was walking through the deserted London streets, back to the Stark hotel when she heard that familiar wheezing and groaning sound. No, no, it couldn’t be. She scurried faster to the source of the noise and a few seconds later she arrives outside of the Stark Hotel, her eyes resting firstly on the TARDIS and secondly on the head that soon popped out.
Her worst fear was confirmed.
Her doctor was here -
and he had no idea that she even existed.
Clearing her thoughts, Caroline was quick to act and soon she was walking over to the TARDIS, a bounce in her step.] “Hey there, welcome to London! You look lost. Need any help?” She rambled softly, her tongue sweeping along her lower tier, a trait that showed how nervous she was.
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"Oh, hello. Uh, sorry no bags. Only a screwdriver!"
He smiles at the man and sonics him. "I'm The Doctor, you are?"
New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
{ Clint found himself sitting on one of the upper-floor balconies doing what he does best: keeping an eye out for strange things. Nothing much stranger than a random blue box thing appearing out of nowhere, right? He made his way down using the balconies below as a step ladder until he landed in front of the main entrance. Plastering his biggest smile on his dumb face, he walked up to the man that had emerged from the box }
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Welcome to the Stark Hotel, London. Can I take your bags, sir?
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New beginnings, new endings. I hate endings.
*The TARDIS whirs and lands outside the Stark hotel, a few seconds after the Doctor's head pops out of the doors, the sonic screwdriver ready in his hand* "What is going on.."
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