thelordice · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
742K notes · View notes
thelordice · 2 years
Oh yeah I had a birthday recently. Better increment the counter in the description.
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thelordice · 2 years
Out of Touch
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thelordice · 2 years
"Yer a Jedi, Mare."
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Stargate Atlantis “The Tao of Rodney”
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thelordice · 2 years
Among the ranks of the knights you are considered unstoppable. Unbeatable. The greatest warrior to have ever lived. Your secret is that you a unique weapon, one forged to send hails of burning lead at your foes… its a shotgun. You carry a shotgun.
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thelordice · 2 years
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Star Trek: The Next Generation S01E24 || Conspiracy
Robert Schenkkan as Lieutenant commander Dexter Remmick
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thelordice · 2 years
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thelordice · 2 years
i don't care about birds that mate for life. let's hear about the birds that get divorced.
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thelordice · 2 years
I didn't know I needed this but I got my first one on the second attempt. This gon' be fun.
I feel like it is my duty to inform you all of bonkle, the Bionicle wordle. I found it yesterday during a particularly slow point at work by complete accident and now I'm here to infect you all with it too. Whether this makes me noble, a sicko, or both, I know not, and I care little.
Bionicle brain puzzle.
Iss good.
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thelordice · 2 years
This was literally me before I stumbled across the 17th Shard youtube. And a “little” bit of tapping the Coppermind.
They’re probably out there but imagine being a cosmere fan and literally only reading the books. Like no spoiler streams, no wob readings, no Twitter reveal knowledge what a sad existence.
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thelordice · 2 years
anonymously make an assumption about me and i'll confirm/deny it
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thelordice · 2 years
The particular friend I’m reblogging this for doesn’t have a Tumblr, but Teilyn’s been doing some fabulous work with screenshots of ships in STO. Here’s to you, sister.
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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thelordice · 2 years
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thelordice · 2 years
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thelordice · 2 years
Headcanon that Toa who have formed Kaita will occasionally experience an accidental psychic bond in situations where they’re particularly well focused on the same goal, or are just thinking strongly along the same lines. It’s not as strong or obvious as a full mind-link like Gali and Takanuva can do, but it has its uses. It’s little things like being able to adapt instantly to each others’ unspoken plans in battle when there’s no reasonable way they should know what was going on. Perhaps even in casual conversation, three Toa will suddenly start speaking the same sentences in perfect unison in a way that doesn’t entirely sound like themselves. The usual reaction is a collective “wait, what?” followed by snapping out of it, laughter and comments along the lines of “Oh, hello, Akamai, haven’t heard from you in a while.” Some are understandably weirded out by the experience, though.
I expect it would happen fairly infrequently to the Toa Nuva since all their personalities are so different from their Kaita-mates- but there are probably some teams out there that have Toa who can spend days in that state, much to the annoyance of anyone trying to hold a conversation with them.
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thelordice · 2 years
Sneezing is canon in the Bionicle universe, but what actually happens when a Toa sneezes? Headcanons!
Assuming a Toa briefly loses voluntary control of their element and in no particular order…
Ta-Toa- Emit a brief gout of flame in all directions, lightly scorching anything in a five foot radius. Paper and other dry substances are usually destroyed.
Ko-Toa- Anything in the immediate vicinity becomes covered with a sheet of ice. Further objects or persons are lightly frosted.
Le-Toa- Every person and object nearby is thrown flat by a sudden, powerful gust of wind. A sneezing Le-Toa is frequently blown in the opposite direction of the sneeze or directly upward.
Po-Toa- Pea gravel sprays everywhere. Po-Toa sneezes are considered lucky because they occasionally produce semiprecious stones or, rarely, tiny uncut jewels.
Ga-Toa- Easily the least desirable sort of sneeze. Cold water explodes in every direction from the Ga-Toa. Stronger sneezes can soak a large room and everyone in it.
Onu-Toa- Everything and everyone becomes covered in a fine layer of dust, usually causing everyone else to sneeze!
Bo-Toa- All nearby flowers bloom and any plant in the vicinity doubles in size. Annoying for potted plant enthusiasts.
Av-Toa- Emit a sudden, blinding flash. Known to instill temporary blindness if one does not close their eyes fast enough.
Ba-Toa- People and objects are alternately freed from gravity or slammed to the ground. Especially devastating if the Toa sneezes multiple times in a row.
Ce-Toa- Everyone nearby gets a headache (or migraine for particularly powerful sneezes). On occasion a nearby person will suddenly be gifted with a random, often embarrassing, memory from other nearby persons.
Fa-Toa- I hope you like your silverware set, because it’s going to be sticking to you for awhile. Along with anything else metal nearby. Agori are unaffected, but everyone should be careful to secure sharp objects when around these toa.
Fe-Toa- All non-living metal objects risk instant reconstitution into new and interesting shapes. A sick Fe-Toa can reduce a scrapyard to a museum of modern sculpture in three sneezes or less.
De-Toa- Every De-Toa gives off a telltale but unique monotone upon sneezing. A group of sneezing De-Toa could make for an interesting musical group.
Su-Toa- Stay well away from a sneezing Su-Toa unless you’d like your armor converted to plasma. More experienced Su-Toa tend to direct blasts upward to minimize collateral damage.
Vo-Toa- All nearby persons and objects can enjoy a shock somewhere between static and taser. Electronics never work the same again, or at all, after a good Vo sneeze.
Shadow-Toa- Everything nearby is temporarily covered by pitch darkness. Shadow sneezes generally result in bruised shins from everyone tripping on the furniture while stumbling around in the dark.
Got other ideas? I’d love to hear them!
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thelordice · 2 years
I also find it incredibly iconic of Takanuva to show up tall, buff and with a gigantic laser spear.
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