thelostdonquixote · 10 years
So I might have used some devil-ish powers and dragged someone to make a blog for Sengoku’s goat, so everyone follow’s and spams with asks BC MAN IT’S SENGOKU’S GOAT.
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
To all the Law's
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
        It started being a mere to avoid that he had to beat the crap outta some idiot at the highschool -because his brother wearing a messy attire would attract the wrong kind of attention and he would end up breaking someone’s nose again- but in the end it became some sort of ritual.
Every morning, before going to class, Rocinante would wait for him at the hall, in front of a huge mirror, and Doflamingo would check up his attire, more often than not fixing many things that a grown man should know how to wear properly. Corazón was still a fucking mess when it came to getting dressed but Doflamingo had grown so used to it that he did that check up automatically.
That day Rocinante started the classes, his first year of university while Doflamingo started his third and probably last year.
His nimble fingers undid the knot in the tie of his brother’s suit. He absentmindely wondered how he didn’t choke because of the tightness, but after such a long time he learnt not to question those things. It was a miracle that Rocinante was still alive being that clumsy. After fixing the tie and putting the books Roci forgot on his bag he spoke.
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— ❝ It’s your first day, so yeah, you know what to do. Pay attention, don’t be a dick and try not to spaz too hard and die, ok? If someone is mean to you you know where to find me.❞ 
                An affectionate pat on his brother’s shoulder followed his words.
— ❝ Now let’s go before we get stuck in the rush hour.❞ 
It wasn't that Rocinante needed his brothers assistance getting dressed, sure there was the occasional time when he'd put the wrong shoe on end up with odd shoes, or maybe the random times when he'd button up his shirt awkwardly and end up having one side longer than the other...
Okay so maybe he was a train wreck, sue him. 
It was nice to have him there, still taking care of him even after all this time, really for all his elder brothers issues... and boy did Roci see a lot of them, he didnt know what he'd do should Doffy stop taking care of him, he'd probably cease to function. 
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A nod of confirmation was the response he gave to his elder brother, coupled with a small grin of thanks as he picked up his bag and hoisted it over his shoulder, barely missing knocking the hall mirror off the wall. 
Today would be fine... it was only a few hours of classes... how badly could he really mess up? 
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
Urge to kick was rising, this thing obviously either didnt know who he was, or had found out who he was and was trying to get on his good side to later hurt him or Doflamingo either way... neither of them were going to work. 
Cora had exactly zero idea as to what this thing was, would poison even hurt it if they were poisoned.
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Was he going to accept food from the strangest fucking creature he'd ever laid eyes on? No. No he was not, and the more it pushed, the more the urge to kick rose.  
Red took a cookie and quickly ate it “See, if they were poison I wouldn’t be so dumb as to eat one. I’m just trying to be friendly and nice.” She muttered offering the container to him again “I know I look sorta weird, but I’m actually nice.”
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
mamatrafalgar started following you
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It took him a moment to notice the woman trailing behind him, light hair, blotchy skin... possibly a resident of Flevance but... hadn't they all perished?
Well wouldn't Law be super cheerful about one of his homelands occupants surviving! he'd probably have to find the sprog first to tell him of course....
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Turning on his heel to face the shorter woman, Corazon wordlessly offered a smile in greeting to show her that she'd been noticed, and that he wasn't angry about it, he didnt feel any animosity towards him... 
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
littleredmarill replied to your post:"Hello, mister. Would you like a cookie?" Red asked offering him a container of chocolate chip cookies
"Don’t worry, they’re not poison."
A sceptical hum escaped him, because oh yes that was so reassuring, how did it even know his reasoning for not responding? Or had it just assumed. 
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How was it even talking? He was having the strangest urge just to punt it through the nearest window. 
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
"Hello, mister. Would you like a cookie?" Red asked offering him a container of chocolate chip cookies
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Cora didnt answer, he didnt even hum, simply staring at the thing with something akin to confusion on his face, the fuck was this thing? Was it a mutated zoan? Or some crazy new pirate crew trend…? 
Only thing he knew, was that he most definitely would not be accepting food from this thing. 
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
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A nod and an amused hum escaped the youngest Donquixote, now that he'd gotten a good look at this boy, he sort of remembered him, such a tiny little thing... how had he grown so big... Dellinger hadn't received any of Cora's beatings before, mainly due to him being a baby, not a child... it was children Corazon didnt like, Babies... well they weren't something he'd necessarily attack. 
It seemed like he'd skipped right over the opportunity to kick him through a window, dammit.
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Calmly stepping to the sink, he ran a clean glass under the tap for a moment, filling it to the brim before offering it to the teen, taking a guess that he was here for the same reason Cora had trekked down in the middle of the night.
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
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コラさんつめ! | 六 [pixiv]
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
He'd been 'back' for a day now, everyone had been super awkward around him, and everyone had been super older than him. Much more than normal too, Doffy's hair was different now, Lao G was older if that was even possible, since when did pirates reach the age of 70 outside of Yonko Status?
It was weird, he knew they felt weird around him, but honestly he couldn't have been gone for that long could he? And where had he even been? Why couldn't he remember something as simple as where he'd gotten off too? surely he wasn't that forgetful, and if he was... maybe it was time he actually try and fix that. 
A disappointed huff left his throat upon the teens shouting, a finger coming up to his lips just to say 'shhh' as it was very late, and nobody needed waking up at this time. 
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The teenager seemed spooked though, yelling about ghosts? ghost? where was a ghost? No just him in that kitchen! And as such, a small smile grew on the taller mans face as he shook his head, no evil ghosts here~
{♜}— Thirst is what drove the young boy out of bed during the stormy night, sending him barefoot down the darkening hallways, a bright flash of light illuminating the hallways briefly before the fell back into the gloom they offered. Nights like these were one’s Dellinger enjoyed most, the constant drumming of the rain on windows and bright flashes of light that illuminated the sky, sending it arching through the rolling thunder. Making his footsteps on the tiled floor almost nonexistent which helped him when a shadow fell across the floor that led to the kitchen. 
The size and height seemed to be consistent with Young Master’s but… why would he be out so late? He rarely saw him up as late as this unless he had a similar problem as the young boy. So… he padded into the kitchen with bleary eyes, a fist rubbing at his eyes as the new found light the kitchen provided. But this was not young master he saw, the familiar pink glasses, blond haired, and towering height that’d brought him in. No, this man seemed quite similar though he’d seen this one only once in a family album under Young Master’s bed. 
His face blanched and he felt his feet driving him backwards out of pure instinct. He was supposed to be dead, not standing in the kitchen in front of him! "G-ghost… oh.. Y-young Master." Slowly, Dellinger’s voice rose, surely he’d help him, he’d be able to handle a dead person in their house right? "Young Master!" 
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
Corazon knew that his brother liked the kids, sure he didnt much like them and he made that clear but Doflamingo... Doflamingo liked them. He seemed to tolerate them a lot more than he did anyone else, hell if he wasn't so batshit insane, he'd probably make a good parent. 
Cora? Not so much.
He couldn't handle kids, they took one look at him and saw 'easy pickings', but did he really want to rat them out? Yes, yes he did, favourite pair of shoes, now covered in blood which would of course never come out, little fuckers, and now every step hurt, it'd probably scar... it'd taken half an hour to get all of them out of his feet. 
But then... would Doflamingo actually enjoy punishing his gaggle of sprogs for it? Cora was the one who chased them away, he was often the reason they ran off crying, Doflamingo... Doflamingo was the reason they tried joining, in Cora's point of view anyway... they liked him, and he liked them.
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"... The children" Okay, so it was a little embarrassing, he was a grown man being taken for a ride by a group of 7 - 10 year old's and now he was snitching... but hurting them severely meant upsetting his big brother so they got off easy with the occasional kick or a half-hearted throw through a window, nothing they couldn't handle, it was better than the alternative... "I don't know which ones exactly... but it was like they were waiting for it" he did know, of course he knew... it was always those two... but Doflamingo liked Baby 5... telling him it was her was probably similar to signing her death certificate... 
He didnt want his brother to have to do that just because he couldn't punish them himself. 
       Brows drew together, eyes narrowing and jaw setting at that. Corazón only spoke to him, and only when they were alone, and that he decided to say that as first words definitely annoyed him.
He knew his brother was clumsy and seemed stupid most of the time, but it was his brother nonetheless, and just for that fact everyone should pay him respect.
One thing was to laugh whenever he tripped- something Doflamingo was slowly getting tired of- but other was purposely trying to hurt him. When he spoke, he didn’t even try to hide the annoyance in his voice.
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— ❝ Who are ‘they’? Tell me their names, Cora.❞ 
                He couldn’t protect Corazón from everything, but he could definitely make sure no one in his crew disrespected his brother ever again.
                              Whoever did that was going to be punished.
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
A satisfied hum escaped him as he buried his overgrown self into his even larger brothers arms, to him... this was where he was safe, safe from ridicule, safe from the other crew members picking at him, safe from himself, his brother was safety, and warm. 
It'd been just the two of them for a while before Vergo had joined them, before pirate crews had been formed, Doffy had been his source of warmth on the streets quite a few times in the past, lurking around trash heaps, sleeping on broken sofas thrown in the garbage dumps.
Things were different now sure, but it was still comforting to know he could still have this. 
The best thing about his cooperation, meant for sure that there was nobody around, nobody to see it, even Pica wasn't around, wasn't hiding in the walls, his crew probably wouldn't think of him the same if they saw him cuddling his little brother, maybe they'd question his ferocity, either way... 
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"...They put tacks in my shoes..." His voice was croaky, quiet, spoken into his brothers shirt. Only Doflamingo heard him talk... only when they were alone, he hadn't spoken to anyone else in years. It'd gotten to a point where people just assumed he couldn't. 
          Doflamingo had known that it had to be that, as he also knew that if he kept procrastinating it next time it would’t be a five minutes thing, and Corazón tended to have a rather terrible timing to ask for those things.
Now Doflamingo had practically nothing better to do. Turning to face him and wrapping an arm around the younger he refrained himself from huffing.In all honesty he didn’t mind that, as long as it was something no one else would know about. Clumsy or not Corazón was his brother, and Doflamingo always felt responsible and protective of him. To an extent.
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— ❝ Happy?❞ 
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
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Corazon By Arin-ya on deviantART
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
PSA concerning my muse.
My Cora... cant use sign language. This isn't due to me not knowing it, because I do know a little due to one of our regular customers at work being deaf, this is due to the fact that the first book on sign language was published in 1620, just 30 years before the Golden Age of Piracy began in 1650.
Given the time period in which Cora was alive, that book would have only just been published. Now we all know, that Cora has the concentration span of a squirrel, and that nobody but Doflamingo actually likes him, and we don't even know if Doflamingo does.
Even if Cora sat down to learn sign language, and actually got through the newly published book without incident, it'd be a useless skill, nobody would want to learn it with him to communicate with him, and thus he'd have zero motivation to learn it. 
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
A frustrated huff escaped him at the knowledge that she wasn't going to help him, shoulders drooping in resignation, so far nobody had really explained what'd happened to the time, nobody had sat him down to give him any news, nobody had given him any hints, clues... just surprised stares upon seeing him, cryptic answers and instructions to go ask his big brother. But would his big brother tell him? Nobody else seemed to want too, what'd happened that could be so bad that nobody wanted to tell him? 
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Wait... Doffy was mad at Sugar? Since when did that happen? What could she have done to anger his big brother? So many questions, so little ability to ask.
He had tried learning sign language to put his point across sure, but the few books on it were long, and tiresome, and nobody else really wanted to learn it with him because nobody really liked him... so there was no point to it was there... maybe now it'd be different? Would people know sign language more now?
Maybe he could learn it if that was the case...
But Sugar smashed his hopes as she shook her head. “I’m not gonna tell you either. You should go ask Doffy. He would be mad at me if I screwed up something else yet again.” he was probably still mad at her for the thing that happened with that damned long nose.
So he hadn’t known. Huh. Did that mean that she was meeting a Cora out of the past or something? Maybe there was a devil fruit user at work. Really nowdays you coudl explain anything with devil fruits because for everything there was one.
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
He supposed he was a little hungry... when was the last time he'd had something to eat?? Well to his mind felt like earlier on maybe but his body disagreed, his body outright protested that idea... 
How long was it since he'd had food... surely it couldn't be that long, he was forgetful sure but he wouldn't forget to eat, one of the crew would have brought him something wouldn't they? even if it were the kids trying to play pranks on him, they'd still have brought him something had he forgotten again right? 
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An affirmative 'mmm-mm' was the reply he gave to his elder brother, nodding into the elders hands. maybe Doflamingo would tell him what was going on over food...
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Eyeing his brother—how the hell was he even alive again?—he posed a question. "Are you hungry, Cora? I suppose can fix you something seeing as the cooks have already retired for the day. Fufufu."
Having actual physical contact with his brother after so long felt weird, but also natural to some extent—like riding a horse. Once you learned, you never forgot. His fingers trailed up, past the hood to brush along the strands of hair that fell against his brother’s cheeks. Compared to now, they were much longer than his own and he hadn’t seemed to have aged even a day.
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thelostdonquixote · 10 years
A tilt of a head and a questioning hum was her answer, hype? About him? No he hadn't heard... Well maybe it had something to do with the sudden change in everyone's ages... had he been somewhere? 
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Was that why everyone was older now? Surely hype about him had to mean he'd been somewhere right? Maybe Sugar would tell him what'd happened... 
And what a surprise not really he stayed silent. Everyone in the family was used to it so she didn’t even comment on it. Seeing the urge in his body language to kick her she stayed calm. It was something that happaned daily with Cora not liking children and her childlike body.
"There is a lot hype about you recently did you know?" he probably did. Sugar didn’t tell him anything new but why not ask him?
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