theloveletters · 6 years
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She’s doing a great job
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theloveletters · 6 years
I can’t believe Spider-Man defeated not one but TWO Disney films and grabbed the Golden Globe
Oh my goodness I’m so happy *ugly sobbing*
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theloveletters · 6 years
yea i be knowin about art i kno about paula picaso henry maltese all dem dudes
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theloveletters · 6 years
nbc: okay now that you’re on our network you can do beeps and blurs but don’t feel like you have to we don’t want to make any big changes to the show
b99, on their season premiere: 
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theloveletters · 6 years
I was hanging around at my boyfriend’s place (in hindsight he was probably Satan) and we were just chilling, doing normal things, when a long, sleek, black car pulled up outside of his house. My boyfriend, suddenly very nervous and twitchy, told me to go and hide in the closet. When I asked him what was up, he just told me it was a “work associate” so I went and did as he said. I peeked a little bit out of the closet to see who this person was. I wanted to see who could possibly get my boyfriend, the actual Devil, to tremble in fear. And lo and behold, it was Ted Cruz.
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theloveletters · 7 years
I’m the one that’s constantly changing it’s position
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theloveletters · 7 years
whats that one fetish called where you and your partner mutually respect and care about each other very much
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theloveletters · 7 years
Self worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don’t feel good about you, it’s hard to feel good about anything else.
Mandy Hale
(via words-of-emotion)
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theloveletters · 7 years
I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.
Warsan Shire (via wordsnquotes)
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theloveletters · 7 years
If you really want to live your life to the fullest and realize your greatest potential, you must be willing to run the risk of making some people mad. People may not like what you do, people may not like how you do it, but these people are not living your life. You are!
Iyanla Vanzant (via wordsnquotes)
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theloveletters · 7 years
Let’s promise each other something: because darling, oh darling. I know you want to press pause on the movie that is your life, because I do, I do. And I know you sometimes get so tired of carrying the weight of the world on those slim shoulders. I know you look into the mirror and see plain features and feel roaring waves of inadequacy, I know, I know. I know you’ve got a little voice whispering inside of you you’ll never be good enough. I know you try to protect yourself, to shield yourself to not care because you fear the heartbreak that comes with caring to much but doing this makes you put yourself on the sidelines, makes people stop inviting you and I know, God, I know how much this hurts. So let’s promise each other something: whenever this happens, this little voice trying so hard to protect us and only winding up hurting us: let’s promise each other to cry a little, to cry a lot. To take a shower, to listen to music and really, truly listen, think about nothing else. To write about wanting to give up but to keep on going, to eat something healthy too, even if we eat up a whole pack of potato chips or chocolate cookies, to grant ourselves this small reprieve instead of hating ourselves afterwards for the way we can pinch our belly between skinny fingers. Listen to me, please, let’s promise each other to take a walk, to walk past a bridge or a body of water, to admire the darkness but remember the coldness and to keep on going. Remember that stranger that smiled, the one that helped you reach a high shelve, that picked up some change and gave it back, to remember the bus driver that waited on that busy intersection to let you get on, to remember all those little kindnesses from strangers you’ll never forget and to remember that we, too, have got so many little kindnesses to give and that there must be a stranger out there somewhere that remembers these plain features, these brown eyes and not so white teeth. Let’s promise each other, that, please, please, but let’s also promise each other to sometimes let go and cry and to look after ourselves. Let’s remember that being kind and nice and good does not mean letting people walk over ourselves. And let’s define ourselves: if we like to be alone, sometimes, if we like to close the curtains against the world and drown in music and song, why be jealous of that one friend that is always talking to someone if the mere idea of holding more than three conversations is exhausting. If you love that girl everyone else seems to find annoying, hold steady to it, say “I like her and I like you and is there a problem?” because nothing will feel worse, and of this I am so absolutely certain, nothing will feel worse than betraying yourself. Darling please, let’s promise each other, that on those lowest moments, on those darkest nights, when we feel like no one will love us ever, we’ll think of our achievements, even if they were something that feels so small and insignificant, like eating one cookie less or getting out of bed, if we were proud of them they matter and so do we. So do we. And let’s promise each other we’ll think of our families, or about the friends we’ve had and that even though it always felt like we were the second choice, we were a choice, so they wanted us in their lives. Let’s think of the stranger we once helped, and think that maybe they remember us. Let’s think of the things that we love, and let’s think about the fact that the CO2 we expel from our lungs feed plants and bacteria and that we matter. That we have done some good in this world and that hopefully we’ll be able to do some more. That everything will be all right someday as long as we keep going. Darling, let’s promise each other, that though we are strangers that may have never met, I’ll love you and you’ll love me, and we’ll think about each other sometimes, because we understand each other so perfectly, because I know that voice in your head as well as you know the ache in my bones and the tiredness of my eyelids, and we’ll keep on existing and breathing and loving and not giving up no matter how many times our heart breaks because we know they are not alone in breaking and so maybe, just maybe, they will not be alone in healing either because we will have each other to think of, to remember and to smile through the tears together.
shamelesslyradiant  (via wordsnquotes)
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theloveletters · 7 years
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theloveletters · 7 years
Whatever you may be missing right now - a person, a place, a feeling, maybe you are injured and missing running - whatever it is, have peace and take heart - remember that any goodbye makes room for a hello.
Kristin Armstrong (via thequotejournals)
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theloveletters · 7 years
If you ever ask me how many times you’ve crossed my mind, I would say once. Because you came, and never left.
Ritu Ghatourey (via thequotejournals)
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theloveletters · 8 years
How he treats you is how he feels about you
(via igxbaddies)
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theloveletters · 8 years
People tell you all these romantic things. You know, ‘I’ll always be there for you.’ ‘I’ll walk the earth for you.’ Whatever. But then you need a ride home from work or someone to talk to on a Tuesday night and they’re too busy. I don’t want anyone to walk the earth for me. Not unless I can come too.
MIKEL JOLLETT (via thegoodvybe)
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theloveletters · 8 years
Memories stay, people go.
Akmal Karim (via bled)
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