thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
"What am I supposed to do now? I don't know how to-- h-how to..." she covered her mouth and began to sob. Megan was afraid that she would have to spend the rest of her life alone. She was afraid of trying to figure things out by herself.
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"No it’s not, you didn’t chose this. They made you do it.” He said shaking his head in anger.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
"I know," she said quietly as she listened to him panic. The tears in her eyes formed as she watched him, "Nate, it's okay."
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"What?!" he questioned, a mix of confusion and anger flowing within him. "No! You.. you were supposed to have a human life. One where you meet a nice guy and marry him and have to wake up to him every morning and have kids and watch them grow up. Then once you’re old you were supposed to sit on a porch and watch your grandkids play."
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
"They turned me," she bit her lower lip and looked down. Megan was undead. She was a vampire now and this was the first time admitting it to herself outloud. "I'm...I'm a vampire, Nate."
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Nate stopped in his tracks as he heard two words simply flow out of her mouth. A confused look shot across his face. “You’re sorry?” he questioned, “For what? I should be the one that’s sorry. I should have found you earlier but I failed you.”
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
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Megan pushed her face into the crook of his neck and closed her eyes. She was finally safe and she knew that he was her home. Wherever Nate was, she wanted to be and she couldn't believe it took her that long to figure it all out. "I'm sorry," she whispered.
Nate lifted the blonde up bridal style, for the past weeks he’d dreamt of finding her and saving her from the terror that she must have been living but he’d failed her for so long and the thought only angered him. “I don’t intend on it.. ever.” he whispered as he used his super speed to rush through the woods.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
Megan nodded and held onto him tightly. None of this felt real. For several nights, she dreamed of him holding her, but it just didn't feel real. Now it was real and she wasn't going to let go. "Please don't....don't let me go."
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Nate wrapped his arms around the girl as she cried into his shoulder, he held her closely to him as if he let go she’d be taken away from him again. “Let’s get you home.” he whispered as he kissed the top of her head.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
Megan heard nothing. She just sat there, frigid and cold. She was a different person now and wasn't sure on how to handle it. The simple touch to her cheek was what brought her out of her trance and she looked up into the familiar blue eyes that had brought her hope. It was Nate and he had come to save her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. That's when everything settled and the emotions spilled. Megan sobbed into his shoulder, not caring if anyone heard.
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"Megan?!" Nate yelled as he ran through the woods, he could spot the blonde a mile away. In a matter of seconds he had been a few inches from her, his blue eyes couldn’t believe she’d been standing right there; it had been as if his eyes were playing a dirty trick on him. A single hand stroked  at her cheek gently, he had to make sure she was really there and not some hallucination.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
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I found out about Landon being back in town and your little fling or whatever you two did.
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Anyway, besides that, the more I thought about it, the more I realized whatever is going on between us, needs to stop. A vampire and human relationship usually don’t work out.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
What's gotten into you?
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Was it obvious?
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
Ouch. Giving me the cold shoulder?
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You’ll survive.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
Megan Smith. I've lived here my whole life.
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But it's good to see your new face.
Oh that’s good to know. So who are you? I’ve never seen you here before?
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
I'm taking offense to that.
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This lady just scolded me for telling her daughter to shut up, but the thing is that I asked nicely and she kept singing that annoying Disney song about snow.
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Pesky little humans these days.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
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I can definitely help.
" Can someone help me with my english essay?"
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
Thank you, Landon.
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Glad to hear that.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
Truthfully, I don't have any surprises.
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I'm sorry.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
Oh but I did. First off,
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You really didn’t have to.
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thelovelymegansmith · 10 years
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