thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃寣> [She laid her head on Lux's shoulder.]
馃寣> "We're in the middle of space, hence the spacing out comment."
[She tried to explain the joke.]
馃寣>[She's wondering around an asteroid belt. She's staring at the belt very tentatively, but also very bitterly. She sits atop on of the nonmoving rocks.]
[Check up on her?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃寣> "Nothing interesting.. Just kind of spacing out if you get what I mean!"
馃寣> [She kinda laughs at her own joke. God shes a loser/pos]
馃寣>[She's wondering around an asteroid belt. She's staring at the belt very tentatively, but also very bitterly. She sits atop on of the nonmoving rocks.]
[Check up on her?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃寣>[She looks up at Lux. There's crystal-clear tears running down her cheeks. She tries to wipe the tears from her eyes.]
馃寣> "Oh.. Hello, Lux. What're you doin' here?"
馃寣>[She's wondering around an asteroid belt. She's staring at the belt very tentatively, but also very bitterly. She sits atop on of the nonmoving rocks.]
[Check up on her?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃寣>[She's wondering around an asteroid belt. She's staring at the belt very tentatively, but also very bitterly. She sits atop on of the nonmoving rocks.]
[Check up on her?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
Lyra of Elysium
Any [She/Her pref]
"Savior" of Worlds
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> "Would you mind if I care here to make sure you're okay?"
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> "That's fine. I can come to you."
馃殐> [She smiles at them.]
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> [Her smile also fades. Her expression becomes worried.]
馃殐> "You shouldn't have to take care of yourself. You look no older than 6."
馃殐> [She looks around.]
馃殐> "I'm sure mama wouldn't mind if I came around here often to help you."
[She's talking to herself.]
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> "It's bubblegum flavored. You think somebody would've noticed the lack of vitamin... Where's your parents?"
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> "Vitamin D is technically not a vitamin but rather can be considered to be a hormone. Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and for many other biological effects. It's essential for all children to grow up healthy."
馃殐> [She puts the container back in her pocket.]
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> [She takes Existed's hand into hers. She doesn't look at it for long.]
馃殐> "Your skin is strangely weak. I guess it would be after a lack of vitamin-D. Hold on."
馃殐> [She digs into her pockets and hands Existed a vitamin-D gummy bottle.]
馃殐> "Mama says I have a vitamin-D deficiency so she makes me take this, but you clearly need them more."
馃殐> [She smiles softly at Existed.]
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> "Could I.. see your skin?"
馃殐> [She holds out a hand towards Existed. Her own skin has a strong lack of melanin, which makes her skin weak as well.]
馃殐> "I'm sure there's more efficient methods than shovels. Shovels will deform under mass amount of heat. I wonder if there's a way to solidify the strange goop."
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> "You don't burn when you're near a fire. It's when your inside the fire you begin to burn. Same goes for lava... I'm sure with the right equipment, you could remove it, unless it's like an acid in which that's a different kind of burn."
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> [She stared at the some of it from where it sat far away.]
馃殐> "It burns? How so?"
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
Another Geoside resident... On a different account.
[Geoside oc]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐>"Have you tried cleaning it up? I'm sure the goop isn't good to keep around."
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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thelovothacompilation 7 months
馃殐> [She takes a second to look around. All that is seen for miles is destruction.]
馃殐> "This is pitiful. How'd it get this way?"
[existed looks bored. and alone. investigate?]
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