theltommo · 1 year
Do you want to have more kids in the future?
I would not be opposed to it! I do love my little one very much and like devoting my attention to him. However he has been asking for a sibling so we shall see!
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theltommo · 1 year
What is your biggest turn on sexually?
I love when a man is into foreplay and knows how to turn me on.
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theltommo · 1 year
do you miss any of your last relationships? regret any of them?
I don’t know if “miss” is the right word. Do I regret some of the things I did or said in the ? Absolutely. But I always like to take every opportunity to learn from things.
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theltommo · 1 year
Do you currently have a crush on someone?
I certainly do! He knows, though. ;) @misterdawson
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theltommo · 1 year
Midnight Hour Ask-athon
It's been a fun week filled with a lot of laughs, sunburns and drinks on the beach, and we're sure you've had some time to get to know your new neighbors. But we want you all to get to know each other on a more intimate level with some risqué questions. These do not have to be 18+ asks, but should be as nosy as you can possibly make them. We'll be using your answers to get a gossip column started, so the juicier, the better! Here are a few examples of what you could ask:
What's your deepest, darkest secret?
Tell us about a relationship you regret.
If you could date anyone in town, who would it be and why?
Tell us about your worst experience in bed.
Absolutely no hateful or harassing questions are allowed. We will cancel the event if we notice that people are sending these, so please make sure you're still being kind to each other.
Make sure your anonymous asks option is turned on!
You are not required to answer anything that makes you uncomfortable. If you prefer not to receive asks of a certain topic/subject, message the main and let us know so we can make a note on our list of participants!
If you want to participate, please reblog this post on all muses you plan to participate with! We will be keeping a list that we will update so that everyone can keep up with who is accepting asks.
If you are participating, you are required to send asks to everyone who is participating as well with all muses you're participating with. For example, if you are accepting asks on two of your muses, you must send questions from both to each participant.
There is no limit to how many asks you send if you choose to send more than one per muse, but please do not overwhelm others by sending loads of questions. We recommend keeping it to 2-3 asks per muse.
This meme will run from Saturday, June 3 to Saturday, June 10. Make sure to try and answer and send out your asks in a timely manner!
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theltommo · 1 year
“Well, you know that I’m quite fond of you, but stalking isn’t one of the skills on my repertoire,” Louis smirked. As the man asked him if he was in a hurry, Louis was very quick to shake his head. He and David had spent time together, but it always seemed to be around others or in a crowd. He was looking forward to maybe getting to know him on a deeper level. “Why don’t we take a walk?” Louis suggested with a little smile as he took the iced coffee that had his name on it. He then led David toward the door of the cafe and opened it for him.
The sun had come up a little bit since then, which only made their walk a little bit nicer that it had been in the chilly morning. Louis looked down as their fingers softly intertwined together. They walked in comfortable silence for a little bit, Louis simply looking around and truly enjoying his time with David. “So, have you been settling in alright?” he asked. He knew that David had moved in slightly after or at about the same time as he had. “I’ve mainly unpacked but my little one doesn’t always make it easy,” he laughed softly.
He led the two of them over to the boardwalk, which was quite close to the cafe that the two of them had been to moment before. They sat down on a bench that was overlooking the ocean, Louis running his thumb over the other man’s hand, almost unconsciously, just wanting to feel his warmth.
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Most days, David would not be out this early, but today is different. Since moving to this new town, he's felt more energetic – possibly the change of scenery, but he believes it has something to do with the company he's been keeping lately. But he doesn't bother to dress for the occasion, only planning to make a quick stop for coffee at the local shop he's come to adore, and throws on an oversized jumper and a pair of loose jeans before making his way through the cobblestone streets of downtown. The world feels so much slower here, so much more calm. He enjoys it.
As he stands at the hand off plane awaiting his piping hot Irish breakfast, David turns toward the source of the voice and his face lights up with a wide grin. He'd become quite fond of Louis since they had met – his energy was refreshing, with his playfulness and adventurous side. He is rarely one to attach to someone so easily, having a bit of an enigmatic and closed off personality, but it had been easy with Louis. He hopes it doesn't come back to bite him like so many others had done before.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're following me," David teases lightly, picking up his drink, now ready. Then, he shakes his head, passing a chuckle under his breath. "No, I'm actually not much of a morning person myself usually, but this week I've been feeling like I should enjoy it." His eyes drag to a nearby table before flitting back to Louis, a curious brow peaked. "Are you in any sort of hurry? We could sit if you'd like... or we could walk for a bit, if you don't mind that."
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theltommo · 1 year
I hear you! You’re lucky that you can get it all done without a little spawn running around all over the place but I wouldn’t change it for the world. We just so happened to run down to the beach right away. You need to come down and see Freddie soon. He missed you.
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Hazzy! My goodness-you startled me. Come here, you. How have you been? You mean my chaos that somehow goes perfectly well with your calmness?
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theltommo · 1 year
Cup of Coffee
Louis adored the mornings, the stillness that they had combined with all the nice noises. He and Freddie had the loveliest elderly neighbor who Freddie had already fallen in love with. She was staying in his home while Lou took himself over to the coffee shop. He loved how walk and bike able this town was that he didn’t need a car. He looked ahead and saw the sparkling ocean, imagining how lovely the sand had been under his feet up until this time. He walked into the coffee shop and got in line.
Looking up ahead of him, Louis saw the object of his thoughts ever since they had made acquaintance on Friday night. He and David had been practically inseparable. This was difficult for him. Nearly everyone that he loved, that he had ever loved, had left him. But…was it possible his past didn’t have to dictate his future? Moving here could be a fresh start, right?
Louis stepped aside after he had ordered his drink and smiled as he turned to look at David, his signature boyish grin spreading across his face as he impatiently flicked his bangs out of his eyes. “Early bird as well?” He asked. @misterdawson
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theltommo · 1 year
Hazzy! My goodness-you startled me. Come here, you. How have you been? You mean my chaos that somehow goes perfectly well with your calmness?
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louis, babe! been a while since i've had your energy in my life, i've missed it. how's everything been treating you? ( @theltommo )
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theltommo · 1 year
He is brutally honest and sassy-his mum says it’s my fault and like father like son. I have definitely seen croquette played but can’t say I understand everything that’s going on. Maybe I should change the shorts I’m wearing to my tighter ones to get you a better view. I wondered why you insisted on being behind me in yoga this morning. Attractive man playing with a ball, hm? I haven’t tired you out, then?
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You really are too sweet to me. It’s been absolutely lovely spending time with you as well! I’m taking my little spawn down to the beach today-been complaining he’s bored or something like that. Imagine being bored when I’m your dad? Blasphemy. I don’t really know how this…bocce you said?…is played. But, in any case it’ll be entertaining to watch you learn it and your good eye candy. I’m gonna go into the volleyball tournament myself.
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theltommo · 1 year
I am a perfect Angel, and you are just the devil on my shoulder, babe. Oh, Khai will definitely win over Freddie in the cuteness factor. I may need to hold her for a bit. I love how cuddly she is. Freddie refuses unless he is tired. So-enough about our cuter counterparts. Any special reason you moved down here or was it just for me?
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Rude! I will have you know that I have been behaving perfectly well. None taken-nothing better than beach, booze and babes! I have been doing a lot of flirting for sure, but it’s nice being in a new place, ya know? That’s fine-Freddie can be my wingman. Just gotta prop him on my hip and I’m golden. He’s almost half of me so it may be difficult, but I will manage.
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theltommo · 1 year
You really are too sweet to me. It’s been absolutely lovely spending time with you as well! I’m taking my little spawn down to the beach today-been complaining he’s bored or something like that. Imagine being bored when I’m your dad? Blasphemy. I don’t really know how this…bocce you said?…is played. But, in any case it’ll be entertaining to watch you learn it and your good eye candy. I’m gonna go into the volleyball tournament myself.
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Freddie critiquing someone else’s cooking would be the dream, to be honest. Are you saying you’re a good cook, love? It sounds like you’re insinuating that. I dunno if we can consider the beach the wilderness but I’m definitely excited. Thank you for last night, by the way. It was…very sorely needed. Are you hanging around on the beach today?
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theltommo · 1 year
Rude! I will have you know that I have been behaving perfectly well. None taken-nothing better than beach, booze and babes! I have been doing a lot of flirting for sure, but it’s nice being in a new place, ya know? That’s fine-Freddie can be my wingman. Just gotta prop him on my hip and I’m golden. He’s almost half of me so it may be difficult, but I will manage.
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I showed up at the perfect time – fashionably late. Have you been behaving, Lou? No offense but the beach, booze, and attractive people makes me think you've been flirting with everyone since you got here. Wanna make it a competition? See who can flirt their way into finding the hottest date to the next thing? You know I love competing with you. [ @theltommo ]
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theltommo · 1 year
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Louist91 uploaded a photo to Instagram
Def had worse times for sure
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theltommo · 1 year
Feel free to come and hang out with you new best friend...and your old best friend would be fun to hang out with too. That’s very true! But I feel like that would be a waste for them, honestly. There’s quite a lot of them but I’m partial to the lemon one. It’s the one not many like so more for me!
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Feel free to come and hang out with you new best friend...and your old best friend would be fun to hang out with too. That’s very true! But I feel like that would be a waste for them, honestly. There’s quite a lot of them but I’m partial to the lemon one. It’s the one not many like so more for me!
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theltommo · 1 year
Freddie critiquing someone else’s cooking would be the dream, to be honest. Are you saying you’re a good cook, love? It sounds like you’re insinuating that. I dunno if we can consider the beach the wilderness but I’m definitely excited. Thank you for last night, by the way. It was...very sorely needed. Are you hanging around on the beach today?
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Perhaps you could hire some help next time… or find a good cook willing to assist you for free. Oh, yes, the frosting is the best part, as long as it’s done correctly. Nice and cushy before going out into the wilderness? I do like the idea. Sure, why not? I’d love to join you, if the offer still stands. After all, I was quite intrigued by our conversation about lace earlier. Perhaps we can continue that over dinner and a few drinks?
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theltommo · 1 year
it’s only gonna get more fun from here on out, babes! My little one is seven so he is very much my favorite little terror sometimes but love him to bits, of course. There’s food trucks and stuff on the beach! Have a little pizza tour if you will!
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I’ve moved before but now with my son who’s now fifteen months and getting into everything now that he can walk it’s so much more difficult. At the same time I look at him and wonder where my little baby went? He’s getting bigger and I don’t like it. Now I have boxes in my kitchen and I don’t feel like cooking yet so where’s the best pizza? / @zephyrbayhq @zephyrbaystarters
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