themayqueer 27 days
tough fucking luck losing my cart and my pack of camels in the same 48 hour period i suspect that it may have been ghouls
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themayqueer 6 months
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themayqueer 6 months
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themayqueer 6 months
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themayqueer 6 months
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themayqueer 9 months
stages of decomposition fancam
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themayqueer 9 months
Sorry I used your baby pictures in my psychological horror ARG and now terminally online people think you're the first victim of "The Rancid Howler"
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themayqueer 9 months
youre weirdly obsessed with finding meaning
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themayqueer 9 months
maybe i didnt come back wrong maybe i was just a weird freak when i was alive but i hid it and acted so normal and after i died i decided to stop pretending. maybe being resurrected was the perfect opportunity for me to be myself because i knew you would chalk it up to the horror of me coming back wrong. but the horror was always inside me. did u think about that
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themayqueer 1 year
Hmmm i disagree with you but i could not possibly wade through the cranberry bog of my mind to verbalize why
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themayqueer 1 year
follow me for more great posts other people made
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themayqueer 1 year
STOP! are you operating on an arbitrary set of terms and rules known only to you? have you created an ultimatum or specific if/then scenario for someone else without communicating it to them? have you considered making a decision and calculated all the consequences and potential reactions to those consequences and consequences for those reactions before you actually made the decision? it may be time to say some words out loud to another person!
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themayqueer 1 year
much like the minotaur I am a creature in some sort of situation
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themayqueer 1 year
Tiktokers who beg people to like their videos because the algorithm "only" gives them 1000 likes would not survive a 0 note tumblr post
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themayqueer 1 year
I, a hearing person who likes subtitles just as a preference, shouldn't have to read a subtitle that's obvious nonsense, go back a couple seconds, and listen again in order to figure out what's going on. An accessibility feature should not be the most half-assed part of a professionally made production. Scripted media has absolutely no excuse for not having subtitles or having subtitles that aren't perfectly verbatim. Professional captioning services should be ashamed of the shoddy work that they put out. Captions should be treated as a part of the production, just like filming, editing, audio balancing, etc - and anything that releases with missing or bad captions should be seen as unfinished
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themayqueer 1 year
me: *googling what kind of bike helmet i should get*
search result 1, AI-generated article: Since the dawn of time, humans have wondered what kind of bike helmet is best for protecting their cranium and lower intestine. In the event that you find yourself with a bike helmet, you must find a way to save your family. Therefore, we have compiled a list of qualities to look for. First, sodium content is of great importance when biking your helmet.
search results 2, 3, and 4: sponsored ads for bike helmets on amazon
search result 5, reddit thread: bikeaholic363736: hey guys, do any of you have experience with the windslapper 30g helmet from spronklegear?
spokejunkie666: it's probably the best helmet on the market right now. if you're not using the windslapper you might as well just be riding your bike into a woodchipper
handlebar_hamburglar: idiot. we've had this thread a hundred times. don't the mods enforce the repost ban anymore? OP, don't listen to spokejunkie. the windslapper is the leading cause of death in the netherlands
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themayqueer 1 year
TIL The Double Empathy Problem theory suggests social difficulties experienced by autistic people when interacting with non-autistic people are due to reciprocal differences, not an inherent deficiency, most autistic people are able to display good social reciprocity with most other autistic people
via reddit.com
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