themazesalchemist · 9 years
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                  He sets the sails one LAST time                                                saying FAREWELL to the world —
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themazesalchemist · 9 years
I love your silence. It is so wise. It listens. It invites warmth. I love your loneliness. It is brave. It makes the universe want to protect you. You have the loneliness that all true heroes have, a loneliness that is a deep sea, within which the fishes of mystery dwell. I love your quest. It is noble. It has greatness in it. Only one who is born under a blessed star would set sail across the billowing waves and the wild squalls, because of a dream. I love your dream. It is magical. Only those who truly love and who are truly strong can sustain their lives as a dream. You dwell in your own enchantment. Life throws stones at you, but your love and your dream change those stones into the flowers of discovery. Even if you lose, or are defeated by things, your triumph will always be exemplary. And if no one knows it, then there are places that do. People like you enrich the dreams of the world, and it is dreams that create history. People like you are the unknowing transformers of things, protected by your own fairy-tale, by love.
 Ben Okri, Astonishing the Gods
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themazesalchemist · 9 years
Art is made to disturb, science reassures.
Georges Braque (via an-art-gallery)
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themazesalchemist · 9 years
I don't know if these types of messages are okay on rp blogs, but I just wanted to say thank you for making this exist. :) I finished the game and was praying I'd find at least a tiny bit of Belduke (and Greyerl) stuff, and then I found this. Went through most of the posts immediately, and I loved them all. :D Plus I also got to see the 2 or 3 pieces of fanart that exist, so yay for that too. Honestly, I like the others okay, but to me, the Greyerl/Belduke/Eve family matters the most.
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//OH MY GOD Anon you are the kindest ever adsljfhas Sorry I am replying to this late, I was on finals/Christmas gifts rush and it’s probably the first time in a good 3 days that I turn my computer on… I am so glad you like this blog QvQ It’s a bit hard to get a lot of stuff done here since the Belduke household seems to just get little tiny weeny bits of attention here and there. *nudges everyone into making more stuff with them* Yesyes the Belduke family needs more love after all the suffering and the angst and the misunderstandings OTL’ Give them all the love~
Thank you so much, you really made my day~ Hope you’ll have a great one too~
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themazesalchemist · 9 years
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Not everyone, Trucy…
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themazesalchemist · 9 years
He listened closely as Arthur read, as he did every time his friend told him a story. There were details here and there that made him quirk an eyebrow -- usually, he detailed a bit more, especially concerning character interactions... Until he started laughing. A faint chuckle escaped him as well, turning into a genuine, yet almost quiet, breathy laugh. He went to look at the paper, his laugh doubling in intensity as he noticed.
"Arthur, for God's sake... we can see  where the alcohol kicked in harder..." He pointed at a spot on the sheet where the handwriting had started getting slightly messy before turning into something closer to hieroglyphs more than it was to the actual western alphabet.
"Oh, I trust you. I've been drinking -- for other reasons, mind you. The last report I wrote is not something I did while sober, let me tell you. And I feel like I got a better grade than I would have had if I hadn't been drunk while typing it out."
Flopping back onto the mattress, Newton let out a sigh, finding his breath again. Laughing, he had noticed, helped when it came to stress relief. And the young man next to him was usually the one to trigger hilarity with his stories -- though sometimes even the way he worded some sentences or the tone he put on some precise words were enough to make Newton snort. Finally calm again, he let his mind wander a little. How had they managed to read that text by the candlelight, when it barely light up their silhouettes and some of their traits now? Maybe they were closer to the candle a moment ago and he hadn't really noticed.
His friend's words brought a softer smile to his lips as his eyes tried to find the other's in the darkness.
"Hmm... ideas of grandeur, I see. I wouldn't say no. I mean, we've been good at doing these majors so far, right? We could pull that off, provided the right funding." He gave a sigh, stretching his legs a little against the other's -- taking up as much space as he could, just to play around a little.
"Then what, you'd make those policies and I'd be pulling some threads in the background? I don't have a politician's mind, unlike someone else. I could not do that kind of thing."
.riders on the storm.
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themazesalchemist · 9 years
Lies written in ink cannot disguise facts written in blood.
Lu Xun
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themazesalchemist · 9 years
"May I remind you that you signed up for this when you befriended me? It's all part of the deal." His smirk turned into a calmer, amused one as he got up from behind his desk. A bottle of wine and two glasses were pulled out of a cabinet and set on the desk after the alchemist pushed a couple stray papers aside.
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"So, how've you been? Needing a little rest away from the big responsibilities?"
    & he would smile at his friend’s jest as an airy chuckle danced through his chest. he would reply with a jest of his own.
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            “Not this time, Newton. Can an old           friend not simply stop by for a visit without getting hassled?”
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
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//I just got my beaker mug in the mail. BEHOLD, I AM NEWTON BELDUKE, LORD OF THE NERDS. “ψ(`∇´)ψ
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
"Well, well, well. God smiles upon me, the Lord Storyteller himself is granting me a visit. What have I done to deserve such a surprise?" He gave a small chuckle, shaking his head with a smile.
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"...Don't tell me this old coot needs something to relieve painful joints. It would be normal, at such an advanced age."
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
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//Friendly reminder that if you get subjectivejustice following you, it's my main blog (and this one is a side blog until further notice OTL' I should do something about it but it'll be only during the holidays because finals =v='')
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
imagine your otp spooning and person a is about to fall asleep when person b quietly whispers a pun into their ear
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
People empty me. I have to get away to refill.
Charles Bukowski
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
tagged by: theinquisitionisready
repost ( do NOT reblog ) this & tag people
t a g g i n g ; (Do it if you want to hhhh =w=b) ... that old coot storytellerarthur
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Name: Sir Newton Belduke. Nicknames: N/A.  Birthday: January 27th. Gender: Male. Sexual Orientation: Demisapiosexual. Height: 6'1''.
Favorite color(s) : Cornflower blue. Average hours of sleep: 4. 6 when he's feeling generous, 14 when he's exhausted. Lucky Number: 11 and φ Last thing they googled: Doesn't remember, it's been pretty long since he had the occasion to google anything. First word that comes to mind: Pardon. One place that makes them happy:  The Bodleian library, at the University of Oxford. How many blankets they sleep under: 4.
Favorite Beverage: 'Tomato Juice'. Actually an amateur of red wine and imported beers.  Favorite Food: Venison. Last movie they’ve seen in cinemas: It's been too long since he went out to watch anything. Maybe something like The Lord of the Rings or Star Wars. Tells how long ago it was. Dream Job: Pharmacology researcher. He's been pretty close to achieving it permanently, but things went another way.
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
(noun) A sapiosexual is defined as a human being who is wildly attracted to a person’s intelligence and mind. When this arousal occurs one is attracted to a being’s sense of humor, and the overall construction of his/her mind: one is excited by how they think and what they choose to think about. This attraction is extremely personal and telling of one’s intellectual composition; it is not superficial, conventional attractiveness, such as the physical becomes obsolete. It the sincerest form of admiration and affection for an individual’s innermost self. If one labels themselves as a sapiosexual, chances are one possesses high intellect, creativity and a curious mind. One is stimulated by a person of equal intelligence or higher than their own. Without a doubt intelligence is sexy.
etymology: Latin: sapien (wise/intelligent) + sexualis (relating to the sexes)
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape—the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show.
Andrew Wyeth (via wordsnquotes)
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themazesalchemist · 10 years
Send me a number and I'll draw my muse wearing
1: their normal clothes
2: a school uniform
3: their bathing suit
4: their undergarments
5: their winter clothes
6: what the mun is currently wearing
7: their pajamas
8: special occasion clothes
9: a magical girl outfit
10: fanservice
11: a halloween costume
12: prisoner clothes
13: the clothes of their current love interest
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