themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
i haven’t been able to eat for a few days and i’m constantly worried about my mental health.
i’m not sure if i’m depressed.
Ello friends, how are you?
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
i need to port this over to my phone
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Sniper lockscreens!
Suggested by anon, please reblog or like if you use!
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
this makes me feel proud of myself
based off that one overwatch post you know the one
here’s a (hopefully) inspiring pile of voicelines from tf2
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
I know I haven’t been active lately
but followers reblog if you’re still on this cursed site
pls just curious​
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
Yo uh
Like this if you remember Tf2 
Reblog if you still think it’s cool
Like and reblog if it’s still your fandom and you’ll scream if the 7th comic finally fucking comes out
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
oh boi my first ask box
even tho i am not an askblog i’m pretty sure it’ll go out well.
“ P R E T T Y  S U R E “
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
when the other team is all pyros and you are the only spy on your team
Enemy Team of Pyros: hudda hudda huh
Spy: t H a T  i S  f I n E
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it runs in the family
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
reblog this if you’re willing for literally anything to be sent to your ask box
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
Reblog if you think a woman can be complete without children
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
p i x e l  f o r t r e s s  2
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Fortress 2
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themedicpyro-blog · 5 years
B I T C H I GIVE FUCKING SHITS ABOUT DEPRESSION AND I WILL DO ANYTHING TO HELP YOU (a fucking kid in my 3rd period [in school] made a fucking joke when the student hung himself..this is why it’s in all caps)
Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.
No one should scroll past this
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themedicpyro-blog · 6 years
jesus christ woman how many FUCKING words do you have to say
It’s pretty clear to me that a lot of you don’t understand the first thing about how sexual coercion in relationships works. Nobody actually holds you down and forces pills down your throat; instead they make you feel like absolute shit about yourself by claiming that you don’t love them, that you’re failing as a partner, that there’s something wrong with you, that they’ll leave you unless you “fix” yourself or give in to having unwanted sex with them, etc. The fact that this situation is almost universally perceived as being a failure on the part of women rather than their male partners throwing an entitled tantrum makes it even harder for women to recognize this dynamic as toxic. We don’t need to make it easier for abusers by pretending that the solution for libido mismatch in relationships is for the lower-libido partner to drug themselves into “normalcy” for the other person’s satisfaction.  
We don’t live in a cultural vacuum free of misogyny. The horrible discourse surrounding flibanserin and HSDD in general absolutely contributes to rape culture, and if you’re trying to paint the situation as a bunch of aces crying conspiracy theory, you are being deliberately fucking dishonest. Flibanserin has been on the radar for several years now and we’re not the only ones who have been criticizing the bad science and unethical behavior attached to its inception and subsequent marketing, and it doesn’t matter whether or not this campaign was deliberately aimed against us (which btw, literally nobody was claiming) because it still harms us–and it harms women as a group.  The petition itself links to letters written by sexologists who point out that low libido issues in women are complex, that it’s probably not even possible to come out with a pill that can actually work the way flibanserin’s manufacturers claim it does, and that therapy already exists for women who are genuinely concerned about their libido that doesn’t shame them or make them feel like they’re required to provide sex on demand while their male partners make absolutely no compromises whatsoever. (And honestly? i’ll believe HSDD is a legitimate medical disorder when i see it finally diagnosed in someone other than cis women with heterosexual male partners. Until then, it is inherently suspect.)
Ignore the greater context all you want, but it still won’t change the fact that the entire line of reasoning behind this drug is completely warped and harmful.
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themedicpyro-blog · 6 years
oh fuck, dear god, what have you done
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themedicpyro-blog · 6 years
i love this
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I wanted to draw a griffin and this happened…does this count as shitposting?
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themedicpyro-blog · 6 years
reblog this if you’re willing for literally anything to be sent to your ask box
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themedicpyro-blog · 6 years
Yo uh
Like this if you remember Tf2 
Reblog if you still think it’s cool
Like and reblog if it’s still your fandom and you’ll scream if the 7th comic finally fucking comes out
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themedicpyro-blog · 6 years
no it is currently sniper hours
You know the vibes
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