themerrymare · 9 years
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Baby Horse Insists on Cuddling with Girl. [video]
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themerrymare · 9 years
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Now that Texas is done (well, I hope its done at least) pouring rain on its residents and since I’ve moved Dory at a boarding facility 10 minutes from my house... I can get back to conditioning for Endurance rides!
Unfortunately, the next ride isn’t until October. Fortunately, October means cooler weather and a better time!
In the meantime we will be conditioning for 50 mile rides at local trails and I need to get back into a good lesson program!
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themerrymare · 9 years
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Dory and I on a 25LD endurance ride. One of my favorite photos of us.
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themerrymare · 9 years
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Congratulations to Tim Clarke and Caltango on winning the Australian FEI World Cup Showjumping series! And also Caltango on winning the Golden Grand which is awarded to the most consistent World Cup horse in that season. This is the third time Caltango has won this award. 
I am very fortunate to know Tim and Caltango and am so thrilled that they have won this prestigious honor. 
Photo Credit: Stephen Mowbray
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themerrymare · 10 years
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Hlayyil Ramadan
(Kamar El Zaman x Haboub)
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themerrymare · 10 years
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My adorable Dory.
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themerrymare · 10 years
That feeling...
...when your horse finally accomplishes something you've been working towards... it's a nice feeling!
Got my mare really working for the first times in months. Instead of getting a head-up-in-the-air, hollow back, uncomfortable, nonrhythmic trot, I got a long and low, working from behind, rounded back, perfect 1-2-1-2 trot. It lasted all of 5 minutes but that's a start. Really need to start up Dressage lessons along side my endurance riding...
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themerrymare · 10 years
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themerrymare · 10 years
I can smell the leather, ah.
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themerrymare · 10 years
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Soledad Canyon, New Mexico. 2013.
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themerrymare · 10 years
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Soledad Canyon, New Mexico. 2013.
Still one of my most favorite trail rides on my horse. Was an awesome day and I'll never forget it. Absolutely beautiful, weather was perfect, saw some wildlife, horse refused to step over 2 foot stream of water. Brilliant.
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themerrymare · 10 years
Blue Hors Matine... absolutely amazing. Probably my favorite dressage horse. Wish she was still here.
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7/∞ gorgeous horses
Blue Hors Matine (1997-2010), sired by Silvermoon.
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themerrymare · 10 years
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themerrymare · 10 years
Interested color!
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Scott Stewart and Remarkable (formally Lorando B)
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themerrymare · 10 years
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themerrymare · 10 years
The Horse Forum offers horse chat, classifieds and message boards for equestrians to discuss all aspects of horses and horsemanship. Profile your horses, find and add horse related events to the horse show calendar and find vets, farriers and more in our horse resources directory.
Ah, I love forums. I am a message board rat. This is one of my favorites.
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themerrymare · 10 years
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Portrait of DJ
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