themightypete · 1 day
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I love Shiro Amano's illustrations, some of his illustrations inspire me to rethink them according to my style. I really tried to make the face very expressive in terms of anger and sadness.
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themightypete · 2 days
pete if king mickey didn't abandon you as you claim he did you think it possible you get along with sora and his friends?
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"tsk yours truly still find those losers annoying as I do now but I guess I be nicer toward them if things been different..."
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themightypete · 2 days
if maleficent dies will you still be interest in ruling the worlds?
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"What do you mean if!?" pete yell in anger of the thought of the mistress he serve work been devoted would kick the bucket but he soon had had empty expression on his face
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"Not really I wouldn't be the fella I am without maleficent hell I still be in that stupid place where that blasty queen send me in if she didn't help me.."
beside noone take me seriously if she was gone then I be alone again like with mickey and I can't handle being abandoned again by another person I once trusted
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themightypete · 2 days
𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐋'𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts from the 2004 movie Howl's Moving Castle. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary.)
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"You're beautiful!"
"It's hideous!"
"Give it to me."
"What a dump."
"Now I'm repulsive."
"I can't live like this."
"You saved me, (name)."
"I missed you too, (name)."
"A heart's a heavy burden."
"You really want it that badly?"
"I don't care if you're a monster."
"What difference does it make?"
"It's a present for you. Come see."
"I've never felt so peaceful before."
"I was looking everywhere for you."
"You didn't have to come back, (name)."
"There you are, sweetheart, sorry I'm late."
"Don't be alarmed, but I'm being followed."
"You are by far the tackiest thing here."
"Please, (name). I know I can be of help to you"
"I feel terrible, like there's a weight on my chest."
"Seems everyone in this family's got problems."
"Now I’ve got something I want to protect. It’s you."
"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't torment my friend."
"Here’s another curse for you — may all your bacon burn."
"You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman."
"I give up. I see not point in living if I can’t be beautiful."
"I'm so sorry but that would be confidential information."
"He's calling the spirits of darkness… I saw him do this once before when a girl dumped him!"
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themightypete · 2 days
Pete was laughing with glee over his heartless facing this bold stranger but soon was shock the other animal wasn't kidding of being able to fight with his fist as his jaw dropped over this crocodie wasn't breaking a sweat
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"I thought ya was old talk no matter I'm sure even you be tired out if I just more of my heartless!" the chubby feline yell snap his fingers to dish out another round of heartless assuming the animal get exhausted out after dealing with the first swarm
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Brok growled. ❝ .... ❞ In truth, if the alligator knew the cat could summon shadow monster henchmen at will, he may have thought twice about antagonizing him.
—Pete withholding that information from him was bordering on a dirty trick, and all of a sudden it didn't seem like Brok was having fun anymore.
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❝ Hey! No fair! —What are these things? ❞ They looked like ants, honestly they were making Brok hungry.
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themightypete · 2 days
Getting angrily by his enemy words the chubby feline stomp his feet in anger wishing for once this annoying brat just leave him be then stick around just to ruin his plans as always
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"Ooooh just shut up and stay out of my way already!!" he yell while his heartless surrounding the wider ready to strike the human with their claws
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"oooh is there one thing yours truly hate about you pipsqueak is that you never mind your own business" Pete snap and with a snap of his fingers the shadow creatures appear as he point his chubby finger at the human
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"heartless squad round up and get rid of this annoying brat once and for all!!"
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themightypete · 2 days
Gritting his teeth in anger over the human words as the chubby commander point his chummy finger at the so call emperor who already on his list of people that annoyed him
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"you have no idea who ya messing with so if I was you I'll zip it" pete warns already itching to send his heartless army on this foolish leader who had the nerve the audacity to say he eat cat food
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"Ha! a chump like you being a emperor those humans really must been desperate being you don't look like the type to lead folks"
the heartless commander answer through he soon stomp his feet in anger over the stranger having the audacity to confused him as a canine
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"How dare you yours truly not an filthy mutt but a cat oooh this is why I can't stand folks like you that can't tell the difference!!"
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themightypete · 2 days
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"oooh don't act like you don't know what yours truly talking about girlie now stop wasting both of our time and time me already!!"
A perplexed brow raised as her weight shifted to one side, in addition to her crossing her arms over her chest.
“Treasure? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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themightypete · 2 days
daily affirmations: remember to be violent confrontational and hard to get along with
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themightypete · 2 days
say fat-ass what you think your kid self say if he saw you right now?
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"Oooh call yours truly a fat-ass again and see what happens!!"
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"Honestly that runt version of me be disappointed over how I stop being a goody-too-shoes and end up causing chaos for the hell of it"
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themightypete · 2 days
pete is it true you of all people used to be nice?
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"Tsk I wouldn't go that far not that it any of your beesux but yes yours truly wasn't always the mean fella you see today"
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themightypete · 2 days
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"Say girlie, is this pie really good as you say?"
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themightypete · 2 days
@dissneyadult has follow you
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"S-Say chump is there a reason you have a scary costume that made you look all boney in this scary place?"
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themightypete · 2 days
@preaumbral has follow you
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"I never see you in this town before girlie"
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themightypete · 3 days
well then
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sorry for the late replies just so tired and not in the mood of writing pete as the grumpy cat most people hate yet I love buuut I swear to get them done when I can thanks to those that been patient with me love you all!!
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themightypete · 4 days
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themightypete · 4 days
“I do not intend to stay long in this place.”
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"Tsk as if yours truly care what you do girlie just tell me where the treasure is already"
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