themortalkinggod · 9 years
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themortalkinggod · 9 years
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themortalkinggod · 9 years
"So foul and fair a day, I’ve not seen”
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themortalkinggod · 9 years
A well placed Pawn is more powerful than a KING.
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themortalkinggod · 9 years
Power & position are built upon a hill of bodies & corpses
The Mortal, The King, The God (Mack Shannon)
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themortalkinggod · 9 years
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themortalkinggod · 9 years
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
                                                                                         THE AGE OF ULTRON
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
Mastery Journal (Post #XXX Business Plan Development)
Mack X. Shannon
This month in Business Plan Development, all the material and elements required to construct my business plan (Aspire GREATNESS Entertainment Inc.) has been refined and concentrate to meet the requirement I’ve envision and make for a well-developed Final Presentation. Over the course 11 months the process of refining and re-elevuating this business plan has been a rigorous task that demands motivation and drive, which looks to propel you across the finish line.
Company Description and Industry Analysis: 
During the beginning of Business Plan Development, I (Mack Shannon) honestly didn’t have a strong understanding of what it is my company truly does (on the surface yes, but beneath no) and what it is that Aspire GREATNESS Entertainment was looking to convey to the masses. That was a difficult task, because though this is just an assignment, the actually you want to portray through your work trumps the misunderstanding and excuses.
Target Market, Competition and Market Analysis and Sales: 
Next section of the project was asking and answering the question of “who” is your target audience, truly problematic. With my given industries (film, broadcasting, & publishing) being broad, condensing my audience to certain regions would reduce the greatness of each market. Another problem was understanding the sales. How much am I going to charge for my service/products? Asking the right questions on the matter, allowed me to successfully break down my sales and look at it from another perspective. Seeking to participate in the entertainment and media is not for the faint of heart. Knowing your opponent or competition afford you the design to compete and survive. 
Differentiation (SWOT): 
What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats? When this was proposed to me, in my mind I thought I had the answers. However on paper, my reasoning wasn’t strong enough to compete or pose a threat to established companies and corporations governing the entertainment and media industry. But through detailed analysis of other start-up companies, and review of top tiers, I break down that (A.G.E.):  Strengths: Adjustability and adaptability. Note: either adapt or die out.  Weaknesses: weak presence. Opportunity: Focus on exploiting the slow recovery of other companies. Threats: Increasing competition and economic climate.
Operations, Technology and Management 
This section allows me to deeply decode the mechanics of my company, develop a strategic approach and establish credibility our audience and potential partners. Aspire GREATNESS Entertainment looks to demonstrate originality in content and creativity in presentation. 
Note: When money is on the table and business is being executed, that bad business. For Aspire GREATNESS Entertainment to have a name, money is the motive. Through various investors (angels, venture capitalist, crowd funding, and family (pending)) my company can come to fruition, but my ambition has to match the work being invested.
This course has assisted in showing me the time and patience is needed to create a business.  Business Plan Development was a rigorous course, but do you expect a course to be easy only a month away from graduation. The various material presented I will hold on to, for reference, because you never know if your going to need it again in the end or not.
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
                                      DEAR WHITE PEOPLE
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
Mastery Journal (Post #Twenty-Nine Digital Marketing)
Mack X Shannon
This month in Digital Marketing, I’ve (Mack Shannon) been favored to receive essential material on the various digital mechanics used in advertising and marketing. A fascinating discovery is how Google search engine functions. Most individuals who use Google search daily (yet don’t venture beyond the first page of results) wouldn’t have recognized this. Google (as well as other search engines) equips a Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which functions on both organic (common search results) and inorganic (advertisement) searches.
This process, analyzes the information provided through algorithms, analytics, and trigger keywords, which in turn evaluates consumer/user behavior and interest. It’s intriguing, because the methods use in digital marketing present more strategic and tactical form than the traditional practice. In addition, with the “7 Digital Marketing Channels” (E-Mail, Affiliate, Social Media, SEO, Paid Search, Display, and Digital Press Release) individuals can ratify various campaigns through these mediums. As well, implore their presence amongst various markets and demographics, track their growth & progress, and not have to pay as much.
For we reside in a Digital Age now, either you adapt or expire.
Also, a group of my peers and I, have been tasked with assisting a well-acclaimed Chef with re-branding his image. When assigned this project, excitement and anxious both kicked in. Since the time I enter college (six years ago), I always been group with individuals to develop a fictional project, which satisfy certain requirements outlined. Yet now, though it may seem fictional it’s very real. With our recommendation, we’ll be providing solutions toward expanding his social presence, increasing his target audience, and shifting into additional markets.
Although we’re just at the halfway mark, Digital Marketing is presenting great practice and insight into developing my Marketing Plan and mind. Through the help of our digital canvas outlines and various Keynote presentations I’m acquiring the small yet vital details needed, to make a thought become a reality.
The direction to which I’m looking to take my company is the path of GREATNESS. 
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
Stream Erotic City (feat. Sheila E.) by Prince & The Revolution on The Hits/The B-Sides (disc 3: The B-Sides) for free on Grooveshark.
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
Tumblr media
                                                                Perseus with the head of Medusa
                                                 Lessons in:
Power, Intellect, & Skill defeats and conquers men/women and objectives.
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
Mastery Journal (Post #28 Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution)
Mack X Shannon
Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution was my first month officially being on Full Sail University’s campus, after a rigorous journey of trials and triumphs. Yet within that time, I retained focus, and afforded the designs to officially open and close chapters within my life (killed two birds), as well, nourish the hunger I possessed.
Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution was a superb course that granted me insight into how an individual goes forward with pitching/proposing creative material to production houses. The process on the surface may seem easy, but that’s just aces in the desert. From the recording of the printing press, the reform of traditional distributions, and surge of self-publishing, I was absent to the methods and components, used to establish creative works within Print, Film, Music, Games and Television. 
During the course, the class was assigned to certain groups (underlined above), which mirror our current interest, if not, a passion to which we would like to see fulfilled one day. My group was Print/Books. I aspire to develop an organic creation (which is constantly evolving) that presents enlightening and instructive principles that mirror various experiences and ideals, people encounter daily.
Through the weeks, plenty of prominent information was presented to me in “how” to publish, market, and distribute my pending work. Note: these processes can be inexpensive. With the current times, and my generation representing the Third Wave (post-industrial society; theory by Alvin Toffler), I’m presently in possession of the technology and resources essential toward making my pending project, a possible reality through social media, electronic commence websites, and other mediums. Note: the content must be good. This course will be a great help toward my future projects, within print, film, and television. Within my lifetime, I want to develop projects within these industries, not so much for the money, but for the recognition.
Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution has been enriching with information and knowledge. Also, outside the classroom the presentations, workshops, and seminars have also permitted me the resources and awareness to re-brand myself. As well market myself uniquely to potential companies in the future. This information from Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution was invested greatly upon me and I’m thankful to have experienced it’s lessons.
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
                                                                     Arkham Knight Gameplay Trailer
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themortalkinggod · 10 years
                                                                                    End of Evangelion
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