themostidiot · 2 years
For the same reason the median should be used instead of the average.
"average magical girl has many grief seeds" factoid actualy just statistical error. average magical girl has 1 grief seed. Sakura Kyouko, who lives in Kazamino and has a hoard of 10,000, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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themostidiot · 2 years
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i can't unsee this so now i must inflict it on everyone else
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themostidiot · 2 years
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themostidiot · 4 years
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Underrated movie 
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themostidiot · 4 years
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themostidiot · 4 years
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themostidiot · 4 years
After all this loss, after all this pain, you are still the last one standing. Even when you don’t want to be; especially when you don’t want to be. How much does survival hurt? Does it feel like you are drowning with air in your lungs, does it feel like you’re dying with every diligent beat of your still-living heart? Maybe you’re alive, but this is not what you wanted. And how much does survival cost, my love? How much did you pay to be left standing here, amidst the silence and the dust? Did they even ask before they took it? You are the last one standing, and yet you still end up on your knees. You are the last one living, and yet still you bleed.
— survivor’s guilt // p.s.
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themostidiot · 5 years
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Pokémon Ending - Type Wild - 1998 version VS 2019 version
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themostidiot · 6 years
Sigamos platicando para que no fume el gay.
Erick Ekantoquiero "alias el gay que no puede fumar"
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themostidiot · 7 years
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themostidiot · 8 years
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I hope no one has done this before xD
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themostidiot · 8 years
Ah, por favor no me digan qué acaban de incinerar a otro estudiante.
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themostidiot · 8 years
"Dejadnos solos, sin libros y al punto estaremos perdidos y llenos de turbación. No sabremos a que consideramos unidos, a que adherirnos, qué amar o qué odiar, qué es digno de respeto y qué merece nuestro desprecio. Hasta los propios semejantes nos resultarían insufribles."
Fiódor Dostoievski
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themostidiot · 9 years
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themostidiot · 9 years
Un ruiseñor preso en la red de un cazador Cantó con más dulzura que nunca, como si la fugas melodía pudiera volar y apartar la red.
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themostidiot · 9 years
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themostidiot · 9 years
Envidio a esa alondra, que expresa su alegría tan fácilmente y con tal perfección, que sube hasta el cielo y canta desde el corazón de este modo.
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