themrsdiaries · 4 years
Milan’s Birth Story
A week ago I went into labor and had a baby completely unmediated and if you asked me two weeks ago if that was the plan I would have laughed at you, like big, howling laugh! “Give me the drugs” was basically the first thing I told my nurse with Zara but with Milan’s birth, I didn’t even have time for an IV! If you’re a birth story lover and enjoy scouring the web for fun stories like I do, keep on reading!
I woke up last Saturday morning, April 25, at 4am feeling veryyy minor contractions that could have easily been dismissed as Braxton Hicks, which should have been my first clue because I never got any Braxton Hicks with either pregnancy, but I thought maybe this time around it would be different. They came every hour but weren’t painful enough to stop me from going about my day. I got ready, attended a Zoom meeting with my Lead Pastor and other staff wives and simply said “I’m getting some baby vibes so it could be soon but nothing crazy right now...” little did I know she would be in my arms a few hours later. I put Zara down for her nap at about 1pm and decided to go lay down to see if the contractions would stop. They didn’t but they still weren’t that painful. Disclaimer: I like to labor at home as much as I can cause the thought of going in and realizing I was at a 2 or not far enough along for them to admit me just doesn’t sound fun so basically my philosophy is stay home until I can’t stand the pain anymore and then go to the hospital...jokes on me this time! While laying down I began realizing that the contractions were steadily picking up in pressure and coming more often. I Facetime’d my mom and told her what was going on but I STILL didn’t think this was it. By about 3pm, I could tell things were progressing and told Tim we should just go in to have them see how things were progressing so I could get some clarity. Disclaimer Pt 2: I opted not to have my OBGYN check me at prior appointments because it’s not the most pleasant experience and I’d just rather not know. Unless there is a medical reason as to why they need to check, I opt out and like being just as surprised as everyone else. The contractions at this point are steadily increasing and I was beginning to get emotional because I knew I had to go but also knew Zara was sleeping and I was devastated thinking about leaving without saying goodbye. I Facetime’d my mom AGAIN who convinced me to wake her up to say goodbye and to tell her that I was going to see how sissy was doing. So back upstairs I went at 4:08pm to say I love you, I’ll see you soon and to let her know I’ll probably have sissy with me when I come back. It was a moment I’ll never forget. No one prepares you for the feeling of leaving your one baby up until that point to bring another one into the world and I’m so happy Tim was able to catch this last photo of us.
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I got into the car at about 4:25pm after putting some final things in my hospital bag and that’s when things really began to pick up. Looking back I think having said goodbye to Zara gave my body the permission it needed mentally to give birth. It’s super weird to explain but in the car was when things REALLY picked up. I was in the front seat and literally could not sit. I was facing the back of the car bear hugging the front seat with all of my strength during the contractions. I had Tim put on “Man Of Your Word” by Maverick City Music and endured the 20 min car ride. I knew things were happening and knew they were happening fast...and Tim drove literally the opposite of that hitting EVERY. SINGLE. RED. LIGHT. It got to the point where I told him he had to run every single one or I would be having the baby in the car. He didn’t listen to me and would patiently wait at each one as I secretly plotted his murder. He would keep telling me “5 more minutes, 3 more minutes” based off of the GPS and looking back I think that helped me get through. We pulled up at 4:45pm and I told him to run and get somebody. There was no way I was walking in with the pain I was having. Nurses came running out with a wheelchair and I told them there was no way I could sit at this point so I powered through one more contraction and walked to triage where things REALLY, REALLY picked up. In the room, I felt my body needing to push and before I even had the chance to undress my water broke right then and there. I was sweating profusely and I knew it was go-time. Tim wasn’t allowed in at this point so he went to park the car. I was in agony and gave the nurse absolutely no chance of seeing how far along I was. I was in pain and I needed drugs. I was quite literally begging for them. I was not prepared to push a baby out unmedicated but once my water broke I knew there was going to be no other option. She finally checked me and immediately walkied for everyone possible to get me on a stretcher and the room ready. I could tell she knew this baby was coming fast and all the while Tim was still standing outside. A storm of nurses came in, a doctor I had never met got suited up and I was ready to push. There was no stopping Milan even though I begged multiple times for drugs and each time the nurses told me I was way too late and she would be here in literally 10 minutes. I had to power through. I pushed once and they saw her head. The nurse then had the audacity to ask me what Tim’s number was so she could call him and tell him to come in. In agony I told her his number and she called him to come in immediately. I was literally screaming in pain at this point. There was no “birthing breathing mama goddess” moments at all. It was straight drama every single push. LOL! The nurses and doctors did their best to control my efforts and I finally got into a rhythm that lasted maybe 4 minutes. When contractions came, I would tell them and within 3 pushes, she was here. 29 minutes from arriving at the hospital she arrived at 5:14pm. They finally were able to get an IV into me so I could get morphine and deliver the placenta somewhat peacefully. Tim and I both were in complete shock at how fast it all went down and how beautiful she was! Tim was maybe with me for 10 minutes and luckily didn’t miss it. Milan came earthside completely perfect and healthy and once the morphine hit, I was in a dream world and so, so happy it went by so fast so I could get home even faster.
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I requested immediately that they send me home as soon as I could (I hate staying at hospitals!) and they said if all went well with Milan and I, we would be discharged at 5pm the next day. After eating dinner, I was wheeled to our maternity suite and along the way every nurse said “congratulations, but please come in earlier next time” ... LOL! Nurses truly are the heroes of this world! We were able to spend a glorious 24 hours with just Milan and after passing all of her tests, meeting with her pediatrician and requesting to leave probably 17 times LOL, they let us go. I was up and at it probably 2 hours after delivery and was ready to GET OUT. I really like getting home and getting situated, showering in my own shower, and knowing Zara was there made it even more sweeter. I can’t wait to tell Milan her story and if her entry into this world is any indication of the person she will be, she is going to be a force to be reckoned with. So here’s to giving birth with no meds in the midst of a global pandemic ... guess I can check that one off the list!
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themrsdiaries · 6 years
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