themysticsylvia · 3 years
Strong female characters deserve happy endings. Strong female characters can be in love and still be powerful. Male producers/creators need to stop forcing female leads to lose their love interests for shock value.
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
this is such a fuck you to any woman who has ever found strength in daenerys. taking a VICTIM and making her a ruthless madwoman who goes insane and kills innocents because of bells? men should not be allowed to write women ever. i mean it
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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The pack survives.
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
Video Project
Here’s the finished product! 
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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Sabrina (1954) dir. Billy Wilder // Love in the Afternoon (1957) dir. Billy Wilder
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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spellmans ✨
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
Assignment 15 Video Progress Update
Almost done! I have the framing, now I just need to edit, edit, edit. I’m playing around with the sounds I’ve got; I’d really like to incorporate some sort of music in the video, but add it subtly. I’d like to use any sort of music catered to Detroit, I love my city and I wanted to display a part of it for my project. It’s a bit of an abstract piece with weird sounds and ambient echoes of people talking in the galleries, which is why I feel it needs a little more meat on its bones with music to take away from the chaos. I’m planning on finishing the editing today, and if not today, by the end of this week. I like where it’s going so far.
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
Tech Culture Post 5 (G): Nostalgia in the Media
Nostalgia. We’re all familiar with it. We all experience this feeling of reliving a simpler time in our lives. Using nostalgia to market isn’t anything new, but recently there’s been a big boom of increasing this sort of marketing towards baby boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials alike (like movie reboots or old tv characters selling you cars). Like the late and great Don Draper from Mad Men once said, “Nostalgia - it's delicate, but potent”. Take Stranger Things for example; they took everything that was memorable from the 80s, combined it with every Spielberg film ever made, and wrapped it up in a light-hearted representation of a cold war era. It does such a good job of communicating one’s childhood so well, that it’s a huge success. People of all ages watch and enjoy and relate to the show. And even though people may criticize making these sort of time capsules to sell a product or a movie/show, it works, it works really well. We live in such a complicated world, and the best escape is remembering a time when life was simple and all you had to worry about was remembering to rewind the VHS. I feel like using nostalgia in the media isn’t a bad thing; I love seeing something I loved 10 years ago come back to me as an adult because I can see it from a new perspective. However, I do feel like nostalgia is being a little overused. I’m not against it, but things to lose their specialty when they’re made a new or given to you too many times. I do hope that we don’t overdo it. I don’t know if this is going to continue to be a growing a trend or if it’ll die down over time, but I do know that I’m looking forward to the new Bill & Ted movie coming soon, as are many. I mean, it’s been 30 years after all. 
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
Update On My Video Progress
So! I’m currently working on the footage I have and I’m planning on heading back to the DIA to get the rest. I definitely challenged myself with this project, which is what I wanted. It’s been hard to plan around my schedule, but working hard on something makes finishing it and turning it in feel great! I’m learning a lot of new skills in terms of Adobe premier. I’ve worked in it before, but it’s been a minute, so the refresher is nice. I used to use Adobe audition for one of my previous jobs, so it’s nice to revisit it.  I’m also giving each gallery I film a theme of sound based on what’s featured. I can’t wait to put it all together!
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
Final Video Idea & Strategy
So, the final idea I came up with for the video project will be a time-lapse tour of the DIA. I’m going to go through the entire museum while filming and put together a sort of tour video showcasing the amazing galleries and art installations in the span of 2-3 minutes. I also really want to show everything the museum has to offer. I’m hoping to go on a day where they do live conservations of art pieces so I can add that to the video as well. I want to incorporate the sounds of the museum as the ‘soundtrack’ of the video. My subject is the viewer. I want the person watching to immerse themselves in the video as if they are in the museum, walking about it themselves. 
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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Today (March 31) is International Transgender Day of Visibility, and I’m sending love to all trans folks today, and always.
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themysticsylvia · 5 years
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themysticsylvia · 6 years
Tech Culture Post (B): Spider-Verse and the Art of Animation
The way we animate is constantly evolving over time. Most animated movies we see are trying to create something animated that looks more and more realistic. Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse, however, is challenging these dynamics by using animation as a true art form. Most animated films hold themselves back by trying to be too realistic. Spider-Verse is using a limitless, boundless way to tell a story, which is something more animated movies should do. In animation, there’s nothing holding you back from creating whatever you want. The unique thing about Spider-Verse is that it was made to be a moving comic book. Co-director of the film, Phil Lord, said, “If you freeze any part of the movie at any time, it will look like an illustration, with hand-drawn touches and all.” This is such a cool way to create a film based off of a comic book. Live action movies based off of comic books, like Iron Man or The Avengers, don’t really have the same appeal as this. They’re all great films, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t have the same effect or feeling as seeing something like Spider-Verse. Something else that this movie includes is using old school animation techniques seen in very old cartoons coupled with new animation tech. This technique creates such unique, fluid motions that really bring these characters to life. Spider-Verse is paving the way for new animation styles and technology, while also incorporating the technology we’ve used before. It’s absolutely incredible.  
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themysticsylvia · 6 years
Tech Culture Post (G)- Ruben & Isabel Toledo: Labor of Love
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Artists Ruben and Isabel Toledo present a series of new works titled Labor of Love, which honors Detroit’s history of industry, modernization and the DIA’s vast permanent collection. But it does so much more than that. It conveys the message that immigrants are some of the most important people within an industry, but they are looked over so frequently and are so unacknowledged within our American society. This especially applies to the textile and clothing industry. Clothing and the fashion of clothing is used to carry messages on personality, culture, and meaning. The gallery displays dresses fashioned to tell the story of those who have immigrated and adapted to their new environment while also carrying their culture with them. Isabel Toledo displays a message in both English and Spanish on the walls of the gallery: “Fashion is a great communicator. not bound by spoken or written language, it has a potent language of its own. The combination of ideas, time, and imagination can all be triggered by fashion and how people dress, undress, expose, or cover their bodies. Fashion offers the perpetual next, the never-ending new, the reinvention of inventions.” The statement is beautiful and really carries the message to the viewer of this art installment. The gallery also features works of Diego Rivera; more specifically the sketches he used when designing the mural in the DIA. Detroit is a cultural melting pot, and we should be celebrating and acknowledging that, which is exactly what this gallery does. It celebrates the art and culture behind the people who made the industry of Detroit possible. The artist Isabel Toledo states in her piece (again in both English and Spanish), “As an immigrant, I’ve learned to use humor as a subversive way to add to the cultural stew of humanity”. This message speaks volumes, and so does the art. The exhibit is at the DIA until July, so I highly recommend checking it out for yourself!
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