thencwboys ¡ 4 years
open to tops/verse/bottoms connection: friends/stranger/waiter about Primo
“Dude, chill. It’s fine.” Primo looked down at his shirt which was now stained with whatever drink the other had been carrying. The shirt he was admittedly very expensive, but Primo had been learning how to live rich. “I mean neither of us were paying attention, right?” He laughed easily and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back. “How about you let me buy you a drink?” He looked back at the other man, smirking slightly. He was cute, 
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
Arms wrapped around the younger man’s neck, knowing he shouldn’t be encouraging this when Dallas still wasn’t sober, but his body seemed to move of its own accord in response now. “This’ll sound like a cheesy pickup line but you had my attention from the moment you walked into the club tonight, not your bandmates.”
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Full lips were just a hair away from the other man’s own, brushing softly against each other as he spoke. “Never tried grindr, but it can’t be all that bad if guys like you are on it.” Pushing forward a bit more, his lips moved downward, teeth nibbling on the flesh of his neck. “You should go now before you miss performing altogether. I’m sure no one in the band would be happy about that.” 
Dallas smiled at the other and pulled the man closer. “Well then I consider myself the luckiest dude around.” He hummed as he felt the other star to tease his neck. “It sucks. Wally’s like the only good thing I’ve ever gotten from it. And now that I know you’re not on it, I can delete it forever.”
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When the other said he should go he nodded. He brought his hands up, cupping the other’s face and pressing a soft kiss against his lips. He pulled back and smiled. “I’ll see you at the hotel, okay?” He pulled back and gave the other one last look before heading towards the stage to get playing.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
August liked the feeling of having someone’s face buried in his crotch. How they would take in his scent – how they would feel his hardness against their nose and lips. Give them something to really look forward to. It was nothing more than a tease on his end. A way to show others what he had concealed and make them want him even more. Who wouldn’t love a handsome man down on their knees and worshipping every inch of them from top to bottom? To be branded with his scent, to have it all over them. The scent of musk and manhood. Was there anything more arousing than that? Than the scent of a real man and not those cheap ass colognes that people used to impress like freaking peacocks?
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But there was no way to hide how much he appreciated this. The pressure of a face against his groin, the slow movements to reveal the outline of his erection within his pants. August had no doubt that Franco could indeed perform such a simple task. Few people couldn’t but – what sort of escort would Franco be if he couldn’t do something so easy? At the request from the other male, August closed his fingers once more around the other man’s hair so that he could keep his face close to his crotch. Feel his muscles move against him as the stood up slowly – the tent on his pants more obvious than ever now. Throbbing. Demanding attention that only another man could provide.
“Go on now, pup. Work your magic and get your reward.”
Franco could spell August as much as he could feel him. Everything about him screamed manliness and Franco was enjoying himself. It helped as well that while August had a certain musk, it wasn’t so strong as to become uncomfortable. Everything about August seemed just right. Franco was a bit bummed for a moment that he hadn’t met the man at some bar, but he wasn’t going to complain when he was being hired to get fucked by an absolute Adonis of a man.
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Once more using his teeth, Franco slowly dragged the other’s pants down, using gravity to help. He did the same with the underwear and when August stepped out of them, he nudged them to the side so they would no longer be in the way. When he was called pup, Franco smiled and leaned forward, resting on hands and knees with his back arched so that his ass was on display. He leaned up, nuzzling his face against the other’s groin, the scent of August so much easier to detect now that there was nothing to block the other’s cock from his face. 
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
If there was one thing that August appreciated fully was a man that took his time in worshiping his body. It wasn’t easy to find the time for that. His life was always chaotic, always something to do and somewhere to go. Times like these were rare. It wasn’t often that he could enjoy the company of another man for more than just a quick encounter in a restroom, but to actually have his body properly taken care of. Every kiss and lick against his skin was enough to make him relax, an appreciative hum abandoning his lips the more Franco would persist with his caresses. It was all he wanted. A handsome man taking care of him before he would be the one taking care of them. And for once, he was with someone who knew what they were doing. Who knew how to touch. How to kiss. How to follow orders without a sudden hint of defiance in their voice.
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Looking down towards the man now nestled between his legs, August could feel the tension growing, his muscles becoming rigid as Franco caressed the inside of his thighs. The heat was all pooling at his groin, his own erection silently demanding to be freed from the constrictive pants that kept it trapped. “You know where.” Right hand claimed a fistful of Franco’s hair and August was less than kind as he shoved the younger man’s face against this crotch, hips rolling in slow circles against the other’s face. “Use your mouth and nothing more than your mouth. If you resort to your hands – I will tie them behind your back and it’s not going to be pleasant. Take in the scent. Feel how hard I am for you. Use your mouth to get rid of my pants. Think you can do that?” There was no doubt in August’s mind that Franco could do that but he was all for the occasional jab at the ego. “I’ll reward you if you do.”
Franco hummed easily as he looked up at August, slowly stroking those powerful thighs. He smiled when the man called him out on his teasing, but soon he couldn’t anymore. His face was pressed against the other’s groin, practically being fucked if not for the pants that were blocking Franco from his prize. When the other told him not to use his hands he glanced up through his lashes with a smirk. He didn’t respond, but instead leaned closer, mouthing over the outline of the other’s cock. It was a moment he got to tease before he pulled back and began his diligent work that would be needed to obey the other’s instructions.
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“Believe me... I can feel every last inch of your hardness, sir.” Moving between the other’s legs, Franco gripped August’s zipper with his teeth, tugging it down slowly. Next he was able to pop the button and open the pants. “I need you to stand up sir... Otherwise I can’t get them down.” He sat back on his heels and looks up at the other, a small smirk on his lips. He knew he was good at his job and he liked to impress. He wouldn’t use his hands once in an effort to show off his skill and make August want him even more. He liked to be desired.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
“You are such a fucking charmer.” Raleigh grinned, lips brushing against the man’s Adam’s apple as he spoke, fingers sliding beneath Dallas’ shirt, feeling those tight, toned abs. “Do I get to meet them personally?” It had been a while since his wild and crazy band chasing days. He wondered if musicians still partied the same way.
Not he wanted to party with anyone other than Dallas.
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“I know it’s a gay club they’re preforming in but your bandmates..do they know about you?” Budding musicians would play anywhere for cash, even places they didn’t agree with. If one or two of them ended up being homophobic, it wouldn’t have surprised Raleigh in the least. “It’s safe, right?”
Dallas smiled at the other and nodded his head. “Sure... tomorrow morning we can all have breakfast together.” He winked at the other and tugged Raleigh closer. “But I want you to myself tonight. I mean... My bandmates are all pretty hot and I’d rather not lose your attention quite so fast.”
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When the other asked if they knew, Dallas laughed easily. “Oh, don’t worry. We’re all gay. I might actually be the least gay of them all.” He laughed easily. “I met my drummer through grindr. Which is kinda lame but you know... It was kinda funny all things consider.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
August knew how to wait. Good things often came to those who had the patience to wait. Although – it was hard. Franco was a stunning individual and every cell in his body was aching to ravish the younger man in every way he possibly could. To see how loud he could make him moan, how much he could make him squirm… how he would look absolutely wrecked and begging to be claimed. Even now that Franco was on his lap, that glorious cock at hand’s reach, all August wanted to do was to wrap his arm around the man’s bare waist and bring him closer to him. To give Franco the opportunity to check for himself the reaction he was provoking him. How he was already engorging in his pants.
But he could wait.
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“I like what I see.” His head fell back, neck exposed for the kissing to continue, the slow and tantalizing body worship something that August wholeheartedly appreciated. Only when Franco began to unbutton his shirt was when his eyes opened, following the movements of the slim fingers opening up his shirt, exposing more and more skin along the way. It was only fair that he too would get undressed. It wasn’t fun if only one of the parties was nude. “You want to taste it?” Sitting straight and bringing his own face ever so close to Franco – they would not kiss but it didn’t stop him from teasing – August rolled his shoulders back to aid in the removal of his garment, tossing the expensive shirt across the room so that he would no longer be restricted by its movements.
“Kiss me then.” From the chin all the way down. “Touch me.” Worship his chest, play with his body hair, lick every muscle and curve. “Once you make all the way down, I want you kneeling on the floor. Shoes and socks come out after and only then – you can work on my pants.”
Franco smiled and stayed close, his lips never leaving the other’s neck. “I’m glad to hear that sir.” Franco knew that his voice didn’t sound like he was thankful, but rather like he already knew. Being a bit cocky was always one of his downfalls, but he was fairly sure that August wouldn’t really care that much. He was doing his job, pleasuring the other in every way he knew how. Which was a lot. Slowly starting to lower his kisses, his hands moving to slowly stroke over the other’s chest, feeling the fur that was there. He was so built and furry, Franco was going to spend a lot of time working every inch of him.
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Slowly sliding out of August’s lap, he began to press his lips against the other’s pecks, his hands gently massaging them. His tongue flicked out, teasing the man’s nipples. He would occasionally flick his eyes up to look at the other, all while dipping lower and lower. Eventually he got to the other’s stomach, kissing along his abs and running his tongue along the grooves of the other. He was sitting on his knees at this point and finally pulled away, licking over his lips. He began undoing the other’s shoes, the left first then the right. Next were socks and soon Franco was left with a man wearing only his pants. “Where would you like me to go next sir?” His voice was teasing as his hands slowly ran up and down the other’s powerful thighs, gently massaging them.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
Teeth sink into lower lip, listening to the flattering words. Fingers trailing down the other man’s neck, playing at the hallow between his collarbone before hooking in the collar of his shirt. Lips pressed against the line of Dallas’ jaw, gentle, yet firm kisses that trail down the neck, pausing for a moment, a shuddering breath tickling against the tender flesh.
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“God, you make me want you so fucking bad.” He whispered, lips brushing skin as he spoke. “But I want you to be able to remember who I am after.” Pulling away, both hands cupped Dallas’s neck. “After the show…if you’re a bit more sober, come back and see me.” A wink. “I’ll be off duty by the time you’re done…maybe we could go back to your place?”
Dallas smiled at the other and grinned easily at the other. He hummed as the other kissed at his neck, tilting his head back. He reached up, his fingers threading through the other’s hair and keeping him close. He didn’t want the man to pull away quite yet. He was enjoying the feeling of having someone so close far too much.
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“I’d remember you even if I got amnesia.” He nodded and grabbed a receipt from his pocket, scribbling down a hotel and room. “So after the show I’m gonna have to head back to the hotel with the band. If I don’t see you... come by? I’ll be up all night waiting if you don’t.” He winked at the other teasingly, tugging the other closer.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
Nabbing a bottle of cold water from behind the bar, he led Dallas into one of the spare rooms, handed him the bottle and nodded to the sofa. “You’re cute. Anyone ever tell you that?” Of course people had probably told him that. Dallas was young, hot, well built, and a singer. The guy probably had men and women alike falling at his feet.
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“Tell you what, Dallas. I want you, too, but maybe we should do this when you’re a bit more sober.” Fingers ran through the other man’s dirty blonde hair, curling a lock around a long, slender finger. “Besides, who knows? I might not be that handsome to you when you’re not drunk.” A tilt of his head, a coy smile, blue eyes roamed over Dallas’s face, taking him in. “Maybe you’ll look at me and think ‘what the fuck am I doing with this old guy’?” 
Dallas smiled at the other at the other and laughed. “Cute? I don’t think I get that one too often. But thanks. I like it.” He beamed brightly at the other and shrugged. “You’re sexy. But you work here so you know that... Do you know you’re really kind? I don’t think most guys would care how drunk I am, so it’s sweet that you’re worrying about it.”
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He nodded his head and leaned into the other’s hand. “But I suppose we’re right. I gotta be on stage in a bit so I better keep my dick in my pants. You’re probably right.” He shook his head at the other. “You’re handsome and sexy no matter how drunk or sober I am. I already know that.” He huffed easily and looked over the other. “I dunno why you keep saying you’re old. I think you’re just handsome and amazing.”
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
Resorting to this sort of services was not unusual for him. There were moments where he required company in order to release some of the tension gathered throughout the day. Going to bars and picking strangers was hardly something he would do. He didn’t care about those people and the effort of having to bring them over would bore him to death. Not to mention that if he fucked a stranger, the man would have the wrong idea and seek to pursuit something more than just occasional naked fun. August was no man to end up tied down to a single person. His job didn’t allow it and truth be told, neither did his personality. Hence why people like Franco were just what he needed. Things would be casual, no emotions would be attached and he would have a quality service rather than ending up completely disappointed by someone’s performance.
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But Franco was performing to his exact specifications. Undressing ever so slowly, showing off not just his skin but his chiseled body. It was good enough to make August sit straight on his chair, hands caressing his own thighs that seemed to be restricted by the fabric of his pants. And the more Franco undressed, the more he wanted to explore every inch of that body with his hands. With his mouth. Figure out which places to touch to make him moan louder, to make him beg for something that only he could provide. “You truly are magnificent.” Especially now, showing off his ass, bending over and arching his back like a prized treasure. He even had the perfect ass for a spanking. “Here.” August tapped his thigh with a single hand, his eyes never once looking away from the younger man. Truly magnificent. Handsome. The best one he could have picked for that night. “Sit here. I want you to undress me now.” The shirt would be first – at least until he would have to stand up and Franco slide down to his knees. “My lap is now the most comfortable place for you to be in now.”
Franco smiled as he was told to come closer. He turned and walked towards the other, moving to sit himself on the other’s lap, kissing at his jaw, making sure to steer clear of his mouth. “I hope that was okay, sir.” Franco was good at showing affection and seeming like he was emotionally invested without actually caring. He had fallen for a client once when he first started and he had learned from that pretty quickly. Now he knew how to detach and only focus on the pleasure of the man who had hired him. With August it was easy. He had made it clear that this was a business transaction for him and Franco was willing to give him what he wanted.
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Slowly running his hands along the other’s broad chest, his fingers began undoing the other’s buttons. “Trust me, I believe that. You’re so big and strong... I’m excited to see what you’re going to do to me, sir. Or what I’m going to be allowed to do to you.” He slowly ran his tongue over his lips and smirked. He was pressed close, happy to stay near the other’s warmth. Once he had finished with the other’s buttons, he slowly ran his hands back up the other’s torso, pushing the shirt open so that he could slowly push it off of the other. He looked down at the other’s chest slowly and let out a soft hum of appreciation. “You’re so sexy... So big.” He looked up at August with a small smile. “I can’t wait to taste you.”
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
William bit his tongue as he heard the other’s chuckle, wanting to snap at him and tell him to fuck off, though, even if he was going to, he wouldn’t have been able to as he felt him swipe his tongue against his entrance. A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt Henry push his tongue into him and his eyelids fluttered shut. Grunting at the slap, William bit his tongue again, not wanting to give in to the other’s ego. Though, it did feel good, especially when he had his tongue inside of him.
Henry smiled as he continued to eat the other out, groaning easily at his entrance, humming happily as he did. He could hear the other biting back his sounds, bringing his hand down once more. He’d get William to make a noise. For now he was aiming to please the man but he would happily resort to teasing and causing pain to get William to do what he wanted. Though he was certain once he started fucking the other, a lack of noise wouldn’t be a problem at all. 
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
The thing about rules – they were often sacred. They were to be obeyed and if August expected his own to be followed to the letter, he too would need to accept the ones presented to him. It was a basic transaction. He would pay for the man’s time and follow his pre-detailed instructions. In return? Well, who wouldn’t want a handsome man pleasuring them? The night was yet to fully fall and his flight was only in the morning. Sleeping while a possibility was something that August didn’t see as a requirement. Who would sleep when there was so many other pleasant activities to perform? Why sleep when he could have his hands all over a magnificent example of the male sex?
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“Call me whatever you want.” He wasn’t picky with names. Master, Sir, Daddy… whatever the other person enjoyed. When it came to more stable partners, ‘Sir’ did the trick more often than not. “Not like we will be doing a lot of talking. Your mouth will probably be occupied with me or moaning incoherent words.” Pulling a chair to the center of the room, August reclined in it like a king in a throne. Legs spread open, his chest testing the limits of the fabric of his own shirt. Undressing would come later, not by hands but the hands of other. “Undress for me.” Fingers scratched his scruff, blue eyes narrowing towards the younger male as a glint of arousal appeared in the form of a smirk. “As much as I have enjoyed seeing glimpses of your performances – the real thing is far more interesting. Do it slowly. We have time.”
Franco nodded his head and figured he’d decide whatever felt best in the moment. August might have looked like a daddy, but he also looked like he could be Franco’s actual father. Either way, August seemed like he deserved a name that was more authoritative. A sir. A master. He didn’t really care all that much. He’d call the man what he wanted until their time was up. That was how it always went. Men hired him and then forgot about him. He didn’t even to worry about making some lasting impression, even if he did it wasn’t like most guys wanted to hire the same escort again and again.
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As he was finally given an order, Franco smirked. Standing up he looked over at August. He slowly tugged off his shirt and tossed it onto the couch. He slowly ran his hands down his body, letting a soft moan leave his lips. Undoing the button on his pants he slowly pulled the zip down, showing off the light blue boxer briefs under the jeans. Next went the jeans and they slowly slid down his legs, kicking them to three side as well. Turning to face away from the other, he slowly peeled off his underwear, making sure to bend over and show off his ass to the other. Looking over his shoulder he smiled. “Do you like the view, sir?”
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
“You seem so nervous.” While he found it cute, he also knew it was probably the alcohol talking. “Relax. I’d say let’s get you a drink, but it seems like you’ve already had a few.” Maybe he should take the younger man into a room to sit down instead of having a quickie.
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Raleigh placed a hand on Dallas’ cheek, then placed his palm on the center of his collarbone. “You’re warm. Come on, let’s get you inside. We can talk about expectations and songwriting once you’ve had some water.” He said, tossing out the cigarette and leading the other back inside the dark club. It was one thing to both be drunk while having sex, completely another for one person to be sober while the other was clearly drunk.
“I’m not nervous. I’m excited.” He paused and tilted his head. “Well I’m nervous that you’ll think I’m totally full of shit. Which I’m totally not.” He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. He was drunk and not making not a lot of sense, but he was happy to be here with Raleigh for now.
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Walking with the other and nodded his head. “Water sounds pretty good I’ll admit.” He slipped an arm around the other. “I do want you. Like in a room. I know we don’t got a lot of time but... at least we could make out some. I think you’d be super sexy sitting in my lap.” He gave a soft laugh and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
@thencwboys​ gets a starter with August Walker
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There was so little time between jobs for August to just lay back and relax. Travel to point A to point B was a part of the job but there were moments when even one such as himself required a bit of… breathing. And when the night came for him to just sit back and relax, all August could care about was the pleasure of someone’s company without the weary necessity of finding someone that would suit is specific taste. Which was why he was searching for someone online. Someone handsome and seemingly capable of keeping him entertained for the night. It saved him the trouble of searching for someone in person and money? Well – money was not exactly the problem with him. So when he did find someone good enough – some pretty boy named Franco - August chose a neutral ground for their meeting. The most expensive hotel in town ( which was perfect to keep things muffled in a no questions asked policy ) would have a room waiting for the man. Just knock on the door and make himself comfortable.
Why hunt when he could pay for it?
August walked around the room as he waited for his little plus one, one finger loosening the knot on his tie as he brought his own drink to his lips. The night was starting to fall. The following morning he would by flying somewhere else. If those were the only hours available to enjoy someone’s presence by his side – he would make sure that he would get every fucking second of it. Mostly because he was also paying for this. “Take off your shoes.” As the door to his room closed, August didn’t even need to turn his head to know the guest of honor had arrived. Who else would come in unannounced? “I know you have your own set of rules about this – but I only have one. I don’t kiss.” Kissing was something he graced others with when they had earned the right. Usually required an A+ when it came to sex. “We don’t kiss and we are fine on my end. Now, make yourself at home, grab a drink. Set the ground rules and then we get the party started. That’s the job, right?”
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Franco always thought it was interesting who hired him. Some were fans of his cam shows and wanted to live out their fantasy in person. Others were just horny men who saw him as a pretty thing to be bought and used. Not that it really made any difference. No matter what he was being paid for his time and his compliance. He made his way to the hotel, arriving on the dot. He found that many of the men who hired him weren’t fans of tardiness. So when he entered the room and instantly heard an order, a small smile crept onto his lips. Toeing off his shoes, Franco set them to the side and listened to the other. “No kissing. Got it.” 
When he was told to get himself a drink, Franco shook his head lightly. “Thank you, but I don’t drink on the job. As for rules, I’ve only got one beyond what was listed on the website.” The site had most of the basic ones. Finding a seat, Franco relaxed back and crossed his legs. “If I say pineapple, you stop. And if you don’t stop, you accept any damage I do.” He looked around the room. He was a bit underdressed, wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that clung to his body to show off his chest. “As for starting the party, that’s on you, isn’t it? Tell me what you want. Any names I should call you? Or would you rather just put me on my knees right away?” He had a small smile on his face as he looked over at the other, clearly checking him out.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
“Let me worry about my client.” Raleigh replied in a husky, thick tone. Palm running up along Dallas’ chest, towards his neck, cupping the nape, thumb caressing the length. “Oh, I’m looking forward to watching you perform, gorgeous.” In more ways than one.
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“What do you say we go back inside? I could find us a room…” Vince always made sure a few spares were around, just in case walk-ins came. “Even if you did want to just fuck me, I’m fine with it. But we can talk all you want after. Right now? I wanna see how lead singers fuck.”
Dallas smiled at the other and nodded his head. “A room... Sounds hot. Let’s go.” He moved closer and kissed the other’s cheek softly. “After sounds good. We can do whatever you want.” He looked over the other slowly.
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“I uh... I’ve never hired someone. And I’m not hiring you either but uh... I wanna know what you want. I want to be able to give you everything you want.” He grinned brightly at the other and took his hand. “You’re uh... I know I’m just totally in awe of you. I want you to be my muse and I’m gonna make you see that I’ll treat you totally right.”
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
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William yelped softly as he felt Henry’s hand slap a few more times, his head bowing as he tried to bite back the slight stinging sensation on his rear. He remained silent as he heard the other’s expectation, knowing if he said something, it’d likely result in a few more spanks. He gasped as his hair was tugged, unable to stop the hum that came out of his throat as he kissed him back. After a moment of hesitation, he moved into the position he was told to take, though, a part of him felt humiliated in that position. Even more so because he was completely naked and Henry had yet to take a single item off.
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Henry smirked and fixed his tie, purposely staying clothed in order to make the power imbalance that much more clear. He chuckled easily and spread the other’s cheeks apart as William got into position, leaning forward to slowly lap at the other’s entrance. He began pushing his tongue up inside of Will, humming happily as he ate the other out eagerly. His hand came down, slapping the other’s ass once more, deep growl coming from his lips. “Such a good boy. Doesn’t it feel good to follow my orders?” He pressed his tongue deeper inside of the other, humming happily.
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
“You’re going to make me work up an appetite… we’ll have to order food after this,” Ambrose mused, letting his eyes flutter close when feelings those lips at his neck. He didn’t try to squirm much but let out a soft sigh, it wasn’t until feeling that hand against his ass that made him moan and quiver with pleasure. When feeling the tongue at his nipples is when he moaned louder, gasping the others name. It felt wrong that Mateo was still clothed when he reached out and started pulling all of them off. 
Mateo nodded his head and smirked at the other. “I’m glad I can manage to work up your appetite. And you know I’ll order you anything that you like.” He felt his clothes being tugged off and quickly moved to help the other out, throwing them to the side. He pushed his pants off as well and tugged Ambrose close. “I wanna feel your lips around me Rose. Wanna see you on your knees.”
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thencwboys ¡ 4 years
“Yes,” Cash mused as he looked over at Eddie with a confused expression before gesturing for the boy to enter the penthouse to which they were instantly greeted by a large pit bull.  “This is Ramsey,” he introduced the two, before turning his attention back to Eddie. “No, not unless you want me to… though you do look quite young.” Not like that has ever stopped him before though if the boy was too young, he’d put a stop to that.
Eddie looked around as they arrived, feeling relieved the the man wasn’t a creep. But at the same time  he was miffed. He had never thought of himself as pathetic. But this felt like he was being pitied. Looked over the other slowly. “I’m old enough to know what I want. Not that I even want you.” He threw his bag on the couch and crossed his arms. “Which way is your bathroom?” He was trying to act confident, like he didn’t care about all of this.
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