thenerdyanimator · 3 years
New Accounts to share my Artwork
I was thinking of creating new accounts to show off my artwork. I did use to have an account on DeviantArt, and nowadays I’m using a current account on Twitter to do that (some of you already know the username). But I am thinking of starting some new ones regardless. It won’t be immediately of course: I could create them later this year, or perhaps next year even. But here I’ll explain two reasons why I’ve thought of this plan. I may elaborate on these points more in the future.
Allowing More Consistency:
Some of you may know that I’ve been trying a lot of new things lately with my artwork, whether it’s trying out new styles such as animation, cartoons, comic styles, or realism etc. I want to create an account where I can organize my artwork a lot better than how I did before, and also come up with a more suitable username so that it better reflects the artwork I now do (or will do). In a way, I believe it will help me to grow a larger audience since it will make it easier for people to navigate my page and understand the content that I do. My account on Twitter, however, won’t be too suitable, since it’s a bit unorganized because of me being a little impulsive with what I post.
A Fresh Start:
I’ll admit that I’ve felt like I’ve been a bit unorganized this year (and last year) when it comes to displaying my art. I feel like starting over and creating new accounts will allow me to reorganize my content and categorize them better. Since I don’t want to get into the habit of creating too many accounts all at once, I’ve decided that, as mentioned before, I’ll make one later on. Probably at the time when my art skills have improved a little bit. 
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thenerdyanimator · 3 years
Hi and welcome to my personal blog. I’ll be mainly posting updates and stories of my art journey/progress here, as well as sharing my plans in terms of what I create in the future.
I'm mainly interested in illustration and animation (and also other kinds of art too). I'm an aspiring artist who wants to improve on my drawing skills. I've initially taken up drawing in late 2017 as a hobby, but since around the beginning of 2020, my passion in it grew rapidly, and thus I've been wanting to get a lot better at it.
Here's a sample of some of my artwork so far (with some unfinished ones).
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Thanks to the availability of books and online tutorials, I’ve managed to learn a fair amount, although I still need to practice a lot more at it. Now I want to try and learn a whole bunch of other art topics. 
Learning to write (and draw) comics is something that's also on my bucket list. My short-term goals right now are to start up my own web comic series, with my own fictional characters in it. But obviously I’ll need to get better at my art skills first.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
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