thenifflerr · 6 years
This is the scene that officially killed me (until they get together officially, of course). 
1) Just before Anne makes her entrance, Matthew’s all “where’s Anne gone off to?” So you KNOW she took a little extra time to look “just right” for Gil. And then Gilbert stands up when his queen enters the room. Like, no one else is gonna stand up for her entrance. Bash just copied Gilbert thinking it was polite, but Matthew’s like ??? Why is he standing up? (And Marilla be like, d’aww!! He loooooves her.)
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2) He gives her a gift (like, in addition to all his heart-eyes) not expecting one in return. And, as we find out later, it’s like SUCH a perfect gift for her and one probably not found in any shops she would’ve visited at this point.
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3) Can we get the rights to“Kiss da Girl” for this scene, pls?! Also, love that his reaction to this charged moment is a little nervous laugh. So romantical.
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4) You think that’d all the Christmas heart-eyes? Oh hells nah! Gil’s got like 8 months worth of heart-eyes to make up for! Here he is just f*cking LOVING watching Anne listen to the “exotic ports of call” Bash has been to. I mean, Gil’s prolly been to those places too, but he doesn’t care about talking rn. Too busy watching her excitement and probably imagining taking her to those places someday.
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5) D’awww!!!  He gets all blushy and shy when she says the Christmas panto is “going to be wonderful” toward him. (Gots ta respect your tech crew, y’all!)
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6) And then he’s like, “Okay, so my new dad/bro is tots loving her and they’re toasting the island, which is awesome, but like, she hasn’t looked at me for like 3 seconds, so I need to get back in there. Merry Christmas, future wife!”
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Bonus: Looking at his future wife at someone’s wedding like…
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Double-bonus: Cole’s smug face after telling her Gil’s got a crush on her. YAS! Cole and Bash, please continue to keep these nerds from cockblocking themselves with their overthinking!
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thenifflerr · 6 years
All Gilbert eyes rated.
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9/10. Happy for Anne, encouraging, supportive. Not a perfect 10 because it is a bit to friend-y for the greatest romance of all time, though all the bests romances have friendship as it’s base.
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10/10. He knows he loves her at this point. He’s totally thinking about their future together right now.
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3/10. He’s concerned about her, sure, but 5 seconds later he pulls her hair so not his best moment.
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8/10. He loves her, he knows this now. He’s trying to think of a way to tell her. Also, is he eyeing Matthew right after? Figuring how best to ask for his blessing?
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8.5/10. He’s imagining her in that wedding dress. I love it. You can see him looking her all the way over, practically figuring out her dress size.
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7.5/10. He loves her and doesn’t want to leave, but something like “she could never love me back” is running through his mind and that’s just stupid. You’re a catch, dude. Smarten up and act like it.
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8/10. He’s laughing with her, enjoying a joke. Yay!
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7.5/10. So soft, and subtle, and sweet.
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-1000/10. Don’t do it, Gilbert. Don’t walk away from her.
Some of you might be wondering: Where’s the 10/10?
We haven’t had it yet. We’ve only seen Gilbert love Anne, we haven’t seen Gilbert when he knows Anne loves him back. As amazing as the crush is, it’s even better as a relationship.
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thenifflerr · 6 years
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#anne your crush is showing…
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thenifflerr · 6 years
Stop with whatever it is you’re doing and take a bit of your time to read this, to make me and so many other people happy:
Maybe you’ve already seen people talk about it, so I will keep it short.
Please start watching Anne With An E, because we need more views for a 3rd season!! Here are 4 quick reasons why, and there are many more for you to discover once you start watching:
1. It discusses important issues like racism, feminism, homosexuality, education, abuse etc. in the most beautiful way possible.
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2. Poetic cinema is ON POINT literally every episode
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3. The main ship, Shirbert (Anne Shirley-Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe) is absolutely incredible and you will love it just as much as the entire fandom does.
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4. Every character gets portrayed beautifully and you can really see that the actors and writers put their heart and soul into the show.
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We need more views, we need more eyeballs or we won’t get a (well-deserved) season 3.
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Help a desperate girl (and the rest of the Anne clan) out and start watching. Please🌻 (Also, it’s a good way to piss off the homophobic assholes who have been hating on the show since the beginning.)
Thank you💛
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thenifflerr · 6 years
I lowkey love that Albania and kosova compete in world titles bc I’m always rooting for one or the other and I feel like we cheated The System™, got 2 contestants in 😎
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thenifflerr · 6 years
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Endrit Mertiri photographing Armina Mevlani for Dolce|| shop
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thenifflerr · 6 years
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teuta matoshi duriqi  || shop
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thenifflerr · 7 years
Ok what the actual fuck
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How Harry Potter should have ended
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thenifflerr · 7 years
L'Epifania tutte le feste si porta via
“L’Epifania tutte le feste si porta via”, this is an Italian proverb which means that past the Epiphany, all the festivals and celebrations are over, and you start the life of every day. I always thought that those who love Rome have to visit it under the Christmas period. In fact, in this period the city is magical, the only problem that affects the feel is that it doesn’t snow.
Perhaps you have wondered how the Italians spend the Christmas holidays, well all begins on 8 December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, in addition to various religious ceremonies is custom to put the Christmas decorations in the streets and houses (although, unfortunately, many start earlier to decorate).
Then we arrive at 24 December, the day of Christmas Eve. An Italian proverb says “Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi”, which means Christmas is spend with family and Easter is spend with friends; so, we spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with the family. During the Christmas Eve there is the famous “cenone” (big dinner), according to tradition it’s forbidden to eat meat, so we eat only seafood. After the dinner we exchange gifts, and at midnight, who wants it, go to Church. Some families exchange gifts the next morning, at Christmas; in my family we have always exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve. A curiosity on this day is that it’s always transmitted in the evening the film “Una Poltrona per Due” (Trading Places), in fact many consider this as a Christmas tradition! On Christmas morning the children receive other gifts brought by Babbo Natale during the night (Babbo Natale is the Italian name of Santa Claus); we spend the day with family and eat a lot, practically the luncheon lasts several hours in which we eat, we chat and we being together. Those who love to eat and those who love Italian cuisine should try to spend Christmas with an Italian family, especially in these days you eat a lot of really good stuff! During the afternoon usually play cards (Briscola, Scopa, Scala 40, Sette e Mezzo, etc.) and Tombola (similar to Bingo), this is your chance to win some money, because in these games we play for money.
The same thing happens the next day, 26 December, St. Stephen’s Day.
On 31 December, we celebrate the end of the year, I don’t think there are many differences with many other nations: we are together with friends or family, and we waiting for the midnight to toast, and see and do fireworks.
Finally, on 6 January we celebrate the Epiphany. The Epiphany is a feast that marks the arrival of the three Magi following the star of Bethlehem, arriving at the place of Jesus’ birth In Italy, in fact, the significance of this festival is a bit lost, nowadays the Epiphany is more seen as the feast of the Befana. The Befana is an old woman, looks like a witch but it’s good, and fly using a broom through every house and bringing sweets to good children, in fact, on the evening of December 5, children leave a sock empty in the house and the next morning they found in it sweets and candies if they have been good, instead if they have been bad they find in it coal.
In Italy there is also the custom of making a crib in home, usually prepares the 8 December creating the scenario and positioning of the characters, except that baby Jesus is added on 25 December. Finally, the three Magi are added on 6 January.
As mentioned earlier, the Epiphany takes away all the festivities, so, with Epiphany, end up all the feast days. In fact, 7 December is the anniversary of the birth of the Italian flag (this year has made 216 years ago), but it’s an institutional feast, so there isn’t a real feast.
Of course this is a brief summary of how work the Christmas holidays in Italy, each village has its own traditions and ways of celebrating, in Rome there also held many events that I have not listed.
Anyway, I hope you spent a enjoyable holiday and I recommend you go to Rome, or in general in Italy, to spend a different kind of Christmas!
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thenifflerr · 7 years
you: what's wrong
me: nothing
me, internally: why is dumbledore lauded as the best thing that every happened to the wizarding world when professor minerva mcgonagall, o.m (first class), was clearly more deserving of that title. she actually stood up more to umbridge than dumbledore did, and was more of a guiding force to her students than dumbledore was, actually personally helping them with their studies whereas dumbledore was only interested in harry potter. mcongagall took four stunning spells to the chest and came back angrier; she stood up to death eaters and snape and voldemort and even neville's grandmother, and it is a crime that she never got acknowledged for that in universe
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thenifflerr · 7 years
147. Once, after an extremely successful quidditch match, the Griffindor threw an impromptu parade, which was extremely successful and involved Fred and George’s firework dragons, many bewitched paintings dancing along, the founding of Hogwarts Marching Band, and Mrs Norris as a disco ball. After that, there was no stopping them. Parades for Honeydukes newest releases, “Hufflepuff-Gryffindor friendship” parades, even weekly “Founding of the Hogwarts Marching Band” parades. It got so ridiculous McGonagall had to cut them off at the “Creevy finally got a passing grade on his potions paper!!” Parade.
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thenifflerr · 7 years
jk rowling: ok so i've written prisoner of azkaban about an escaped inmate from azkaban, so i've done that
jk rowling: now, who should be the main antagonist in the next book?
jk rowling: got it. an escaped inmate from azkaban. brilliant.
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thenifflerr · 7 years
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Chris Pine putting on a Wonder Woman tiara and being SO EFFIN’ CUTE!!!
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thenifflerr · 7 years
Prayer circle that somehow Patty Jenkins ends up directing Batgirl instead of Joss Whedon.
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thenifflerr · 7 years
Writer Problems
I just love when I start writing and my brain just jumps straight to the middle of the story. NO. STOP. IT. BE PATIENT YOU ASS.
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thenifflerr · 7 years
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thenifflerr · 7 years
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