thenokami9 · 9 months
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thenokami9 · 3 years
Flames of Hope
This is part of a trade I'm doing with abbytheslothwitch, this is part of a series I'm working on for my 9 Okami universe.
Gunfire and the sound of falling bombs raged outside into the night. Inside a greenhouse that was somehow spared a small clan of stitchpunks found it to be their shelter after fleeing from the creators who were killed. 10 felt cool air coming in from some hole and pulled the blankets around her more, she hated being cold.
“Okay, just.....try and sleep, the noise will die out, and you need sleep, it's been a long day.” 10 told herself, the sounds of the fighting still going. But not even in dreams was she safe from the hell that was going on outside. 10 found herself back on the battlefield, people and animals running, trying to fight back if they can. But the walkers were much stronger, they were large war machines that turned on everything that moved.
10 dodged the bullets that flew past her, she found shelter behind some ruble as a large mountain lion ran past her.
“Shit! How can those things even see me?!” 10 nearly shouted, seeing a break from the gunfire she ran from her cover, a human nearly stepped on her but she moved out of the way only be met with a pair of fast running greyhounds going past her.
“Watch it!” 10 shouted, then she remembered. “They can't hear me, why bother!” she added as she started to run again. What she didn't see was was a loose patch of ground, loosing her footing 10 slid down the embankment into a deep pool of water. The second she hit it the water was freezing cold, struggling to keep her head above it 10 was quickly losing energy.
'I-I can't swim! The water it's....' 10 started to sink into the cold depths. She could feel the coldness stabbing at her every joint like daggers. Hypothermia was starting to creep into her metal structured body. Taking gasps of air to try and stay up for any second longer was taking 10 every once of strength she had left in her.
'This water's freezing! I can't....stay up much longer.....' 10 thought once again, she felt her body starting to becoming heavy from the water and cold. She couldn't hold her head above the waters any longer. Sinking into it's darkness the sounds of nothingness surrounding her. 10 struggled to take breathes, but it was all in vain.
'So this is how I go, drowning in freezing cold water, thought I go out fighting, not like this.' 10 thought as she kept on sinking downwards. Suddenly she caught sight of a warm glow coming from the darkness, it almost seem to call towards her. 10 looked over and saw it, a white feather that was tipped in a rich red.
“What the? Is that a feather?” 10 asked herself. The light object almost seemed to float over to her, the glow it was admitting was a warm and comforting feeling.
“It's warm, like being near a fire....” 10 said as she held out her hand to get closer to the feather. But the moment she touched it the water around her was gone. Looking around 10 was able to breathe again, but she shortly found out she was up in the air, thankfully she didn't have far to fall. Landing on what was ground. 10 sat up and rubbing her lower back from where she fell.
“Ow! Could've given me a softer landing!” 10 shouted. As she looked around, she knew she wasn't in the greenhouse anymore, the world seemed to be like one a ink painting with a calm golden glow filling the space around her. “Where am I? What is this place?” 10 asked herself as she looked around.
“Hello?” 10 called out, hoping for an answer from anyone, she didn't expect what she was about to see.
'Didn't think you'd get here, sorry for the landing.' a man's voice seem to answer her.
“What?! Whose there?!” 10 quickly looked around for the source of the voice she heard.
'Relax, I'm a friend, I at last see the one who carries my stone, it couldn't be in better hands.' the voice spoke once more, 10 turned to see a fire starting to swirl around near her then without warning it shot up into the air letting out a burst of heat and flames, the fires start to take shape in the form of a kind of bird. 10 shielded her eyes as the fires open up around her, she hears what sounds like the flapping of wings, lowering her arms 10 sees what is before her.
It looked like a white rooster with crimson red markings on it's chest and face, it's comb was the same color as the markings, the wings were long and the same shade of red, the tail and sickle feathers where long and elegant and seemed to flicker with flames with the red that was with the wings, the bird seemed to be holding a pipe in it's beak, the wings flapped a bit more before a branch appeared letting the animal rest.
“Who are....you....?” 10 asked as she got a better look.
'I am Moegami, the god of the flame.' he answered.
“You look like a rooster.” 10 pointed out as she crossed her arms.
'Look I'm the closest you're going to get to a Phoenix, but yeah I am a rooster.” Moegami responded as smoke puffed from his pipe.
“Why are you here, and where the hell am I?” 10 asked him.
'This is a dream for one, you're in the realm between dreams and the Celestial Plain, what was once the home to all the gods.” Moegami answered once more as he jumped from the branch to land in front of the young female. 10 was trying to wrap her mind around what she was just told, the place to between the home of the gods? And she was standing right in front of one right now? She always brushed off stories like these while others told them as a means of comfort and taking minds off things outside.
“Home of the.....no way.....wait the pyro stone was yours? Then how did?” 10 started to ask as she looked at her chest.
'I gave my blessings to the stone a very long time ago along with many of the brethren, but they became lost over the centuries, that's when your makers found them, I felt no ill intentions from them, so we left our stones with them.' the rooster told her. Another thought came to 10's mind.
“Since you're a god, maybe you can answer some questions for me.” said 10.
'I will try my best to answer you.” said Moegami as he ruffled his feathers a little.
“Why is this war happening? Why are you here? Why didn't you save our makers?!” 10 shouted at the fire god. As Moegami sighed a trail of smoke came from his pipe, he looked at 10.
'This war was set into play by the Chancellor as you know, he was corrupted by Yami, a fallen of us, he whispered to the Chancellor the words to help start this war.” Moegami answered her.
“Why did he start it?” 10 asked once more.
'Revenge, it was Amaterasu and Tsukiaterasu who cast him out when he broke the laws of the Plain, they had no other way, thus shattering our home.' answered Moegami as smoke trailed from his pipe again. 10 gulped, was this Yami as bad as Moegami claimed? She had to know more.
“What did he do that was so horrible?” 10 asked him.
'He killed two gods, there was 15 of us, now it's down to 12, and with Amaterasu here in the mortal world, my kin and I are doing all we can to keep what's left of our home from falling apart.' said Moegami as he stretched his wings out. It was the second time 10 had heard that name Amaterasu, she remembered hearing her makers bring the name up every now and then, and seeing a small disk carved to look like the back of a mirror on a desk.
“Wait, you mean the sun goddess Amaterasu from old children's stories? The old myths and legends that were told.....” 10 started to say when it all clicked in her mind. The rooster slightly nodded his head.
'You and your friends must try and find her along with Tsukiaterasu, if you join with them, things can be made right once more.' Moegami told her. 10 looked at the fire bird, anger clear on her face.
“How can things be made right?! It's become hell on earth now. You're a god! You and your friends could fix everything!” 10 shouted. Flames started to grow around the bird.
'It is not that simple!' Moegami shouted as he opened his wings, looking like something from a painting. The fire seemed to take control around him, giving the appearance of a real Phoenix, 10 raised her arms once more to protect her from the heat she could feel coming off him, was this the anger of a real god.
'You don't think we tried to stop this?! We wanted to stop all of this!' Moegami shouted, but the fire started to die off as he landed back on the ground. 10 could see he was near exhaustion, being careful she came up to him.
'But....we're just too weak....the faith that humans once had in us faded over time, and we grew extremely weak, as you can see, I barely have the energy to make a tiny spark that grows into the fires I once controlled.' Moegami added as he tried to lift his head, 10 felt a pang of guilt as she looked at the now weakened god.
“I-I had no idea even gods could become that weak.” said 10 as Moegami became a bit stronger as he stood up, though he still shook.
'We can, and-' Moegami couldn't finish speaking before he could hear a growl, and caught sight of a dark aura.
“What is it?” 10 asked as she looked towards where Moegami was looking at, and she too could see the darkened aura as well as the feeling it gave off. She could see he was taking a fighting stance as his wings flapped lifting him from the ground.
'I have to leave now! I'm needed!' Moegami answered as fires started to dance around him again.
“Wait! Moegami! I still have so many questions!” 10 called out as he started to get higher in the air.
'The sun and moon hold all the answers, seek them out! May your fire rage into an inferno! And know that I'm always at your side!' Moegami called out as he started to fly off. A bright light started to fill the area as 10 tried to covers her optics from the light.
“Hey wait! Moegami!” 10 called out as light flooded where she stood.
Gasping, 10 woke up finding herself back in the greenhouse, her friends still asleep as the fighting was going on outside. She rubbed her head, looking back on what had just happen, even though it was all a dream, it was more that real.
“Uh? A dream? Such a weird bird, a rooster that looked more like a Phoenix, and the pyro stone, was his?” 10 started to ask herself, but she was too tired to put too much thought into it right now, she laid back down and covered back up the blanket she had. 10 suddenly gave some of what the flame god had told her before he left.
“He said the sun and moon hold the answers I'm looking for, both those names, Amaterasu means sun goddess, and Tsukiaterasu is moon goddess or something like that. If I find them, they might have the answers I'm looking for, I hope.” 10 told herself as she started to fall back asleep. She knew the answers could be somewhere out there in a nightmare of a world now.
10 belongs to abbytheslothwitch
Moegami belongs to Capcom.
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thenokami9 · 3 years
This is part of a trade I’m doing with la-24 doodles, just a small sweet one shot.
A light wind blew over the Emptiness stirring up dust as it blew, sheltered inside a once grand church lived a clan of stitchpunks, protected by two wolves and a fox they lived comfortably, threats from machines rose for the group now and then, but they survive, banding together is one of the greatest strengths they knew would be key to live through the destroyed city that was now their home.
117 was one of a few that had made the old church her home with her pack along with her mate 110 and her young daughter 118, the pack was growing when everyone learned that 117 was pregnant, a hope both her and mate held onto so they could have a complete family.
117 looked out of the Emptiness to keep looking for 110, he had been sent out scrapping with 9, 5 and 14, with Kaien to help protect them and carry anything large back home, the Emptiness wasn't as safe as most thought, dangers lay hidden and a fallen god's fury wasn't quelled. 117 worried for her friends and her beloved when he had to leave, her fears of her two children would grow up without 110 and she would be alone once again.
“I hate it when he has to help with scrapping, it always makes me nervous, I know I'm not due for another month but....I still wish he's stay here.” 117 told herself as she sat on a brick, holding and rubbing her enlarged stomach that held the new soul within her.
“As much as you'd want him to stay you know he needs to help, not only for your pack, but for your growing family.” an elderly female's voice spoke. 117 jumped when she heard it and turned to see Fala standing near the door.
“Oh Fala, I didn't know you came by.” said 117 as she calmed down.
“11 told us the good news, thought I stop by for a while and offer my blessings to you and 110.” Fala said as she walked over to sit next to the young mother. 117 smiled at her friends comment.
“T....thank you Fala, this hasn't been easy, my temper dose not help my mood swings though, 1 made a crack and I punched him.” 117 told her. Fala laughed at the vision of what she was told, she knew 117 had a temper if angered enough but she knew when to use it to her advantage.
“Really? Knew it was a matter of time before that old goats mouth would cost him, wish I could've seen it.” Fala chuckled. 117 lightly giggled.
“Beta did laugh pretty hard.” said 117. Fala calmed down from laughing, she turned to 117 with a small smile.
“But I bet you and 110 must be very excited for your new little one, I know how much you both have wanted this. I know 110 must be over the moon.” said Fala, 117 gulped as she looked down at her stomach, her hand resting on top of it/
“We both are, 118 can't wait...” said 117, Fala noticed a change in her friends voice, her mood was changing as well.
“You don't sound as joyful as I'd hope.” said Fala.
“I'm....I'm nervous if anything...” 117 told the elder. Fala nodded as she turned more to 117.
“Oh that's normal dear, those feelings go away in...” Fala started to say.
“It's not that!” 117 cut her off, Fala was taken back a bit, but when 117 looked at her she could see the fear and worry on her face and in her optics, Fala also heard the fear in her voice when she spoke, 117 shuttered as she held her stomach carefully. “Dear...” Fala started to say.
“There are so many thoughts and questions going through my mind it's overwhelming! Wi....will the baby be alright!? Will it live!? Is the delivery going to go okay!? Can I really do this?! What if something goes wrong?! What if....” 117 felt herself breaking down, then she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Alright first of all, take a few deep breaths and calm back down.” Fala told her. 117 followed Fala's orders as she tried to calm herself, have a little trouble Fala took the young mother's hand and turned her face to face her own.
“117 dear, please calm yourself. I understand how scary having a baby can be, I would know, I know the 'what if's' and 'maybes' can be very scary and there's no telling what will happen when the time comes for your child to enter this world, but you're not alone.” Fala told her. 117 calmed down more with Fala's words.
“You won't be going through this alone, you'll have myself, your husband, your daughter and everyone here, even your old grouch of a leader.” added Fala.
“B-but Fala...” 117 started to say, but became quite when Fala moved her hand from her face to her shoulder.
“I've seen you face down beasts, bring down the mightiest of beings, even faced down a fallen god and this scares you? I know you're much stronger than this, many of us are. I can't say for sure if it'll go easy, and trust me when I say it WILL hurt, but the end result is well worth it when you and 110 are holding your new baby.” Fala told her.
“Take it from me child, everything will work out in the end. The two of you have done such a wonderful job with 118, there's no doubt in my mind this new little one will have the best parents the ancients can give.” she added with a smile. 117 gave Fala's words thought, she let out a deep sigh of relief as she pulled her friend into a hug.
“Thanks Fala, guess I needed some words like yours right now.” said 117 as she pulled away from Fala.
“It's normal to be scared the first time, I speak from experience, but that fear goes away in due time.” Fala told her.
“Trust me dear, everything will fine.” she added as she guided 117's back down to her swollen stomach, suddenly Fala felt a tiny bit of pressure from 117's stomach. 117 felt it as well, the mother knew the soul was kicking.
“Goodness, the little one is a bit of a kicker, like their mother.” said Fala. 117 lightly laugh as she felt the light kicks once again once Fala moved her hands away.
“She doesn't kick much at night.” said 117 as she looked at her stomach. Fala raised a brow.
“She? You know you're having a girl?” asked Fala.
“We won't know for sure, but it feels right to be calling them a she, until they get here we won't really know for sure, but, I can hope for a girl.” 117 answered. Fala smiled and nodded.
“Good outlook, what does 110 hope for?” Fala asked once more.
“When I asked, he said it didn't matter, as long as the baby was okay and healthy.” 117 answered again. Fala smiled, this showed 110 was a good soul, she knew he wouldn't love 117 any less if she gave him a daughter or son, as long as the child was okay that was enough for him.
“Good for him, speaking of your husband I think I see him coming back.” said Fala as she looked outside and noticed a light black wolf returning with four male stitchpunks. 117 looked outside and noticed the color of fabric of one of the male with them. “He is back.” 117 gasped with joy as she looked down at her stomach.
“Your father is home now little one, shall we go see him?” 117 spoke to her unborn child as she tried to stand up only to stagger a little. Fala placed her hand on 117's back and help her steady.
“Let me help you get there my dear.” said Fala.
“You don't have to-” 117 started to say but Fala raised her hand to quite her.
“I asked 110 to find something for me anyway, it's no trouble, now let's go greet your husband.” said Fala as she and 117 walked down the main area of the church.
The light black wolf Kaien laid down while 9 and others unloaded his saddle bags with all the supplies that was needed. 9 doubled checked the bag for anything that might have been left in there.
“That should be everything.” said 9 as he stepped out of the bag.
“Got more than we need though.” 5 pointed out as he looked at the pile, 110 pulled out some fabric and green thread from the pile.
“But Fala will be happy with this.” said 110 as he looked over the fabric to make sure there were no extra tears.
“She asked you to get that?” asked 9.
“She told me it was for something, but what it is I don't know.” 110 answered.
“It's a little project I've got planned.” they all turned to see Fala standing with 117. 110 smiled as he walked over to them.
“Ah Fala good timing, here's that material you wanted.” said 110 as he gave the fabric and thread to Fala, the elderly female smiled as well when she took the supplies.
“Thank you so much dear, but I only came with someone who really wanted to see you.” said Fala as she turned to 117. 110 lightly smiled when he saw his mate, Fala stepped out of the way as 117 walked past her, 110 opened his arms to his wife.
“I'm so glad you're back.” 117 told him as she hugged him, the couple embraced being careful of the life that was held within 117.
“You know I always come back mera neelam, I know you don't like it when I leave, but you know I need to now and then.” said 110 as he cupped his wife's face, 117 took in his warmth then she looked back at him.
“For all of us, I know.” 117 said to him as she welcomed the warmth when he held her.
“I missed you.” said 117 as she kissed 110's cheek, 110 brushed her face with his finger before making their way to her womb that carried their child. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I did too mera jaanam.” 110 said to her. Suddenly 110 felt tiny bits of pressure on his hand, 117 looked at him with a smile on her face.
“Seems the baby missed you more than me.” said 117. 110 looked down at his beloved's stomach.
“Well, I'm home now little.” 110 told his unborn child.
Fala, 14 and 11 belong to LadyAbigail24
117, 110, Kaien belong to me
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thenokami9 · 4 years
Chapters TBA
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thenokami9 · 4 years
Peace was everything anyone knew, animals and humans lived beside one an other, they worshiped the goddesses Amaterasu who watched them in the day, and her sister Tsukiaterasu who watched them at night, they had followers from the strongest elephants and bears to the smallest mice and birds, they were sometimes called Ammy and Tsuki for short, but peace was not without conflict, Yami the brother of Amaterasu and Tsukiaterasu, and a god of darkness and discord wanted to destroy the peace that his sisters had made, and like his sisters, had followers also, the only followers of Yami were those in the military and those who had no one else to follow or if they didn't follow his sisters. Yami took the form of a pure black wolf and made his way into the corrupted military that preformed experiments on him, fusing Yami with machine. Yami felt as if nothing could stop him, he thought he was among the gods, he preached to his followers that being part machine was being part of a god and they believed him. Then the worst of it came, Yami and his followers rebel against the followers of his sisters, both human and animal. Sadden by the sudden out-break of war, the sisters were left with no choice but to fight back, they gathered all of their followers and told them if they wanted to live, must fight back against those who claim to be gods. Tsuki took the form of a blue fox, Amaterasu didn't join her followers quite yet, she went to a scientist who had great knowledge of the ancient art of alchemy, she appeared to him in a glow of warm sunlight, to be in the same room as the great goddess Amaterasu was a once in a life-time, the scientist knelt down before her, and told him this. `Create 9 homunculius dolls, fuse them with souls you think you fit them, each will have a purpose and meaning, I have told the same thing to some friends of yours, only they will make one. This will make sure life won't die after my brother falls to his eternal sleep, but heed this warning, my brother will awaken years after this war has ended, he will have two surviving followers as will I. But don't worry I will protect the life that you made, now I must take form and fight alongside my followers and sister, may the gods protect you always,` Right before his eyes Amaterasu transformed into a pure white wolf and left him to his work to join her followers in battle. The scientist remembered what she had said about telling some friends of his to the same thing as him, the only friends he knew of that were still alive were a husband and wife team, but both of them had lost their 19 year old daughter and 10 year old son to two of Yami's followers, mauled by a bear and trampled to death by a horse, both of them followed Yami, hearing this news, the scientist knew which soul would be bound to their homunculius doll, before he finished his last homunculi doll, the scientist made one last journal entry. `Asked by the benevolent holy mother of us all herself, to insure that life will go on, I will honer this last request, the guardian that she asked to watch over me is fighting the followers of darkness, but I don't know how much longer he can hold out. Light and darkness will clash until life is no more. The goddess's saw such potential and promise in us, but it was abused, the gifts they blessed us with, our intelligence, what they gave us was nothing but squandered. The world as we know it is ending, but life must go on. Great mother goddess Amaterasu, origin of all that is good and pure, mother to us all, I will not fail you,`        
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