theobsessedsisters · 8 years
10 Leftist Myths That Shouldn’t Be Repeated
No, we’re not. We’re a nation of citizens. This country was built on legal immigration, and the ones who made it through learned the language and assimilated. Many didn’t get in. Today’s scenario is 15 million illegals ridiculing those who played by the rules. Legal immigrants wait 15 years to get green cards and many bring a ton of jobs with them. The Statue of Liberty doesn’t say “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and all their relatives.” Learn the difference between legal and illegal.
Oh, and don’t give me that old “They’re doing jobs Americans won’t do” line. They’re doing jobs Americans won’t do - for that price. In Canada, there are no Mexicans and the landscaping still gets done. They use teenagers.
This old trope. A few rich Southerners had slaves. Then there was a civil war and America’s bank account dropped to zero. After that the country was rebuilt from scratch without slavery. As Pat Buchanan put it, we didn’t start slavery. We ended it. 
We fought them for 400 years. They fought against us, alongside us, and behind us. Fighting for land has always been part of the human race, long before we landed here. Asia, Africa, Europe, we’ve all done it but only one country is told to feel guilty for it. Today we would call this “stealing”. But for a long time, this was considered acceptable behaviour. 
Before we got here the Indians were fighting each other, and yes, it was savage. War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage describes horrific mass graves from way before we got here. Indians used to shoot arrows into their victims for hours after the guy died so he’d be stuffed in the afterlife. Oh and the smallpox blankets is a myth.
Studies show that white people are actually the least racist group. Getting rid of all the racists would mean America would be almost all white. Therefore, fighting racism is racist.
Fact time. Black youth are in danger but it’s not white men killing them. Over 1,400 more black Americans murdered other blacks between 2010-2011 than were lynched from 1882 to 1968. Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years. In 2012, black people - at just a fifth of the size - committed almost 1,000 more murders than their white counterparts. It would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers. Blacks are 18.5 times more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops. Let’s not forget the black on white rape. 
Most women are pro-life. To ignore their rights while touting abortion is sexist. Also, gender-based abortion is becoming more popular. We’ve seen how that goes for women in China. It ain’t pretty. So stop using abortion rights as some kind of proof there’s a war on women when the opposite is true.
Not so fast. Have you seen the way this administration handles money? We’re 17 trillion in the hole. That’s a lot. Seventeen trillion seconds ago we were cavemen trying to figure out fire. This country is rife with severe obesity and millions upon millions of illegals. We don’t have the cohesion and health that other free health care countries have, so this perfectly reasonable idea is actually impossible until we sort our shit out.
The air has never been cleaner. We’ve never lived longer. Crime is at an all-time low. By virtually every possible metric, life has never been better. Traveling, eating, sex, fighting - all safer than ever. The list goes on and on. I saw a homeless man today checking his iPhone while he asked for change. If you think things were so much better back then or in another country, get in either a time machine or plane and go there and let’s see how long you survive.
When it comes to restaurants this is true, and that is why people always use restaurants to prove it. By any other standard, it tends to go pretty badly. We should be encouraging everyone to err towards the same values. Assimilation leads to a sense of fraternity and that means a cohesive society. Why do you think Japan is so successful and get along so well? They are packed in there like sardines but they don’t mind because they’re all the same. When integration is discouraged you get Balkanization.
You realize the children of geniuses tend to be smarter than the children of stupid people, yeah? This is why they ask sperm donors questions. That’s what happens when idealists have to practice what they preach. They scoff at eugenics until it’s time to make a baby. They love the gay lifestyle until their son brings home a tranny. They love diversity until it’s time to choose a place to live or a school for their children. They pretend we’re all equal but they insist the government enforce this because they secretly know it isn’t true and in fact see themselves as superior to everyone else. They’re free to think that, but before going on a rant about it, maybe they should look up some basic facts first. 
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
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“There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.”
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
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There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
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If there’s anything else…
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
Happy National R&L Day!!!
Enjoy some lesser known (or just forgotten!) Rhett and Link facts:
Rhett McLaughlin
once threw his back out while eating a sandwich (x)
got bitten by a puppy while filming and now has a scar on his ear (x)
has been kicked off a ride at Legoland for being too tall (x)
“stole” batteries from Walmart because he left baby Locke in the car (x)
as a kid, he wanted to grow up to be an architect (x)
R&L were on the same soccer team as kid, and Rhett punched a teammate in the gut for making fun of Link (x)
likes to tell people that his 7 year old son was 7′3″ (x)
claims that the reason he can make squirrel noises is because he was bitten by one as a child (x)
dumped by a cheerleader in high school through a cheer (x)
keeps a dream journal (or at least used to) (x)
created the first and only rule of GMM - never talk about Justin Bieber (x)
says he’ll never reveal what his favorite color is (x)
Link Neal
as a kid, he wanted to grow up to be a weatherman (x)
one of his first teenage jobs was barning tobacco (x)
wears women’s deodorant (x)
he and his wife’s song is “Stuck on You” by Lionel Richie (x)
once hooked his son Lincoln in the back of his head with a fishing pole (x)
seriously accident prone - broke his pelvis snowboarding, scraped up half his body when he tripped and fell while filming an episode of Commercial Kings, and has crashed on his mountain bike (x) (x) (x)
threw up at his 9th birthday party (x)
was 2nd chair trumpet player in school (x)
doesn’t have any video or pictures of his wedding because he hired his friend to do it and the camera battery died (x)
went to summer camp for a week and didn’t poop the whole time (x) 
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Thanks @rhettandlink for being the bestest of bestest friends (x)
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
Hedgehog transforms from hangry to happy.
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
Ben Shapiro Destroys the Abortion Argument
She says she’s thinking about reproductive rights one minute from having a baby.  This is about as perverse a notion as I can possibly imagine.  That as you’re about to have your child, you’re thinking, “boy, wouldn’t be great if I could still kill this thing?  It’s really imperative that I still be able to kill thing.”
I’m sick of the euphemisms.  It’s not “aborting a fetus.” It is not “getting rid of a ball of tissue.”  No one has a right to ‘choose’ this [abortion.]  That’s a baby.  You don’t get to kill it because it’s inconvenient to you.  That’s an individual human being and if that baby were outside the womb and you stuck a knife through its chest, you’d be charged with first degree murder.  You kill in the womb and we call it a ‘human right.’  That’s not a human right because that is a human and that human doesn’t have any rights because you decided its rights are less important than your right to your own convenience.
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
When someone talks to me before I've had my coffee
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
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theobsessedsisters · 8 years
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theobsessedsisters · 9 years
I find it amusing every feminist I’ve asked irl, “why do you need feminism?” can’t give even THREE logical reasons. Several has avoided the question all together.
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theobsessedsisters · 9 years
We Quit
I am going to start documenting my family's quest to make our lives simpler. For years we have thought about moving away from the city, spending less money, less time watching TV, not consuming as much. This quest is not about just saving money or saving the earth, becoming hippies or some other fad. It's more about going back to the way life should be lived. It should be SIMPLE. The more things we add to life the more complicated it becomes. And the thing is NONE of it makes us happy. I don't know about everyone but when I think of my favorite memories they have to do with my family just relaxing, we might be watching a movie, eating dinner, or just hanging out together. We spend all our money on toys (that break within a week), a very nice house, semi brand new cars (I will go more deeply into each of these issues as I go on). We want to take our children around the US to see out great country, but we can't because we have so much stuff we have to pay for. Stuff that has added absolutely nothing to our lives. So we are quitting. It will not be easy or fast ... We will have to go piece by piece though our lives and cut out what does not add value to our lives. By cutting out what does not matter we hope to make room for more that does matter
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theobsessedsisters · 9 years
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theobsessedsisters · 9 years
80% of my friendships on tumblr
me: we should talk more!
them: yeah we should!
both: *never talks to each other again*
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theobsessedsisters · 9 years
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There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.
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theobsessedsisters · 9 years
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Images found on Google
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theobsessedsisters · 9 years
There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of who I think we’ll. The more I see the world, the more I am unsatisfied with it; and everyday confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (via fannyrocketlove)
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