theoccultz · 19 days
trains will announce you're stopping in places you never knew existed
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theoccultz · 19 days
controversial opinion but unfortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are mean to people, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have secret kind thoughts. fortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are kind in your actions and your words, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have mean thoughts. the power is in working against inner negative thoughts and being a better person despite it. you have the ability to cultivate the person you want to be.
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theoccultz · 19 days
huh. i just thought 'it's ok to not know what the hell is going on when you start learning something new' and it soothed my anxiety significantly
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theoccultz · 19 days
This is to inform you that I am going to doing a sale on my readings except the division charts I'll be charging a bit extra for them and ALL of them will be sold for $18 including MY BIRTHCHART READING!! DM ME TO PURCHASE A READING
If you can share this please do as I'm in urgent need of money. Thankyou
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theoccultz · 27 days
astro notes: daily transits 8/25
Sunday brings a dynamic mix of emotions and interactions, marked by tension, the desire for resolution, and the potential for unexpected developments. The day begins with some early morning challenges, as hastily spoken words may lead to regrets. The influence of Venus throughout the day introduces both a longing for peace and a drive for independence, creating a push-pull dynamic. By evening, the astrological energies shift towards more open-minded communication, though intense emotions may still surface.
Key Influences
Taurus Moon Square Retrograde Mercury (6:24 a.m.): Early Morning Miscommunications: The day begins with a tense square between the Taurus Moon and retrograde Mercury, which can manifest as miscommunications or regrettable words spoken in haste. The Moon in Taurus seeks stability and comfort, while Mercury retrograde often stirs confusion, misunderstandings, and the resurfacing of unresolved issues. This aspect suggests that something said or done may come back to haunt you, leading to a need for careful reflection and potentially some damage control.
Moon Trine Venus (Noon): Desire for Harmony: Around midday, a supportive trine between the Taurus Moon and Venus in Virgo brings a genuine desire to resolve any problems that arose earlier. This aspect fosters a sense of peace, harmony, and a willingness to find common ground. Venus in Virgo seeks to mend and refine, and the Moon’s placement in Taurus adds a steady, nurturing influence. However, the desire for peace may be challenged by other conflicting energies in play, making it difficult to achieve a complete resolution.
Venus Quincunx Eris (25°23' Virgo–Aries) at Noon:Disruptive Energies: At the same time as the Moon-Venus trine, a quincunx between Venus and Eris disrupts the calm. Eris, the goddess of discord, often brings issues of rivalry, competition, and the urge to break free from constraints. This aspect indicates a challenging energy where the desire for peace may be at odds with underlying tensions, creating a sense of unrest or the need to assert independence. The combination of Venus’s harmonizing influence with Eris’s disruptive energy can create a push-pull dynamic where efforts to resolve issues may be thwarted by unexpected disruptions or rebellious tendencies.
Moon Conjunct Uranus (3:15 p.m.): Need for Liberation: Mid-afternoon, the Moon has her monthly conjunction with Uranus, the planet of liberation and sudden change. This aspect amplifies the urge to break free from entanglements and to seek new, more authentic ways of expressing emotions. The Moon in Taurus typically seeks comfort and stability, but Uranus’s influence pushes for innovation, freedom, and breaking away from the status quo. This can lead to sudden emotional shifts, unexpected events, or the desire to shake things up in relationships or routines.
Moon Sextile Neptune (6:41 p.m.): Soothing Energies: As the evening approaches, a gentle sextile between the Moon and Neptune brings a more soothing and compassionate energy. Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality, softens the intensity of the day, allowing for a more empathetic and understanding approach to any lingering tensions. This aspect encourages forgiveness, letting go, and finding peace through spiritual or creative pursuits.
Moon Ingress into Gemini (8:03 p.m.) and Trine Pluto:Open-Minded Communication: The Moon enters the communicative and curious sign of Gemini in the evening, shifting the focus towards more open-minded discussions. Gemini’s influence encourages intellectual exploration, adaptability, and a willingness to see things from different perspectives. However, the Moon quickly forms a trine with Pluto in Aquarius, which can add depth and intensity to conversations. While Gemini energy typically favors light-heartedness, Pluto’s influence brings a probing, inquisitorial edge, potentially leading to more intense or transformative discussions than anticipated.
Integrating the Influences
Morning Awareness:Reflect Before Speaking: Given the early morning tension from the Moon’s square to retrograde Mercury, it’s important to reflect on your words before speaking. Miscommunications or hastily spoken words may lead to regret, so take extra care in how you express yourself. If issues arise, consider taking a step back to reassess the situation before attempting to resolve it.
Midday Dynamics:Navigate the Push-Pull: Around midday, the harmonious Moon-Venus trine encourages efforts towards peace and resolution. However, be aware of the disruptive Venus-Eris quincunx, which may introduce unexpected challenges. This push-pull dynamic suggests that while there is a genuine desire for harmony, underlying tensions or a need for independence may complicate matters. Approach any conflicts with both a desire for peace and an understanding of the need for space and autonomy.
Afternoon Liberation:Embrace Change: The Moon’s conjunction with Uranus in the afternoon invites you to embrace change and seek liberation from any emotional entanglements that feel stifling. This is a time to explore new approaches and to break free from old patterns that no longer serve you. While the energy may feel disruptive, it also offers the opportunity for growth and innovation.
Evening Reflection:Seek Compassionate Understanding: The Moon’s sextile to Neptune in the evening brings a more soothing and compassionate energy, encouraging you to approach any lingering tensions with empathy and understanding. This is a good time to engage in activities that promote relaxation, creativity, or spiritual reflection, helping to dispel any residual tension from the day.
Late-Night Conversations:Balance Lightness with Depth: As the Moon enters Gemini and trines Pluto, there’s an opportunity for open-minded communication that balances light-heartedness with depth. Be open to discussing important matters, but be mindful of the potential for conversations to become more intense or probing than anticipated. Use this time to explore different perspectives while staying grounded in your truth.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or etsy sensualnoiree to book a session with me :)
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theoccultz · 27 days
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Adrastea often also spelt as Adrasteia in Greek Mythology also known as "she who cannot be escaped" is the goddess of revolt. In my opinion wherever this asteroid is in your chart, it indicates what you cannot escape.
Tw: ED mention for 2nd House
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1st: You cannot escape your own self and insecurities about the way you look or talk or walk. You may find it difficult to let go and may overdress at times to overcompensate. There is a possibility that you may be stuck in a loop that never ends because you feel like it cannot especially when it comes to your physical body.
2nd: You cannot escape your lack mindset, and may fall into it easily. You may have had a rough upbringing financially which makes you feel like you'll be financially unstable forever. You may attach all your self esteem with material wealth rather than looking inside and may have experiences with eating disorders.
3rd: You cannot escape your own mind, you may have been overly criticised during your early schooling years and may have been compared a lot with your neighbours and siblings especially academically. Have a tendency to overthink because of how observant you are and may be prone to getting anxious in public settings.
4th: You cannot escape your home, you may have had parents who were either neglectful or didn't get along with each other and fought a lot. This may make you feel like you don't have a comfort place/home and you'll never find one, that you can't escape your "fate" of having a home life that isn't secure in the future because of your past and may be scared to start a family.
5th: You cannot escape the spotlight for better or for worse. This makes you uncomfortable with being alone with yourself as you may out on a facade due to multiple eyes being on you at all times, this can also lead to feeling helpless at times because nothing you do seems to go unnoticed. You're scared ghosts of your past will come back to haunt you because of the same and are neglectful to your inner child.
6th: You cannot escape control, this is mostly external and you may feel like you're constantly being restricted and that you can't be free. You may have trouble setting boundaries as people around you may disregard them, not only that but you may lack self-discipline as you see it may seem too limiting for you, and you may believe that it will try to stifle you and your creativity. You may also have trouble making your subordinates listen to your ideas and opinions.
7th: You cannot escape the image you've made of yourself and presented to the world, as well as your relationships (platonic and romantic) you're bound to it and feel like you need to abide by it constantly without a break. You may also have trouble leaving bad or toxic relationships because you fear you won't be able to find anyone else, and may have problems with negotiating in a way that benefits you.
8th: You cannot escape your own guilt and the occult. You find it very difficult to let go of people and things, memories and experiences and may feel like it's your burden to bear. May feel shame attached to masturbation or sexual acts in a way and may not be comfortable being in intimate situations both sexually and emotionally. You may also attract a lot of energy vampires.
9th: You cannot escape the philosophies others enforce on you. You may have grown up in an extremely conventional/religious or strict household where you were expected and taught to do everything by the book. You probably have a difficult time trying to see things from other perspectives and may be a little rigid, having to work on being open minded actively, you may also have a dicey relationship with religion.
10th: You cannot escape your work, you're a workaholic and it brings a lot of imbalance to your life. You always want bigger better things that blind you from the meaningful relationships you have and the growth that you can go through. You neglect both your body and mind, and are restless when it comes to your deadlines, you may butt heads with authority figures as well.
11th: You cannot escape your self-sacrificial nature. You have a tendency to give even when you don't have anything for yourself and then fall in a loop of self pity. Your relationships with your friends and your community may be unequal as you don't get much back. There's a feeling of needing to give back rather than wanting to which also negatively impacts your energy.
12th: You cannot escape your past. Whether it be your past in this life or in terms of your past life, old relationships, people, memories keep coming back to teach you lessons that you didn't learn because of your self limiting beliefs and self deprecating nature. You don't like delving deep because you're scared of what you'll learn and what you'll see rather than wielding that knowledge as a weapon.
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theoccultz · 27 days
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theoccultz · 27 days
777 - luck and good fortune
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good things are coming,
no matter how much you worry,
they will arrive.
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theoccultz · 27 days
Where's the pic a card reading
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theoccultz · 28 days
i feel like as a reader myself, we shouldn’t let our personal biases interfere with the reading we’re giving. like everyone is different dude, no one is perfect and we’re all flawed bro, let people be…
idk why but there’s this like spiritual narcissism going on, and i’ve noticed it this year, people who have more experience in this field acting as if they’re better than people bc they “know” more like girl if you don’t stfu 💀
like people seem like they just want to lecture people nowadays, and i’m not trying to come off as “sensitive” but it’s not “tough love” it’s literally you lecturing people and making it seem as if there’s something wrong w that group, these readings are general and for so many people, can we calm down w this
and i feel like we need to realize that we are all on different timelines fr, ive just noticed some readings are just like jabs instead of you trying to help your audience, you’re like ridiculing them instead of giving helpful advice… i mean do you but why so rude and crass, apathetic???
because you can be reading for someone and tapping into their past self and what happened and then you go off of that and start shitting on them, but of course how would you know?? i just feel like we need more compassion in this community, it’s gotten too fucking rigid and inflexible…which is sad
i’m all for real and raw fucking readings, in depth ones too i love long readings but i wish some of yall were more kind about it, i understand this being serious, it is, shit is no joke, but what’s up w this secret animosity, competition, thinking your way should be the only way to do things, like who fucking cares bro?
idk i feel like we like to judge shit as soon as it comes our way and have these intense opinions, ready to pop off at the mouth…maybe i’m too “nice” “naive” whatever, im just sick of seeing these washed up debates on who should be doing what and how they should be doing it…
is everyone okay??? i don’t think so, a lot of hurt people, and we unironically project, let’s not you know. it’s okay to be kind, honest and respectful.
if you don’t like it, that’s okay, no need to be so fucking rude, esp when you don’t even know these people…just move on and scroll, i feel like we’re doing ourselves dirty by engaging with triggering topics and making ourselves angry, ive been doing it and then i came to the realization that i don’t have to take that reading as if it’s really set in stone
don’t let nobody, not even me, try and make u feel like that’s the end all be all, no no no, i am just a messenger, a guide, you have to think for yourself…don’t beat yourself up over a reading, ive done it and realized “kaali, this isn’t the end” “you can grow and heal from this” “i will be okay, this is helping me to learn more and take a better understanding approach.”
i just don’t want people thinking that everything is set in stone, the story always changes and blossoms into something more than what you’re seeing on the surface. these aren’t personal readings so don’t hurt your pretty lil head worrying about this or that, if it applies to you let it and if it doesn’t don’t force the message okay, use your discernment mwah💓
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theoccultz · 28 days
mental health status: need to look at the sea for hours and stay quiet
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theoccultz · 28 days
I just feel like if 30% to 80% of the readings that you make are future spouse and the top services that you sell revolve around future spouse or other love related readings YOU LITERALLY HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK ABOUT WHAT OTHER READERS ARE POSTING 😂
There's a lot to say about how saturated this tag is with certain topics, but it's also easier to simply scroll down to find a reading that resonates with you instead of constantly trying to control what other people choose to consume or make. Because if we really want to keep it a buck, everyday, there's at least three people posting self-help or non-love related topics that hardly gain any engagement. It's a slap to the face to see a post demanding for more of these topics to be made get more attention than when the posts are actually made. I don't know why this is constantly being discussed when the answer is the same every single time.
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theoccultz · 1 month
Let's play a mini game !!!
* Ask me anything *
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Ask in comment section
Not more than 2questions
Can be about anything but no sensitive topics
+18 Questions are allowed *minors dni for this one please
Reblog + state your initials
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Do participate (:
Status/ CLOSED
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theoccultz · 1 month
I hope you all are loving the game
Let's play a mini game !!!
* Ask me anything *
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Ask in comment section
Not more than 2questions
Can be about anything but no sensitive topics
+18 Questions are allowed *minors dni for this one please
Reblog + state your initials
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Do participate (:
Status/ OPEN
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theoccultz · 1 month
What are your gifts and how can you use them (pac) (angel number 111/1111) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that you have a gift or banishing and protecting yourself from negative energies, you have a gift of transmuting energy and turning negative energies into positive. You also have a gift of attracting energies to you and you easily bond with people, You can use these gifts by being more optimistic and by working harder to find ways to turn negative situations in your life into a more positive one. You can use your gifts by protecting yourself more and having stronger boundaries since you attract energy easily. Signs- Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo. Initials- B, I, W, S
Pile 2
I see that you have a gift of lifting others up and being a positive energy in their life, you have a way of helping others find the silver lining in their tough situations. You have a gift of transforming yourself or changing things, you’re good at letting go of/getting rid of old and toxic things. You should accept your gifts more even if it’s overwhelming, don’t be scared of changes/endings. Use those gifts to help others, you can help people transition from different stages of their lives and help them change for the better. Signs- Aries/aquarius, initial- K, I, L, H
Pile 3
I see that you have a strong immune system, you barely get sick or you heal fast. I see that you have a gift of warding off negative energy and you have a lot of inner courage, you can use your determination and inner strength to inspire/encourage others. You have a gift of raising the energy anywhere you go without trying too hard. Signs- Sagittarius/aquarius. Initials- F, O, X, L
Personal readings always available
PNGs by @snailspng @lovertm Divider by @cafekitsune
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theoccultz · 1 month
It's full moon, and you're active. Hence proved, you're a werewolf 🤭
What is going on 🫠
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theoccultz · 1 month
Hello aron , hope you're in good health💕
I'm diving into my spirituality more and i'm practicing on improving my eye because i'm also a medium , i had a question do you get these visuals when something big is about to occur also i have difficulty picking up on others energy however i can clearly see spirits and talk with them , how do i ground myself so that i feel things sort of feel others energy? How you did it ...
Hello ,
Yes i remember you
I'll try my best to answer your question, i'd like to correct you , i'm not a medium i'm a psychic 🐰✌🏼 i can feel things , i dont see a lot of visuals , its mostly through my dreams , if any spirit has strong energy then only i'm able to see them , i can communicate with their energy but i do not talk to them directly.
Ps. Idk how to answer that , its kinda weird on how i receive messages if i'm being honest lol , lets say i remember this song after 15years the next day i see the singer is into some controversy or accident etc , so its kinda like that , i get an intuition that something has happened, i mostly avoid feeling those things honestly because lets say if someone is brutally murd*d then ik what went down and its not a very good feeling...
How i feel things ? I just naturally feel & channel things tbh however i do have difficulty in seeing spirits and talking to them as if they are just there . I can only talk to them through Chanelling & feel their presence.
I would say try eye chakra balancing it will help you connect to others energy easily and focus on Chanelling things as well as interpretating . Because the dead one's have strong energetic fields than the humans who are alive & well and can communicate easily if there's a Chanelling device like pen paper, cards , stones . You are a medium so you can easily see the spirits ,ask them questions face to face and connect w/them .
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