Brownie lab
Today we did a brownie lab and we made brownies with different ingredients in each one. In some there wasn’t any butter instead we added Crisco. Powered chocolate instead of chocolate bars. We used unsweetened chocolate and added sugar to make it sweet. 
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This is California rolls but in deviled egg form. They were fun to make and they tasted amazing!
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Today tasted a bunch of cookies with a ton of different ingredients and measured the length and width of the cookies and rated their taste and color. They all tasted very different and some tasted better then others. This was by far the best lab we have ever done. 
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Today we made pacdai’s! We filled them with all different kinds of filling such as rasberry filling, custard, lemon curd and apples. After we filled them we covered them in powdered sugar.
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Fudge making
Today we made fudge and we had to keep the temperature just right or it would mess up.  We made fudge with fat free milk and it came out crumbely and it looks like dirt but is still soft and chewy.
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Food blog
Today we made Belgian waffles. It took many hours to prepare the dough. While the dough was rising we made hash browns.  We had eggs and bacon and cheese in them. The next day we made the waffles and they tasted absolutely amazing!
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food blog
we decorated heart shaped cookies and made frosting for it and topped it with sprinkles.
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Pie crusts
For pie crust you make the dough and you cover it in flower and roll it out. then you roll it up and roll it out onto the pie pan. Then you cut off the extra and pinch it to make the pie look.
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We made a bunch of different muffins without some ingredients and tasted them. They all had very different tastes and consistencies. It was a very fun experiment.
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We made sentience chilly. It has noodles in it and it tastes really good!It was pretty easy to make. It has ground beef and beans in it and garlic and oions and much more. It was a fun new experience making chilly. I enjoyed it a lot. 
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Hollandaise  sauce
We made a Hollandaise sauce today. You take two egg yolks and lemon juice and mix that together. Then you slowly pour melted butter and stir contentiously over simmering water until mixed well. Then pour over egg. 
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Food blog
Today we made mayonnaise. We made it with oil and  Dijon mustard and salt and another kind of oil. You have to add the oil slowly or else it will break. After many tires we finally got the mayonnaise right. 
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Food blog
Today we wrote about how different liquids don:t mix. How they separate when they touch.  A lot of them didn’t mix but some did. 
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Our gingerbread house is based off of the Emerald city in the Wizard of Oz! We made the rainbow and the castle. We used some ice cream cones as trees.All we have to do is make the yellow brick road. 
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The process of our ginger bread journey.
We made the bread we tried to put green fondant around it but sadly the first one broke. We tried again! That one broke. We tried again! That one broke too. Finally we decided to just use an ice cream cone. That worked! We put down the grass using green coconut shavings. We made the rainbow with a circle type of candy. We lined it with all the colors of the rainbow. and it looks great! The rainbow is wobbly but we are gluing it down with icing. Hopefully it doesn't  break like the rest of the gingerbread. Anyways here are some pictures of how far we have gotten.  
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Gingerbread houses.
For our gingerbread house we have baked everything and now we will build it!
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Day two of gingerbread house making. Today we baked the gingerbread and continued to cut it out. 
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