theodosia-cipher · 6 years
If I can ask, what’s your relationship with Bucky at the moment or so?
Bucky always has been, and always will be, my best friend. I’ll stand by him through thick and thin.
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theodosia-cipher · 6 years
Is my wifi working? ( I can’t send asks for some reason? ) Also, who’s more annoying, Thor or Loki?
(oof,, yeah it does a)
Hm, it depends on the mood. Loki’s pranks are annoing, but he avoids doing them with me. Thor? I dont know how to explain. 
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
Just One Summer (4)
↠Chapter 4↞
⋯⋘Y/N Pov⋙⋯
I sat in the couch and read Journal 1, not knowing of what to do.
"Hey kid, get off my chair. And what are you reading?" I jumped in surprise as the journal flew up in the air. I caught it uneasily and I turned my head to see the one and only Stan Pines. I heaved a sigh of relief as I stood up, slid the Journal in my vest, and stood up from the yellow couch, and made my way towards the stairs to the attic.
"Oh nothing. It's just an interesting storybook," I replied.
Talk about Journal 1, I had put a cover on it to make it NOT look like a journal, and made it look like my diary because of a small incident which happened the other day...
↣Flashback 2 days ago↢
I was just sitting on my bed, my nose deep in Journal 1. Dipper had went to "steal" Journal 3 from me whenever I wasn't around or wasn't looking, but always gives it back after. He hasn't really spoken much to me after I had told the twins about my parents. Mabel burst through the door of the attic.
"COME ON GUYS I NEED YOU GUYS TO SEE THIS!" both Dipper and I groaned, as Dipper stood up, threw Journal 3 at me, and headed for the door. I caught Journal 3 and slid both Journals into my vest and I walked to them. Dipper saw that I put two books in my vest and started to interrogate me.
This was basically how our conversation went. (A/N: I want you guys to guess who is who haha)
"Hey, what was that other book you put in your vest?"
"Oh, uh... It was nothing."
"Yeah, right. Let me see."
"I will tickle you"
"Not if I kicked your balls first."
"Oh heeellll no!"
"Hell yeah."
↣End of Flashback↢
"Hello?? Earth to n/n?" Mabel said, waving her hand in front of my face. I shook my head.
"Oh, hey Mabes. What were you saying?" I asked Mabel. Her face showed slight annoyance, but soon changed into a quite excited one.
"Grunkle Stan allowed me to plan a party at the shack! I'm sooooooo excited!!!" Mabel squealed, as she ran own the stairs. I heard a slight "oof" and the sound of groaning. As I was looked out of the doorway, I saw Dipper coming up while rubbing his head with his left hand, and his right hand clutching onto Journal 3 at his side. I looked at him blankly and looked back at Journal 1. I'm just gonna tell you what I did with Journal 1.
I had put over a galaxy book cover over the original. It was waterproof and it had big gold letters saying "Y/N's book" and I had put a small lock at the side. Below the big Golden words are smaller ones which read "Only to be touched by Dreamcatcher". I don't remember me writing that there, but I shrugged ot off. I was happy with what I had done with the entire look. No one would be suspicious about it now!
Dipper stood up, put Journal 3 on my bed next to where I was seated, and went downstairs with a smile plastered on his face. I carefully watched him take a can of silly spray as he went down. I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed my small bag, which I bring along with me almost everywhere I went, put both journals in it, grabbed another can of silly strings and went down.
"Dipper! I have something to tell you!" Mabel exclaimed, with one hand behind her back.
"What?! What is it?!" Dipper asked with a fake concerned look on his face.
"I... I think I'm gonna... BLARRRHHHHH!!!" Mabel screamed, spraying silly string all over Dipper.
"Oh no... I also think I'm gonna... BLARRHHHHH!!!" Dipper playfully copied what his twin had did.
"Oh no! What did you feed us, Grunkle Stan?!"
"We aren't gonna stop... BLARHHHH!!" that's when both Wendy and I walked up to them.
"Hey guys... I'm not feeling so good.. BLARHHHH!!!" Wendy exclaimed, spraying silly paint all over the twins. I giggled a bit.
"Yeah, what DID Grunkle Stan feed us?! BLARHHHH!!!" I yelled, spraying silly string on the now laughing twins and Wendy. We all laughed.
"That's enough. Party decorations are off limits now," Stan said, taking the silly string cans away from us and putting them into a box.
"Now, Y/N, we are gonna have to get you in an AMAZING outfit for tonight! Grunkle Stan let me host a party today, cause he said he wants to attract the kids to come here cause he wants more money and blah blah blah," Mabel exclaimed and dragged me up the stairs as I looked at Dipper and Wendy with a "Help me" expression on my face. Wendy giggled as Dipper gave me an evil smirk, knowing what his sister was gonna do to me and mouthed a "good luck" to me before he disappeared out of my sight, me being dragged up the stairs. Mabel stopped dragging me for a while, then continued to drag me into the bathroom.
"Stay here," she said before walking our the bathroom door. She came back a few minutes later only for me to see an outfit hanging on her arm as she locked the door. I stood there dumbfounded of what had happened.
"Y/N, I need you to wear this for the party. Since you told me you didn't like girly dresses and stuff, I got you this! Something pastel! It matches your H/L, H/C perfectly! You don't need to wear those silly sunglasses though... It'd be silly. And since you already have a bag, I'm just gonna keep this one that I have," Mabel said, holding out the clothes in my face and went out of the bathroom to give me privacy. I sighed and locked the door once again, then looked at the outfit more carefully. There was a white sleeveless shirt, and pastel pink long skirt. I didn't like the skirt as much, but I went with it anyway. There was also a Jean jacket. And placed on the side of the sink, there was a small dreamcatcher necklace placed there. I looked around to see if there was a towel, and surprisingly enough, there was one hanging by the door. Mabel must've left it there knowing that I would shower/take a bath. I shrugged and went into the bath/shower.
After I had dried myself, I hummed a melody and started to put on my outfit. I looked into the mirror and smiled at myself, pleased with what Mabel had given me. I picked up my bag from the ground and went out of the bathroom, to see Mabel standing outside. I jumped a little and heaved a sigh of relief.
"OHMYGOSH, Y/N!!! It looks AMAZING on you!!! I knew it! Now, I'm gonna help you do your hair!" Mabel squealed, and dragged me back into the bathroom while locking the door AGAIN. I sighed and shook my head playfully as she gestured for me to sit at the chair that she had placed in front of the mirror.
Mabel started to comb my hair gently. She took out a curler and curled my H/L, H/C slightly, only at the tips of it. (if you have hair like that already, just say that Mabel braided it or tied it up. If it's short hair, then just leave it down.) She then proceeded to put a pastel F/C headband on my head. I whistled, looking at the masterpiece she had done for me.
(A/N: this is how the curly hair looks like. You can change the length and colour of it tho)
↣Time skip cause Author~Chan's lazy ass and forgetful mind wants to skip the part where Reader~Chan, Dipper and Mabel found out about the copier↢
Stan started to give us all roles.
"Okay Soos. Since you work for free, and you begged, you will be the DJ"
"I will not fail on you, now!" Soos replied, saluting to Stan.
"Mabel, you go make sure that there is enough food for everyone." (a/n: okay, I made that up ahah)
"Yes sir!"
"Y/N, you and Wendy go work at the ticket stand."
"Aww man! There are more fun things to do at the party!" Wendy and I whined. I saw Dipper shaking a bit and raised his hand.
"I-I can work with them tonight..." Dipper stuttered out.
"You sure, kid? It'll just be you, Y/N and Wendy alone. You promise?"
"Y-yeah, I promise."
"Good. Now, go." Stan said, shoving a money box into my arms. Wendy and I rolled our eyes and the three of us went outside and stationed ourselves at the booth.
"Ugh. I just want to be at the party right now...." Wendy whined as Dipper perked up.
"I-I can cover for you!" he managed to stutter out. I giggled at his actions as he's making it obvious that he liked Wendy.
"Thanks, dude! Good luck, Y/N! I'll catch ya at the party after your shifts!" Wendy waved as she went in.
"Now... It's just.. Ugh... Us at the ticket stand," I rolled my eyes at my own statement. Dipper nodded im frustration. We were still not really on good terms.
"Wait a minute.. I have an idea! I'm gonna go make a copy of myself, and then both of us can go do whatever at the party!" I stood up and headed for door.
"Woah, woah, woah. YOU aren't going ANYWHERE. Once I come back with my clone, we move," he said, pulling me back down onto the chair. I huffed and nodded as I watched him walk away.
Not long after, he came back with his clone which had the number 2 on his hat.
"Y/N, Tyrone. Tyrone, Y/N," Dipper "classic" said, pointing at both of us.
"Finally! I really need to make new friends," I excitedly stood up and walked by them, then stopping once I was next to Tyrone. I dragged Tyrone away, far enough so that Dipper couldn't hear us. He just watched us in confusion, but shrugged and turned around. Tyrone looked at me with the same confused face.
"Dipper is gonna try to win Wendy's heart, but I can tell you something. Both of you will end up making 9 clones altogether, including you. One of them will get jammed and he will be the most annoying one, so please be nice to him. In the end, Dipper classic didn't follow that stupid list that all ten... Nine, in the case of Paper Jam Dipper, of you had made, and you end up locking Dipper classic in a closet with food and a colouring book. While he's in there, the remaining 8 of you discuss on which one gets Wendy. Dipper Classic then manages to get out of the closet and tries to go for Wendy, but the rest of you stop him, making Dipper Classic accidentally activate the water sprayers from above, dissolving only 8 of you paper clones. You managed to survive and both of you go up to the roof. You accidentally drink the pit cola and you, too, dissolve like the rest. I don't want that happening, so tell him about what I had just predicted. I know you most likely not listen, and this happens. Whatever it is, I wish you guys good luck," I said as Tyrone looked at me with his moth wide open. He quickly nodded, and both of us went back to where Dipper was.
"What took you two so long? I had to stay here.." Dipper asked, eyeing us suspiciously.
"If you think we were doing something dirty, please wash your brain because WE ARE ONLY 12! I just needed to talk to him. I'll be on my way now. Once again, good luck, 10 Dippers," I said before walking out of their sight.
And stop. I don't feel like continuing this *sighs* oh well
Hope you enjoyed it anyway
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
Just One Summer (3)
↠Chapter 3, Connections?↞
⋯⋘Y/N pov⋙⋯
I just sat on the chair while reading Journal 3 again. I looked up and watched Dipper and Mabel having a syrup fight... Or is it race? Mabel won but she ended up coughing it out, cause, you know... Syrup and all. Dipper was a little upset that he had lost, but then proceeded to look at a particular page in the newspaper on the dining table.
"Woah, ho.. No way! Hey, check this out! Dipper said to Mabel. I was curious so I got up and sat beside him, looking at what they were looking at.
"Human-sized hamster ball?! Omg! I'm human sized!" Mabel exclaimed after looking at it. I giggled at her.
"We're all human sized, Mabel," I told her, while trying to hold in a few giggles.
"No, no, no. This. We see weirder stuff everyday!" Dipper said, pointing at a page. Oh hey, a page on a photo contest on weird creatures. This is gonna be fun! I clapped my hands cheerfully as I nodded.
"Eh, and I have his beard hair!" Mabel said, taking out Jeff's Beard's hair. Dipper backed away in disgust.
"Ugh, why did you save that?" he asked. Mabel replied with a shrug.
"Oh, give that to me!" I said, reaching out for the beard hair.
"Ewww, why do you want it, Y/N?" dipper asked me, making a face while Mabel gave it to me.
"For further investigation, silly!" I said as I kept it in a small zip lock bag.
"Oh well, kids, do you know what day it is?" Grunkle Stan asked us. I replied with a shrug.
"Uh... April fools?"
"Squakle top!(I think that's what she said :v)"
"Eh, it's family fun day, genius!"
"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be like our last family bonding day?" Dipper asked. I shivered at the memory.
We were all sitting around a table, painting fake money on green paper. Until the police caught us, that is. We were thrown in the county jail.
─Back to present─
Mabel shivers.
"Ugh... The county jail was so cold..." she said. I nodded in response.
"Eh, I know I haven't been the best summer caretaker but I'm sure you'll be okay. Now, who wants to put on some blind folds and get into my car?!"
"Yay!" all three of us exclaimed.
"Wait, what?" Dipper and I asked. We put on some blind folds and actually get into Stan's car.
⋯↣Time skip cause idk and I can't seem to catch the words that they are saying in the episode... This video quality SUCKS↢⋯
"Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blind fold too?" Dipper asked, as the car was bumping around. After a while, the car crashes into... Something... And we all scream. And not long after that, we were pulled out of the car with our blind folds still on.
"Okay, okay, you can take them off now," Grunkle Stan says and we take off our blind folds.
"Oh my gosh! I had forgotten all about fishing season!! I still remember the last time we came together, grunkle Stan," I said as I tried to stifle in a giggle.
"Ahh! Y/N help! I'm sinking!" grunkle Stan yelped as he tried to swim back up. I just stared at him a started to laugh, then I threw a life bouy (how the crap do you spell it..?!) at him. I watched him struggle as he tried to get back up. I then pulled the string which was tied onto it and I brought both of us back to land.
"I didn't know you couldn't swim!!" I said as a laugh escaped my mouth. Not long after, I found myself rolling on the ground, laughing and crying while clutching onto my stomach. Grunkle Stan watched me, unamused. He then went into the car and I rushed in. We both went back to the shack.
─End of Flashback─
"Hey, it wasn't that funny. And you're still doing the same thing as if it had happened again," he said to me, giving me a playful death glare. I was rolling on the ground while remembering the entire scene, laughing my eyes out. Dipper just looked at me and Mabel, weirded out while Mabel just laughed along with me with no clue on what's going on.
"So, who's up for a day of family fun?!" Grunkle Stan exclaimed, while holding 4 fishing rods in his hands. Dipper, Mabel and I looked at each other, unsure if we should go or not.
"He really wants to go fishing with us," Mabel said, looking at Grunkle Stan.
"Well, I think he d-" I said before I was cut of, rudely, by someone.
"I'VE SEEN IT! I'VE SEEN IT AGAIN!" Old Mcgucket exclaimed.
"Seen what?" Dipper asked.
"I've seen the Gobblewonker again! This time I've got proof!" he said, doing a small jig... Dance... Whatever...
"Aww! He's doing a happy jig!" Mabel said.
"It's not a happy jig! It's a jig of terror! I will show you proof!" he said, leading us to a broken boat.
"Behold! Its mighty tail has crushed my jiggly boat apart!(lol I made this up cause I don't remember, and I don't care LOL)" he exclaimed, pointing at a crushed boat.
─Time skip to when they are at Scuttlebutt Island cause Author Chan here is a lazy butt with a forgetful memory─
(Btw, it's still your POV)
"Woah... This... This is incredible!" Dipper said, as he stepped out of soos' boat, walking around with a lantern in his hand. We took Soos' boat to come to Scuttlebutt Island.
I hummed in response, nodding a bit with my head in journal 3. I was trying to look for a page with information on the Gobblewonker, but sadly not finding anything. I snapped the book shut and looked up. We were on an island where everything is foggy and we could barely see. Dipper was the only one holding a light source. I sighed and rummaged through my bag, looking for a torchlight of some sort. I managed to actually find 3 in my backpack. Huh. Actually, it was just one torchlight, a flamethrower, and a lamp... I don't even know where I got the flamethrower. I took out the lamp and zipped up my bag. So now we have 2 light sources on us.
"You never told us you had a lamp on you too," Dipper said, his eyes narrowing at me. I rolled my eyes and focused on where we were going.
"Haha! Look, if we cover out Scuttle, you can see Butt! Butt Island!" Soos said, covering the "scuttle" from "scuttlebutt". He and Mabel laughed at that little joke.
"Guys! Take this seriously! We can split the prize up to 3 parts! WE are doing this TOGETHER!" I yelled at them, which shushed them up. We then made our way, aimlessly walking forwards.
"My name is Mabel, it rhymes with table. It also rhymes with.. Able. It also rhymes with... Shmabel!" Mabel said, as we all walked. Soos was behind her, making some rapping noise(idk what that is :T).
"Dude, you should be writing that down!" Soos said before we heard a noise coming from the distance.
"Guys... Shush. Listen," Dipper said, as he grabbed my lamp, since his one was taken by a squirrel earlier on the way.
"Hey! That's mine!" I said as I took the lamp back, and shone it at where we had heard the noise coming from. I stepped in front of the three of them and headed closer to the noise. We managed to see a figure which looked like a monster. A smile twitched on my mouth as we got closer, but slowly changed into a frown as we got close enough. It was just a wooden structure, with beavers on it. They must be made this.
"B-but... What about the sound that we heard...?" Dipper asked, a frown on his used-to-be excited face. We heard it again and turned to see it. But it was just a Beaver with a chainsaw. The chainsaw was making all the noise. Dipper and I sighed in defeat, at the same time. And that's when I heard something in the water. My head shot up to look for where that came from and that's when I was Dipper looking at something in the water. My eyes sparkled in excitement as I took out my camera. I quickly took a good pic of it and I hugged the camera. Dipper was taking multiple pictures of it. That's when we turned to look at Mabel and Soos.
"Guys! I've got a good picture of it!!" I exclaimed, jumping around.
"U-uh... We... We have to g-go..." Soos said as he gestured Dipper and I to follow him. Dipper and I looked at each other and made a face saying what-why-what's-wrong? That's when we felt the ground Shake.
"Dudes, we gotta run!!" Soos said, as he and Mabel started to back away, eventually running. I turned around and saw the Gobblewonker ON LAND, about to EAT us. I quickly shot up and grabbed Dipper's hand. His hand is so soft.... No! Do NOT like him! He's so rude to you!! I shook the thought off my head and I dragged him while I ran. He was struggling to get my hand off his, yelling at me to let go. Well, does he want to suffer? He seems like he wants to. I let go of him and stood there as I watched him fall. The Gobblewonker got closer to us as I just stood there and watched Dipper blankly. I started to space out when I heard the gobblewonker growl, that's when it snapped me back to my senses and I freaked out a bit before helping Dipper out and both of us ran. Well, I ran. I was carrying him on my back for some reason.
"Soos!! Help me out here!" I yelled over to Soos. He turned and picked both of us up. My camera was starting to slip out of my pocket.
"No!" I pushed Dipper off me and he responded with a groan, then ran beside us. I managed to keep the camera with me and a sighed in relief. I saw Dipper was far behind us and he was near the Gobblewonker, so I jumped out if Soos' grasp and helped him.
"Your welcome, now I just wish we are at the boat already!" I said, then suddenly, all four of us were at the boat. Before anyone could speak, I cut them.
"Soos! Move, now! GO GO GO!!!" I said, pointing at the other direction as the Gobblewonker got closer.
─Another time skip cause Author Chan is so lazy haha─
(you guys have to watch the entire episode cause I'm not gonna write a lot on that, but about something to do with the teleportation thingy. So... Ye. Now, the time skip is skip to when everyone is back at the shack)
"Haha! That was a LOT of fun!" I said, plopping on my bed.
"I have SO many pictures! Still have one pic of the Gobblewonker machine tho. I know exactly where to keep it!" I said, as I took out a scrapbook. I flipped to an empty page and pasted the pictures on it.
"Oh hey! I have a scrapbook too!!" Mabel exclaimed as she took out hers. Mine was filled with lots of memories from my previous summers. The first summer with Grunkle Stan, and many with my.. Parents. And a few of me having fun alone after the little incident. Mabel's was filled with a few pictures of when they arrived here. It's quite new to be honest. Mine is an old one. I had it since I was six. That's when I started to go on monster hunts. I gave a happy sigh as I flipped through my pages, tearing up at a few. Mabel noticed my tears.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Mabel asked me. I looked up and she had a concerned happy face. I decided that it was about time I told them.
"Well... I guess I have to tell you everything, huh?" I looked down a bit. When I looked up again, Mabel and Dipper were sitting next to either side of me. Dipper was much closer to me now. My face flushed a bit red as I started to tell them my life. I flipped through each page of my scrapbook as I told them.
"Well, I've lived here in Gravity Falls all my life. My parents were monster hunters. They were extremely enthusiastic about it. It was their main job. Of course they had their own jobs to earn money and all for us. When I was six, they decided to take me on my first monster hunt. Back then, I was a girl who is full of mystery. I was a good schooler to be really honest. I still have my trophy collection in my old house before I met Stan. My most prized possession was this.." I said, walking over to under Dipper's bed and took out a box. They watched me curiously as I opened it. I took out a small mechanic. It looked like a camera, and it kinda was.
"This... This was my first invention. It was for my school science fair when I was 9. I was the so called smartest kid in the school and everyone adored me. My parents were really proud. It's called a camera bag. It's a camera which you can put the pictures that you take with it in. Heh, I still use it even now. I don't want to bother to throw it away," I put the camera bag away as I went back to telling them about my parents.
"My parents were really kind people. Our family was called 'The Mysteries' cause the three of us would go into the woods at night for monster hunts. One day, when I was 11, we were out on a monster hunt again. We were looking for that bear with lots of heads. Heh, it was a nice creature. That's when we bumped into a three headed dragon. It started attacking us. My father had given me a crossbow and arrow, a sword and pepper spray. I brought all three items along that particular night.." Dipper's eyes widened at the part where I mentioned a three headed dragon.
"The dragon... He... I was the only one of the three of us who survived... M-my parents were killed and eaten up by it... I watched the Dragon eat them. I watched them... I saw that they had dropped their things and the most important thing that we always brought on each of our monster hunts. The magic dust. I quickly sprinkled some on me and I became invisible, so I took the chance and took my parents things and ran back home. I locked every door, every window. I came home and I was really bloody because... The dragon.. Yeah.. You know... I had wounds on my body. Heck I still have a number of scars from that incident! I never went on another monster hunt after that. That's when your Grunkle found me..-" Mabel cut me off.
"That.. That was terrible! Wait, grunkle Stan found you?"
"Yeah.. Now. You want me to continue or not?"
"Yeah, go on."
"Well, I was sitting by the Gravity Falls Lake, thinking about the incident AGAIN. That's when I saw someone heading my way. I approached him and I asked him if he had any food. Apparently, I had used up all the food supplies I had at home so I needed to eat. It had been 2 weeks since I had eaten. But I still had water. Water from that lake that is. He was like "eh" and brought me to the mystery shack. He asked me what I was doing out there alone and I explained the whole thing to him. He took me in as his great grand daughter. Ever since then, I worked and stayed with him. It all happened last year. Heh.. And now that you two came, I can finally feel like I have an actual family..." I said, closing my scrapbook with tears in my eyes. I looked at the twins who were on at the verge of crying and Mabel gave me a tight hug. Dipper stayed there and he didn't have anything to say. He just turned and didn't look at me.
"I-i'm so sorry, Y/N.. I never knew..." Mabel said, who was now bawling on my back. I pat hers and tried to shush her.
"Hush, Mabel. It's okay. I'm over it now," I said, as a tear rolled down my cheek. Guess I have something to look up to now.
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
Just One Summer (2 2/2)
"Kids, I've overstocked on the items so pick anything on the house. One each. Also, Y/N, you can take more than one, but not too many," Grunkle Stan said.
"But you've never overstocked before," Dipper said.
"Well, this old man says that you should take something now before he changes his mind. Now go," Grunkle Stan said. I let out a small giggle and went over to the cap section with Dipper. We both took a Pine tree cap each and Dipper walks away happily. I then walked over to a bracelet section and picked out the specific bracket I had been eyeing for quite a while now. It was a pine tree bracelet with vines around it, like on my sweater, and a small magical diamond which I had been studying in the middle of the pine tree with vines. The diamond has a special magical ability which I didn't know yet. I picked it up and put it on, and immediately, my left arm got a reaction to it and my forehead too. I groaned in pain as I clutched my left arm because the pain on my forehead was gone shortly after. I then went into the employees only door and went up to the attic. I need some rest, heh. I found Mabel playing with her new grappling hook while Dipper was STILL looking at Journal 3. I needed that journal back... Ugh.
"Hey Dipper? Can I have it back now?" I asked him.
"Sure. Let me just give it a few additions first.." he replied, not looking up at me. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him and watched him make the additions. Once he was done, I took the book back and walked over to my bed, then slid it under my pillow. I then watched Dipper slide into the covers to sleep. Once I heard snoring, I took out both journals and that lamp they had and sat on my bed and looked through, trying to find out what was that diamond about, and why I got a reaction to it. I slid up the sleeve of my sweater and watched my birthmark glow, just like the bracelet. Huh. My birthmarks power and the diamond's power makes the powers combine and makes it stronger. I shrugged the thought of it away and turned off the lamp, slid both books in my bag and went to sleep. This is gonna be quite a summer.
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
Just One Summer (1)
Okay, this is a Dipper X Reader fanfic. I don't care if you're a guy, cause now you're a girl 😂😂 if you're gay, then ignore all the girl descriptions.
↠Chapter 1, The Twins↞
A/N: Author's note
Y/N: Your name
L/N: Last name
N/N: Nickname
F/N: Friend name
BF/N: Best friend name
E/C: Eye colour
H/C: hair colour
H/L: hair length
F/C: favourite colour
F/F: favourite food
F/S: favourite song
⋯⋘Y/N POV⋙⋯
I was just chilling around the shack, looking through an interesting book I had found earlier today. That's when my great uncle Stan ─ or should I say Grunkle Stan? ─ called me to come out of my room, the attic.
"Y/N, my great nephew and niece are coming over to stay for the summer. Are you okay with moving out of the attic to let them stay there? You can come and stay with me for the time be-" Grunkle Stan asked me, but I cut him off.
"No! I'll stay with them...-" I said, thinking about how disgusting his room may be, when he cut me off like how I did.
"Well then you need to give your bed to one of them. I'll set up an extra bed for ya to sleep on, Kid." He said as he walked out of the shack to get me a new bed. I wonder how old they are... I thought as I went to clean up the room, which already had 2 beds prepared inside ever since a week ago, and put them all in one corner of the room.
I looked out of the window to see grunkle Stan pulling up in front of the shack with the bed on top of it. I smiled at the thought that he actually cared about me.
"HEY KID! Come down here and help me!" He yelled as he attempted to get the bed off of his car. I giggled while walking down the stairs and rushing to him to help.
I climbed on top of the car and and pushed the bed off, making it land on Grunkle Stan. I sat on top of the car, laughing my head off while clutching my stomach. He pushed the bed off of him and rolled his eyes while picking the bed up and going into the shack.
After I finally managed to calm down, I jumped off of the car and walked into the shack. I saw the bed placed next to the bed which I usually slept on with my things on them. I laid down on the bed and took the book which I was looking at earlier to continue looking at it. These things aren't even scary to me anymore.. I thought to myself. I didn't even realise that I didn't look at the cover of the book properly before opening it, so I put a bookmark at where I last looked at it and flipped it to the front. On the cover, there was a golden six-fingered thing with a number 1 written on it. Only then when I recognized that it was a Journal. I shrugged it off and flipped back to the page with the bookmark and continued to observe it.
"Heh, and I thought I was the only one who knew about all the monsters and the weirdness of this town. I wonder how the author knows about this. I only knew all these when I went on all the monster hunts with my... Parents..." I said to myself, while sparking up. Then when I said "parents", my voice slowed and started to drain away, as I thought of all the good times we went monster hunting before the incident happened. I started to tear up. After snapping out of it, I shook my head and wiped my tears away and laid down on my old bed. I decide to look out if the window, and when I did, I noticed that night has fallen on this little town.
"Y/N! Come down here and have your dinner!" Grunkle Stan yelled from the living room. I rushed down the stairs only to see Grunkle Stan sitting in front of the television. I looked over at the dining table and saw F/F on the table! Yes! I cheered in my head as I walking in front of Grunkle Stan to get to the dining table.
"Thanks, Grunkle Stan," I mumbled as I sat on the table.
"I heard that, kid. And you're welcome," he replied. There was total silence after that as I had started eating. When I was about to finish eating, Grunkle Stan broke the Ice.
"Hey kid, they're arriving at around 1pm tomorrow. Make sure the room is all in tack for them tomorrow," Grunkle Stan said as he turned his head to look at me. I had just finished eating. I gave him a slight nod and went to wash my plate. He turned back to look at the tv, leaving me alone. I walked in front of him as I had to go to the stairs. I headed up the stairs, almost tripping on every step I took. I was so excited to meet them! I prepared their beds and I took out a lamp that I had found in one of the cupboards and put it on the bedside table which was right in between the two beds. I then went to lay on my own bed to rest. It was next to my old bed. I turned my head to look at my old bed and sat up.
"Should I sleep on that bed or no..? It IS my old bed.." I thought out loud. I shrugged and climbed on my old bed, and snuggled in. Before I knew it, o was fast asleep.
I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing. I sat up on my bed and fixed it back to the way it was before. I then walked over to my phone and turned off the alarm. Then I went to do all the morning things yada yada yada. And eat. And all that stuff (I had to LOL) After taking a short shower, I looked over at the clock. 12pm. I rushed into the attic to change into some comfortable clothes. I walked down the stairs, now wearing a F/C shirt with a few stars on it, a flannel and some ripped jeans. I also brought along Journal 1 with me and sat down on the ground next to the chair. I read it while waiting. When Grunkle Stan walked by─he was wearing business clothes and his eye patch as usual─, I quickly hid the book under me and watched him go outside. I quickly put the journal in a pocket of my vest and went outside. I saw two children─who looked to be around my age─coming out of a bus. I stood by the doorway and watched as Grunkle Stan introduced himself to them. You'll never know how they would act, so... Go on and introduce yourself! I thought to myself, while breathing for a while and walked a little closer to them. I was shivering a bit as I walked towards them. I then froze in my tracks and I was kinda sweaty... Wait what?! I thought to myself. You can't be sweaty! You're a girl! I mentally facepalmed myself, looking annoyed. I then noticed the girl looking at me and tugging Grunkle Stan's coat. She was excitedly looking at me, later proceeding to shake my grunkle. I'm so shy.. Eheheh.. I thought to myself as I smiled and gave her a weak smile and I slightly waved at her.
"OMG! WHO'S THAT?!?! CAN I BE HER BESTIE?!" she screamed. She stopped shaking my grunkle and ran towards me. I felt a shiver went down my spine as I backed up and nearly tripped. She managed to reach me, engulfing me with a hug so tight that she could suffocate me.
"C-can't... B-breathe...!!" I yelled at her, gasping for air and trying to get out of her grasp. She put me down and let me go, and waited for me to get some air. Once I regained my balance, she reached her hand out, waiting for me to shake it, saying, "Oh, where are my manners?! My name is Mabel! Mabel Pines! What's your name and can we be besties?!" I hesitated at first, then shook her hand calmly.
"I'm Y/N, and sure I guess?" I replied, but it sounded more like a question. She let go of my hand and jumped around me in circles yelling "Yay! I have a new bestie!" on each bounce. Golly does SHE speak fast. A boy who looked just like her walked up to her and pulled her away from me while calming down and whisper-yelled to her, trying to make sure I didn't her him but I Could.
"Mabel! What did I say about making friends with someone you JUST met?! Don't you remember what happened back in school, in California?!" she whisper-yelled at her while looking at me suspiciously. I turned my head whole looking down.
"Well, I'm not rude like you are! I introduced myself but YOU didn't! Also, move on from that incident, dipstick! You're so overprotective!" she snapped back cheerfully, while whisper-yelling back at him. He rolled his eyes at her and both of them approached me. I was still shaking, being me.
"Hey, I'm Dipper. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" the boy─Dipper─asked me.
"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too. You guys look really similar, by the way. Are you two twins?" I replied and asked, pointing at both of them.
"Yes, yes we are!" Mabel replied with her high-pitched voice. Dipper just replied with a simple nod. He was glaring at me. I didn't do anything!
"Kids, go rest up! Y/N! Help them! I'll be in the gift shop if you need me!" Grunkle Stan yelled over at the three of us while disappearing through the doors to the gift shop. I shook my head playfully and sighed, then picked up the twins' things and went up to the door.
"You knuckleheads coming or not?" I called out to them, acting really calm as I opened the door. They both followed me in. Dipper looked uncomfortable at me carrying his things but still accepted it anyway. I led both of them up, leading into the attic, the room where I slept.
"Well, you guys are gonna have to share a room with me. I don't want to sleep with Grunkle Stan..." I shuddered at the thought. I put their bags down at a little corner of the room and flopped on my new bed in a sitting position.
"Wait, so, where are you gonna sleep then, huh? Cause... We're like, taking these beds over here...!" Mabel said as she plopped onto her bed.
"Haha! Are you blind?!" I giggled as I pat my new bed, as I watched Dipper sit on his new bed. The bed which was previously mine. I glared at him for a second then shrugged the thought away, becoming my cheerful self again.
"Oh, right!" Mabel happily giggled as she took out a few posters from her bed, decorating her side of the room. I shared my side of the room with Dipper... Ugh... That rude... B-brat... I thought to myself while closing my eyes and rolled my eyes with them still closed. I took out my phone from my pocket and looked at the time, then giggled.
"Wow, time flies by real quick! Heck, it's already 3pm! You guys wanna go to the diner for lunch? I don't recommend eating what Stan cooks..." I asked them as I stood up, giggling. That's when that journal fell out of my flannel.
"Hey, what's that?" that observant little Dipper asked me as he walked towards the journal. I swatted his hand away and grabbed it. He hissed at me for swatting his hand away and looked at me with a face like 'I will get my payback on you' but I didn't care. I hurriedly put it back in my flannel.
"That's noting you will need to know of! Now, are we going to the diner or what?" I asked, smirking slightly as I leaned on the doorway.
"Let's go!!" Mabel yelped suddenly that I almost jumped. She rushed to the attic doorway and grabbed Dipper and I's wrists and dragged us down the stairs. She dragged us outside and started walking in a random direction.
"Uh... Mabel? Do you know where you're going? This isn't the way to Gresy's Diner--" I asked her and I was cut off by her dropping both of us. I groaned in pain as I rubbed the back of my head. Dipper did the same.
"Oops, sorry! You lead the way, N/N!" Mabel said as she helped both of us up. I started to wall towards the RIGHT direction with the twins following behind me. I could still feel Dipper's eyes on my back as I walked, but I didn't care much.
"Seems like you've already met them. Eh. Not even gonna bother."
"Leave me alone, they're my new roommates. Of course I have to be their friends! I wonder when I can see you again, mate? Also, how do you know them?"
"Haha, N/N, you know that I know quite a number of things. They're my friends from school! To your other question, I may be coming soon. You can tell me when. My parents won't mind."
"Okay! How about... In a week's time?"
"Sure! I'll see ya at the shack!"
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
A New Family (4)
↠Chapter 4, Bonding Times↞
⋯⋘Lily's pov⋙⋯
"Fooooord... Wake up!" I whispered eerily in his ear. He shot up his sleeping bag while scrambling to get his gun out. When he couldn't find his gun, he went on to take his pillow, ready to throw it at who had woken him up. I stifled in a laugh as I watched him scrambling, then finally pointing his pillow at me. I covered my mouth just so that I don't laugh. When he finally realised that it was just me who had woken him up, a smirk formed on his face and threw his pillow at me. I blankly looked at him with a smirk on my own face, as I caught the pillow with ease.
"So you wanna fight for once, Ford?" I asked, picking up my pillow in one hand and holding his pillow in the other. He raised his arms out in "defense" and playfully rolls his eyes.
"Bring it on," he said, rolling out of his sleeping bag and kicking it to me. I immediately jumped out of mine and threw his pillow at him, which hit him on the face. Feathers flew out of his pillow as I threw my own pillow at him. He dodged my second throw and threw his pillow back at me while picking it up. The pillow was thrown to hit my bottom, but I successfully managed to scoot away before it hit me, then I caught it before it hit the ground.
⋯⋘Dipper's pov⋙⋯
I woke up to the sound of playful screaming coming from the basement. I turned and looked at the clock. 6am. Who in the name of doritos (I had to 😂) would be screaming early in the morning? I groggily got out of bed, rubbed my eyes and went downstairs. I headed straight for the vending machine, and quietly put in the code. I went down the flight of stairs and went down the lift. As I was in the lift, the screams occasionally turned into laughter as I looked through the window of the lab, only to see Lily and Ford having a pillow fight. With their pillows and sleeping bags, that is. I shook my head as a smiled crept onto my face as I watched them. That's when Ford turned and saw me watching them. I quickly dunked under the table as he looked again, before getting hit by a pillow in the face again. He shifted his gaze back onto Lily as his expression changed into a smile again. I slowly ascended from under the table as I heard Lily's laughter. I saw her clutching her stomach, rolling on the ground. I looked in the room more carefully to see that it was almost fully cleared out, and there were feathers all over the ground. Lily then stood up to continue her side of the fight and she turned her head and faced me. Her smirk turned into a face of surprise. She gawked at me for a moment before dropping the pillow that she was holding and went to clear up all the feathers. Ford looked at her in confusion and he turned his head and saw me once again. I awkwardly waved at them with a loop-sided smile plastered on my face. He jumped a bit and helped Lily clear up. I heard a few muffled voices coming from inside. I watched them talk and look back at me occasionally. I gulped in worry at what they were going to do to me as I saw them turn their backs on my and discussed something. They picked up their things, only leaving their lamp behind and came up to the door. I backed up a bit when both of them walked up to the door beside the window, or table. Lily burst through the door, shooting her pillow at me, which was followed with a soft giggle and another pillow came flying at me. I fell to the ground by this sudden reaction. I sat up in the lab, with feathers in my mouth, hair, and all over my body. I watched Lily laugh her head off as Ford tried to hold in a laugh but failed, in the end laughing a bit. I spit out the feathers in my mouth, ruffled my hair so that there were no longer any feathers in my hair, I stood up and dusted the feathers off my body.
"What was that for?" I groaned with a loop-sided smile on my face.
"You snuck up on us and watched us have a pillow fight, so we kinda have the right to that," Lily explained, spinning her hand in circles while still smiling. She stopped what she was doing and her face turned a bit serious and cleaned up the feathery mess.
"Kids! Come down here and have breakfast! I made Stancakes!" Stan yelled so that all of us could hear him. I heard thumping of footsteps from upstairs as we went back up from the basement. By the time we came out, Mabel, Gloria and Lola are at the table, eating and making sure ether didn't eat his hair. I shuddered at the thought as I walked past them to get myself ready. I hadn't brushed my teeth yet due to the fact that I was woken abruptly by screaming and laughing.
"Hey bro-bro, where ya goin'?" Mabel asked me as I walked past her.
"To brush my teeth," I replied while smiling. I still remember what happened.
"WHAT?! I was woken up by their laughing!" I pointed at Lily and Ford. They just looked at each other and giggled. Mabel just looked at them then said a long 'oh' before letting me go again.
  ⋯⋘Lily's pov⋙⋯ 
Both of us watched Dipper disappear behind the doorway and we heard footsteps which were heading up the stairs. Ford and I said our greetings to Mabel and my sisters, Lola and Gloria. I just feel like something was missing but I can't put a finger on it. I stared at them, lost in my thoughts until I heard snapping and voices.
"Hello???? Earth to Lily?" Gloria and Mabel called, trying to get my attention.
"Huh-- what?" I asked, utterly confused.
"I was asking you why you have sleeping bags and pillows in your hands," Lola said, trying to stifle in a slight giggle. I roll my eyes playfully as I scratched my neck.
"Well, there was nowhere else to sleep, so Ford brought sleeping bags and pillows for us to sleep in the room with the portal. It's huge without that portal," I said, chuckling a bit.
"Anywho, I have things to do. I'll be right back to have breakfast later. Just need to keep these," I said, pointing at our sleeping materials and the 3 of them nodded, as I walked away. Ford followed me close behind. He was surprisingly quiet.
"Dad, what's wrong?" I finally got the slight habit to call him 'dad' after rejecting it a couple thousand times.
"Huh? Oh? Oh, nothing. It's just great to be back in the shack," he replied in a daze as we arrived at Gloria and Lola's room. Which was Soos' old break room. I sighed and walked in while playing my sleeping bag and pillow on the now no more carpet ground.
"Ever wondered what happened to experiment 12(idk... I have forgotten)?" Ford asked me, as he did the same.
"Of course. We worked... Pretty hard on that. Not to mention it being uncomfortable to be in YOUR body.. It's so... Weird. I'm quite surprised I didn't age at all. I look like a normal 13 year old when I'm not, actually," I replied.
"You do not want to know what happened with the carpet," a small voice said from the doorway, making us turn and face the person.
"It was... Very unpleasant.." Dipper said as he walked into the room, sitting on the couch. I gave him a slight nod, signalling that I knew what he had meant. Ford and I looked at each other before I sighed and smirked a bit. I slowly picked up my pillow, and shot it at Dipper.
"Goodbye, Pine tree the weak! I shall see you in a dreamcatcher!" I yelled in between giggles as I burst out of the door and rushed to the dining table, while binding under it. Yes, I have used our signs for fun for the current time being. The three girls who were still sitting at the table looked at each other with confused and surprised faces, only to look under to table to look at me.
"What ha-" Mabel started before someone yelled.
"GET BACK HERE! AND WHY DID YOU JUST CALL ME PINE TREE THE WEAK?!" Dipper screamed as he rushed over to the living room. I hid in the shadows and watched him look for me. I used my power to zip my mouth shut, making me sit still. Mabel made an 'oh' face and left me alone, knowing that he was looking for me. I unzipped myself, but forced myself to sit still and shut up. Dipper walked over to the table and I just looked at him. He didn't notice me hiding. The moment he came, the three girls attempted to cover me up.
"Nope, we just saw her go into the kitchen, then went to the bathroom. Then we heard a locking sound," Gloria "explained" calmly, knowing what I could do.
"Wait she did?"
"Yep. Now go, we still have pancakes to finish!" Lola exclaimed, and went back to eating her pancakes. Dipper huffed and climbed up the stairs, as I quietly locked the bathroom door, making my hologram appear and made her act like me in the bathroom. I cane out of hiding and the four of us highfived, as we heard someone clapping at the doorway. It was Ford.
"Impressive, that's the Lily I had been looking for ever since after half of our time being stuck in between dimensions!" Ford exclaimed, coming towards us and he extended his hand out to me. I was sitting on the ground. I kindly accepted his offer and stood up.
"Now, I gotta hide, my hologram ain't gonna last long," I said as Ford and I disappeared into the vending machine.
And that's the last chapter where I stopped... Should I continue on this tumblr blog?
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
A New Family (3)
↠Chapter 3, How much further, Dad?↞
"NOO!!! MOM! DAD!!!"
"Lily, I..."
"Th-they... They left us.,"
"It wasn't their fault! They were trying!"
"I know..."
"Now, cmon. We have a fight to finish."
"B-but... What about th-"
"Sis will help with that. We need to go."
"Okay... Don't leave me too, sis.."
⋯⋘Lily's pov⋙⋯
"Lily... Wake up" a voice said, shaking me. I rubbed my puffy eyes and looked at the figure. My vision is still blurry, but I think I can see its face.
"Ford..?" I mutter under my breath after my vision had cleared.
"Great! My "daughter" has woken up!" his beamed, and giggled at the word daughter. I stifled out a slight giggle too.
"I was worried because you were shaking side to side(I hope you guys remember), mumbling something, and it looked like you were crying... What happened?" his beaming face turning into a face filled with concern, waiting for my response. Wait... Last... Is it midnight?! Nonono not that dream.. Uh... Nightmare... Again!! Why?!
"Oh.. Uh... Just a nightmare, that's all," I said, sitting up. Only then I had noticed that I had been sleeping in a sleeping bag, and there was another one next to mine. I inspected my surroundings and I saw a rubble right in front of me. What... The.. I finally remembered and smacked myself in the face. We were in the basement clearing up! Ford must've brought down sleeping bags so that we can sleep here.
"If you can't remember what had happened, I can give you a small recap," Ford said and continued without waiting for my reply. "You fell asleep on the ground while we were clearing up this mess, so I went up to the attic and asked Mabel for 2 sleeping bags. I came back down and placed you in here and I slept next to you (no, you guys have dirty minds omg). I can't just leave you here, and I didn't bother waking you up."
"Oh. No wonder we are sleeping right in front of the portal," came my quick reply. "Uh... What's the time?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair.
"It's 1am.." Ford replied. I looked around and saw a small lamp in the middle of the both of us. I looked at my hair. Ugh.. Not again... My hair had changed colours again. It's been doing that ever since my 3rd birthday. My hair had changed colour from a light brown colour from my scalp, and a slight blonde colour reaching the tips of my hair to the blonde colour from my hair rising up into my brunette part, and a touch of brunette at the tips, with a little bit of blue. I sighed at my hair colour and turned to see Ford examine my forehead. After I realised what he was looking at, I quickly laid back down and went into the sleeping bag. He saw my so called portal birthmark which I liked to call, even after Gloria explained that it wasn't the original birthmark.
"W-wait, Lily! What is that on tour forehead? Let me see it," For said, pulling me out if my comfortable sleeping position.
"Ford... It's in the middle of the night! Let me sleep!" I snapped at him, pushing him away and tucking myself in again. He sighed and went into his own sleeping back, a signal that he had heard what I said. I gently closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly.
⋯⋘Ford's Pov⋙⋯
I know I had seen something on her forehead... I just know it! I lay awake on my sleeping bag, my back facing hers. I couldn't stop thinking about what was on her forehead, because she had only showed me her birthmark, a dreamcatcher, which was on her left arm. I heard her shift a bit and turned my head to look at her. Her face was now facing mine, and I see her smiling, sleeping peacefully, and no longer sweating after waking up from her nightmare. I swore I had heard her say something about her parents and some fight while listening, but I shoved that thought away. She's sleeping peacefully now and that's all the matters. I then turned my body fully to face her direction and examined her head again, but her now brunette-blond-yellow-blueish hair was covering it. I will need to wait until morning to ask her what that was. I then closed my eyes, only to shoot them open again as I heard Lily mumbling more things, but she still looked really happy and no longer acted like she was yelling. I watched her for a while and I noticed her smile turn into a frown. She then started shaking again. Just as I was about to put my hand on her to calm her down, she stopped, and now had an emotionless expression oh her face. I then gave a half smile at the sleeping Lily, and I soon fell asleep, myself.
WELP. I don't think I finished the next chapter, and this one was quite short to be honest.
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
A New Family
↠Chapter 2, Getting comfortable↞
Lily rushes up the stairs, only to see Ford standing at the doorway watching the four kids chasing each other around the room playing tag.
"Well, what's this all about?" she said, giggling.
"They're just having a game of tag. To be honest, I'd like to join in.." Ford said as the stepping into the room only to be hit by Mabel and the other 3 falling on her and all 5 of them─Mabel, Dipper, the two sisters and Ford─ fall on the floor laughing.
"Woah, you guys better be careful!" Lily exclaimed as she rushes over to help them up.
"Heh, sorry about that, sis," Lola said as she jumped back onto her feet.
"By the way, I found a room just below the stairs. I don't think you, Gloria, Ford and I can fit in there too..." Lily said as her voice trailed off, her head hanging low in sadness. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Dipper. He gave her an encouraging smile to make her happy. Lily then returned the smile to him.
"I can set up my lab as my bedroom, ya know?" Ford said as he began walking down the stairs. Lily gave him a good nod and followed him down. They then stopped in front of the vending machine. Ford put in the code, and the vending machine opened and both went down. They cleaned up the place a little and went into the room where the portal was.
"This room is actually big enough for all of us to stay in! But I'd be glad to stay here with you, dad," Lily said, emphasizing at the word "dad" and giggled. Both of them laughed and decided that they will stay with Gloria and Lola until they finished cleaning up this room. They went back up the stairs silently. As they closed the vending machine behind them, they didn't notice someone creeping up on then.
[Okay, guys. From now on, there will be povs. There will be moments when it is narrated but most of it will be POVs :T enjoy!]
⋯⋘Gloria's Pov⋙⋯
I snuck up on my sister and her... Um... Teacher or something as I had heard the vending machine open up just now, and when I had arrived here at the gift shop, they were gone and the vending machine was back to normal. I just waited for them and when I heard them coming up the stairs, I hid near the vending machine.
"BOO!" I screamed at them, only to be returned with both of them turning around and Ford taking out his gun, and Lily taking out her crossbow, both pointing at me. Lily had yelped a little and jumped, then turned at me with Ford. I backed down and landed on the ground as they got closer looking a bit scared at my action. I was shivering, thinking that they may kill me. I still found it funny that I scared them.
⋯⋘Lily's Pov⋙⋯
After I realised who I was pointed the crossbow at, I stood there frozen and dropped the crossbow, only to see the arrow shoot at the figure. It moved away, and the arrow was shot at some rack of clothes in the gift shop. Ford struggled to hold his gun and he almost dropped it, but he managed to catch it. I then went to over to the figure and gave it a hug.
"I-I'm so sorry, Gloria... I didn't mean to..." I stammered while hugging her. She hugged me back and pats my back, reassuring to me that it was okay. I then pulled away from the hug and gave her a face of why-did-you-scare-us-like-that in a glare. She smiled sheepishly then started to giggle, i suppose, at my face. I then realised that she was looking at my second birthmark, so I quickly put my fringe over it, feeling embarrassed. We then stood up and the 3 of us went back up into the attic, only to see concerned faces from Dipper, Mabel and Lola. I smiled at them as a signal that nothing happened and Dipper looked at me like her knew that I was lying, but he let me go.
"Wait a minute..." I said, thinking back at what happened. "My crossbow!!" I yelled as I ran back down to get it back. I heard them snickering a bit as I ran down. I quickly got the crossbow and went back upstairs, to see all of them huddled together on the floor, while catching up on what had happened when my father and I had disappeared. I shook my head and smiled, while sitting down in between Dipper and Ford. I quickly found out that they were playing truth or dare or don't.
"OH HEY, LILY!!!! Truth or dare or don't?!" Mabel screamed excitedly while waiting for an answer. I looked at all of them uneasily and then I looked at Ford, who was signalling me to do a truth as it would be the perfect time to explain what had happened.
"Uh.... Truth, I guess?" I said as I turned my gaze from Ford to Mabel.
"GREAT!!!! TELL US THE TRUTH!! Why did Grunkle Ford asked you to call him dad?!" Mabel screamed, seemingly excited at my answer. I was shocked as I had guessed that she would've asked me that.
"Well.... I was Ford's apprentice before the portal incident that happened between Ford and Stan. I had realised that both of them were fighting because of some random issue, like they had explained to you, and Stan pushed Ford into the portal. By then, I had already been standing in front of the portal and I watched as Ford was pulled into the portal. I grabbed his leg, attempting to pull him back out, with Stan of course, but instead, I, too, got pulled in. Stan had backed away before he got sucked into the portal and the portal shut down. Ford and I were stuck in between dimensions since!" I replied, shaking my head slightly.
"Wait.. But you said you were there for 4 years... How old are you now then?" Dipper asked curiously. Huh. I guess he noticed it then.. But I don't want to tell them cause it'll be breaking our little secret. I then breathed and decided to tell him.
"Well.. I stayed there for 30 years, yes. But... We were stuck in between dimensions so we... " I hesitated then continued.
"We didn't age... So I lied about being there. No wait, only Ford aged surprisingly. I stayed as a 12 year old" I said.
"Not exactly.." I mumbled under my breath, then looked up and saw everyone starting at me.
"ALRIGHT! Let's continue with the game, shall we?" I said, clapping my hands together to stop the awkwardness in the room.
"Sure.. I gu-" Dipper started but was interrupted by a loud screeching voice.
"OKAY! LOLA, TRUTH, DARE OR DON'T?!?!" Mabel screeched pointing at Lola. We had to cover our ears for this.
⋯⋘Lola's Pov⋙⋯
I just stared at Mabel in awe, and my ears were aching.
"Oh geez Mabel..." I said, rubbing my ears.
"hehe, sorry. So, truth, dare or don't?" Mabel asked without screaming this time, but still excitedly.
"hm..." I thought for a while.
"I'm up for... A dare."
Mabel smirked. Oh no. What's she gonna do...
"I dare you to..." she pauses for a dramatic effect "...tell me what both Dipper and Lily are hiding!!!" she screamed. She obviously knew what Dipper was hiding, but she wanted to know my Guess.
"Uhhh...." I said while looking at Lily and Dipper who were sitting next yo each other. They knew that I had known so the kept shaking their heads. They started panicking as Dipper was trembling and Lily was trying desperately not to remover her coat or flip her hair up.
"They both have b-" i was unable to process my sentence fully before getting my mouth covered by a hand. I saw Gloria looking towards my direction, her hand covering my mouth. She shook her head slightly and I got what she meant. And I did something that she didn't want me to do.
"EWWWWW LOLA!!!! THAT WAS DISGUSTING!" Gloria screamed, wiping the liquid off of her hand on her dress. I giggled. I had licked her hand to get it off of my mouth, heck I even tried to bite it but I licked it instead haha. Both Lily and dipper calmed down, but after that, Lily gave me a death glare and Dipper also shot Mabel and I a death glare each. Haha, I've never seem them this mad!
⋯⋘Lily's Pov⋙⋯
I should've known Mabel will ask her that.. She will pay muahahaha!
I stood up and pulled dad up from his seat. He was talking happily with Dipper after the glare. I tilted my hea, signaling to get him to go to the lab with me. We still had a lot to do. He looked at me confused a bit, then gave a slight nod, showing that he understood what I meant and followed me down. As I closed the door, I saw the rest who were in the room look at us then look back at themselves in confusion. They shrugged then continued to play Truth, dare or don't without us.
"We should get a move on... I don't want to cram with the other two, they also need their own space.." Ford said as the put in the code for the ending machine. After he did, we headed down and started to clean up the room where the portal was. It was until..
AAAAAAAND CLIFFHANGER!! HAHA!! See y'all in the next chapter xD
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
A new Family
↠Chapter 1, coming back home↞
In this chapter, both Lily and Ford come out of the portal where they surprise the rest. Who are those people? What will happen to the Pines family with the reappearance after 30 years for Ford, and 5 years for Lily? Or even more than 5? Read on!
As the portal broke into bits and pieces, one obvious figure came out.
"Who... Is that?!" Dipper said, slightly scared.
"The author of the journals.... My brother" Stanley replied, looking at him in shock.
A while later, another figure falls out of the now going to be completely destroyed portal.
"OWW!!" She screeched as she tried to stand up.
"Lily, be more careful next time" The man said.
"Yeah. Got it, Ford...I'm not used to this cause it's been... 5 years or so?" Lily said, still trying to get up. A piece of the broken machine had fallen onto her and she couldn't get up. Everyone turned to look at who was struggling. Ford watched Lily struggle to get the metal piece off of her, and decided to help her.
"Ford, remember what I can do? I can help mys-" Ford had lifted up the piece, allowing her to stand up.
"You didn't need to help, but thanks anyway.." Lily said, brushing the dust off her coat.
"Is this the part where one of us faints...?" Mabel asked Dipper and Soos.
"Don't worry, dude. I've got this," Soos replied as he fell down like he had fainted.
"Is that..." a voice came from the corner. Everyone turned to look for where the voice had come from. And there was another gasp which came from the same place, but with a difference voice
"She...I-It's her..!!" that voice said. Both of them walked out to reveal one with glasses, while wearing a pinkish-purple dress and some long socks, and the other with her hair tied up and was wearing a green shirt, green skirt and green pants, which matched up with her bracelet and her eyes.
"G-girls...?" Lily stuttered, with her mouth gaping open while looking at both girls.
"LILY!!!" both of them yelled as they ran towards her and tackled her into a hug.
"Oh gosh, it's been... Uh... 5 years since we've seen you!!!" The one who was wearing all green said, not even bothering to let her go.
"Wha-what are you doing here, Gloria and Lola... I-I-I thought that..." Lily stuttered as she suddenly pushed them away. Ford walked towards Lily and put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head, signalling her not to hurt them as he saw that she was on the verge of tears and was going to snap. She immediately calmed down ─ a bit ─ after she saw him. Dipper and Mabel looked at Lily and Ford, then later at Gloria and Lola.
"Oh, wait what are you guys doing down here?" Stan said as he looked towards Gloria and Lola's direction.
"We.. We were floating, then we heard an explosion.." Lola explained, looking down as she felt that they didn't want them both here.
"Ah, okay... Anyway, Stanford! I haven't seen you in 30 years! Come here and give your brother a hug!"(was that what he said? I don't remember 😂) Stan said as he walked over to Ford with his arms open and ready for a hug. But instead of hugging him, Ford just punched him.
"Why did you restart the portal?! It was a dangerous and risky move, Stanley!" Ford yelled at him. Lily, Dipper and Mabel just watched in horror as both brothers started to argue.
"Wait.. So... Grunkle Stan, you're not really Stanford Pines?!" Dipper said with confusion in his voice after both had calmed down from their argument.
"WHAT?! You've been using my name this whole time?!! Stanley, how could you..-" Ford was about to punch him again when someone's hand was put on his arm to stop him. Lily had walked over to him to stop him, and he immediately turned around and looked at her, then looked at his hand which was now shaking. He slowly put it down and calmed down. All of us walked over to one small area and we all sat down at one place, and both Ford and Stan explained their story.
After Ford told all of them Ford and Stan's story, Dipper starts to squeal again as Ford was the author of the journal that he had found. Lola glares at Dipper, which made him stop squealing.
After they had explained their story, Lily told them her story. She mentioned a lot on Gloria and Lola as her sisters. But she didn't give ever detail and the 3 sisters agreed to keep it a secret ─ they've been keeping it a secret for a long time. Lily was still mad at Lola for what she had done as she was the only one who knew that Stan was restarting the portal and she worked with him to get Lily and Ford back.
"How about we have some food to eat? I'm getting a little hungry ever since you started to tell your story, Ford," Lily whines as she stood up. She headed towards the lift.
"Hey, slow down, Kid!" Stan says as he follows Lily. The others giggles and stood up to follow them. "I'm afraid that all of us won't be able to fit in the lift," Ford said as he looked at all 4 of them then at Lily and Stan who were now in the lift, getting ready to go up. "So, I'll let Dipper and Mabel go up along with them, while I stay with the other too and go up with them as soon as the lift comes back to us," Ford says after thinking for a while. "Heh, I was planning on you coming up with me cause I have something to tell you, Ford. But suit yourself, master!" Lily said as she giggles and bows down like he's her trainer or something. The other four children laugh along with her. "Lily, like I said from a long time ago, you can call me your father," Ford said playfully while rolling his eyes. Stan and the kids (except Lily, who was also rolling her eyes playfully along with Ford) looked at Ford in shock. "I'll.. Explain later. But for how, you four go ahead first! The three of us will be right behind ya!" Ford said while he gestures Stan, Lily, Dipper and Mabel to go up first, while he stayed here with the other two.
-time skip to when they are going up the stairs cause I'm a lazy ass-
"Well... What was all that about?" Stan asked me, breaking the ice as it was very quiet as they walked up the stairs. "Well... It's a long story, but I'll tell you guys later," Lily said as she pushes the vending machine open to get out of the stairway area. "Wow.. This place didn't change much, huh?" Lily steps out and looks around the gift shop area of the shack. "You're fooling everyone with these merchandise, aren't you, Stan?" Lily asked Stan as she snickered while looking at all the junk. "Apparently yes," Stan replied with a slight giggle.
The pines twins walk out of the vending machine, then closing it again. "LET'S GO HAVE A REUNION PARTY UPSTAIRS IN OUR ROOM, GUYS!!!!" Mabel screamed excitedly as she ran up the stairs, pulling Dipper along behind her. Lily burst out into laughter and she calms herself down when following both of them up. "There's no extra beds in here.. And we all won't fit anyway. So, what are we going to do...." Lily's voice trailed off as she starts thinking. She snaps her fingers as she got an idea. "That's it! I know EXACTLY where to go!" Lily said excitedly as she runs out of the room and down the stairs. The twins watches her run down then giggles. A few minutes later, Ford and the other two climb up the stairs and heads to Dipper and Mabel's room. Before Ford was able to knock on the door, one of them bursts into the room saying, "WEEABOO!!! AND TAG, YOU'RE IT!!" She says as she pokes Dippers arm and runs out if the room and down the stairs, who was now focused on reading the journal. He says with a fake frown, "Aww man, I'm the tagger? Well... Let's see if I can catch.. You!" Dipper says as he stands and heads towards the other girl who hadn't moved anywhere and was beside Ford. He grinned evilly as he walls closer to her. "Oh no you don't!" she says as she dashes right past Dipper and jumps behind Mabel while making a face at Dipper. "Oh well, I guess I'll get someone else instead!" he says sarcastically and laughs and runs towards Mabel and is aiming to tag her. "OH NO!! IM SO SCARED!!" she makes jazz hands as she says that sarcastically and runs off. "HAHA!"
⋯⋆⊰End of chapter one⊱⋆⋯
Okay; why did I post this here? I'm planning on deleting this story from my wattpad, so... I posted it here just if someone wants to read it. I kinda discontinued it, so I don't know if I should continue it or not. Tell me if I should! I think I stopped at the forth chapter?
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
I don't remember this song ;^;
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Love this song ❤️
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
First of all, if you guys can be kind, can y'all go follow my wattpad and Instagram accounts? Thank you!
Wattpad: @/TheoCrypt
Instagram: @/TheoCrypt
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