theofficialpyrogre · 2 years
With Pride Month upon us I would like to remind you that companies aren't your friends. Since I like comic's ill say it. Taking your Queer characters out of storage for one month then putting them back or not mentioning them being Queer for the next eleven months isn't Pride it's Pandering. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy the comics, I can't wait to see them either, but just remember companies are not your friend.
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theofficialpyrogre · 2 years
Seeing a lot of people who think that Conner is a spirit or that he doesn't have a body because of what Zatanna said.
While Young Justice does like to twist things from the comics, I don't think this is an accurate interpretation. I think Zatanna just assumed he was a spirit because she doesn't know what the Phantom Zone is.
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To explain, the Phantom Zone is another dimension and everyone in that dimension is intangible and transparent. If you are sent to the Phantom Zone (either via Phantom Girl or a Phantom Zone Projector) your body becomes like a 'phantom' because it isn't tangible but you aren't actually dead.
The Phantom Zone in the comics usually makes people a silver/white color. In Young Justice it seems to make people swap their pallets to the negative version of their color scheme. (Except the kids on the bus who were likely protected by Klarion's chaos magic)
The Phantom Zone exists outside of time so anyone that enters it doesn't age. Everyone's bodies are frozen in time. This is likely what is keeping Superboy from succumbing to his injuries.
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theofficialpyrogre · 2 years
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theofficialpyrogre · 2 years
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theofficialpyrogre · 2 years
My friend Tyra was previously a caregiver for an elderly woman who passed away a few days ago. She has been contacting other employers in her area, but no one is able to get back to her until after thanksgiving at the earliest, and she still needs to pay rent and other bills. Without work, Tyra is now opening up commissions for acrylic paintings on canvas, and you can view her previous works and purchase through her Ko-Fi here!
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
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her power <3
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
My friend Tyra was previously a caregiver for an elderly woman who passed away a few days ago. She has been contacting other employers in her area, but no one is able to get back to her until after thanksgiving at the earliest, and she still needs to pay rent and other bills. Without work, Tyra is now opening up commissions for acrylic paintings on canvas, and you can view her previous works and purchase through her Ko-Fi here!
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
Having read the spoilers for Young Justice I feel like they made a decision which has a tremendously positive impact on Barbara’s agency while utterly removing Cass’s.
The fundamental core of Cassandra’s motivation is that she is intimately familiar with death, and specifically death at her own hands, and rejected that path without any external pressure. Having someone else make that decision for her and save her from becoming a killer, while definitely a more pleasant prospect for her mental health, takes that power out of her hands.
These are all just preliminary thoughts, I’m waiting to have the whole arc completed before I watch the show myself and make my final judgment, but so far this reminds me a lot of how the agency in Cass’s story was given to Harper in Batman and Robin Eternal.
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
Young justice: the killing joke isn’t canon
Me: tight tight tiiiiiiiiiiight
YJ: yeah, instead Barbara jumps in front of a sword because she’s an omnipotent god who was able to tell that some league of assassins member didn’t actually want to kill the joker. It’s really poetic actually, and something something agency
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
pemdas is fake. do operations in any order you feel like. it literally does not matter at all
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
needing the type of hug where you bury your head in their shoulder and they just hold you tight and there’s this mutual need to keep holding on.
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
con artists that forge art and wine to sell to rich snobs for millions of dollars: cool, good
con artists that target marginalized groups and harass and make legal threats against people calling them on it: guillotine
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
Person A: You poor thing.
Person B: Don’t bring my financial status into this.
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
Headcanon that for whatever reason, Wally loves Damian like, even more than Dick does, and no one understands it. He’ll bring food samples or souvenirs from places he was just at, and generally loves him. And Damian just sort of huffs and calls Wally ‘tolerable’, but Jason, Tim, and Dick know he loves having Wally around.
(The others are slightly jealous)
(You can’t convince me otherwise)
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theofficialpyrogre · 3 years
to anyone having a bad day im so sorry also here are some pictures of baby elephants 
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feel better friend
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