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Week 8-11
Since classes already started, our supervisor told us that we should prioritize our studies first that’s why the load of our tasks at the office was lessened. But of course, we offered help whenever we’re available. 
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Week 7
The PH-EITI is almost coming to an end but my work is not yet over. I still have to coordinate with PH EITI for the other roadshows. But my job is getting more challenging because the LCEs in farther locations like Butuan and Davao are harder to get in touch with. That’s why I always have to come up with an alternative plan. 
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Week 6
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August 7 – PH EITI Roadshow at the Manila Hotel.
And I’m back at the Manila Hotel for another PH EITI Roadshow! It was basically similar to the roadshow in Baguio because the same general topic were discussed but this time, the meeting was attended by other LCEs. I was there to document the event for ULAP.
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Week 5 
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August 2 – PH EITI Roadshow in Baguio City. I was really excited about the idea of going out of town for a conference and ULAP was kind enough to take interns with them on a trip like this. Indeed, it was a great experience because I got to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the extractive industries in provinces and how it affects the lives of the locals.
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August 4 – National Executive Board Meeting at the Manila Hotel. Aside from the PH EITI Roadshow, we also had to prepare for the NEB Meeting hosted by ULAP. Board members from different member leagues came to the event and while there were some commotions that happened, it was a successful event after all. 
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Week 4
Since there’s only a week left till the first leg of the Roadshow, I had to work harder on the preparations for the PH EITI Roadshow. I had to do a bunch of follow up phone calls with the LCEs and Ms. Joy, the PH EITI Secretariat, was texting me day and night to get updates on the attendance of the LCEs. Also, I was getting buried in a bunch of pending back to office reports that’s why I had to do those too aside from being busy with the Roadshow preparations.
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Week 3
This week, I was officially assigned to the PH EITI Roadshow project which means I am now one of the contact persons of the PH EITI Secretariat. #responsibilities HAHA. Anyway, so I started calling the offices of the invited LCEs and sending text messages to the LCEs themselves in order to confirm their attendance to the first leg of the Roadshow which will happen in Baguio City.
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July 20- DOH Meeting. This was a very interesting meeting because they talked about family planning and other things about reproductive health. I was really interested in the subject of the meeting and luckily, I already have a slight background on reproductive health that’s why it was a bit easier for me to comprehend the topics they were discussing.
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Week 2
July 14 – MSG Meeting. This was a meeting organized by PH-EITI or the Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. I was there to document the meeting for ULAP but to honest, I had no idea what they’re talking about because the topics were too technical. But our Executive Director Ma’am Eunice was kind enough to give me some brief explanations whenever she feels like I’m getting way too confused about what’s happening. 
This week, the ULAP team also started to prepare for the month-long PH-EITI Roadshow. ULAP was asked by PH EITI to contact the LGUs and LCEs that are invited to the said event.
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Week 1
Hey! So now that you know the basics of ULAP, it’s time for me to share with you my experience as an ULAP intern. Here are the highlights of my first week of internship: 
July 4 - first day as an intern! I was really nervous because I didn’t know what to expect and what work I was going to be doing. When I got to the office, I was assigned to do follow up phone calls in line with an event scheduled for the next day. I was a bit anxious at first but once I got the hang of it, talking to professionals became so natural to me. 
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The next day (July 5th), we went to Quezon City for an event organized by ULAP called the National Lessons Learned Session. It was a meeting that was attended by people from the mining and extractive industry, representatives of various indigenous peoples groups, government officials and LGU representatives. In this event, I learned that there is still a huge gap that needs to be bridged between the LGUs, the national government, and the minority like the indigenous peoples affected by mining. 
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This photo was taken by our supervisor, Ma’am Yam, few minutes before we left for the team’s karaoke night. Yayy for kara-okay! HAHAHA. 
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July 7 - DILG Meeting. Okay so this was my first real assignment that’s why I had no idea how to take down notes for my back to office report. Pro tip: once you learn what the meeting is going to be about, do your own research so that you’d have a slight idea on what they are discussing. Anyway, this meeting was about Barangay San Vicente’s problem with their IRA. 
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INTERNSHIP 101 by theojtdiaries2017
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Stay tuned for an upcoming video on all the things you need to know if you’re planning to apply as an intern at ULAP! 
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Hi! I’m Lean and I’m a fourth year student taking up AB Political Science. Last summer vacation, I worked at the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) as an intern. That experience was really fun and enlightening. If you want to know more about how my internship went, how to apply as an intern, what to expect plus a whole lot more, then watch out for more of my blog posts! 
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