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Summary: A year after the dead rose from their graves, Storybrooke tries to return to normal, but that’s near impossible now that everyone’s landlord is one of the undead. A/N: Finish one fic. Immediately start another. Thank you as always to @maplesyrupao3​ for beta’ing 🖤 Rating: E | Chapter 1: Ao3
No one came for him. When the facilities opened to send their patients home, Gold had arranged his own transport through Dove. News outlets told stories of the risen arriving home to smiling families and friends, all happy to have them back. Gold arrived to an empty house. They didn’t report on the bad stories. No one wanted to acknowledge that the return to normal life hadn’t been as seamless as governments had promised. They didn’t talk about the riots, or those that had no family left. They didn’t acknowledge how those families had died. Or that thousands of people still didn’t know if their loved ones were alive or dead or something else. Like his son.
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It’s been 47 years...
but I have a really good excuse.
Lots of good excuses actually, but I just miss you folks and thought I’d drop you a line to say so.
My life’s been... nuts? Over the top? Awesome and sometimes terrible? Yup. All that and more. I haven’t forgotten my #Rumbelle fandom and OMG have I been busy.
I want to say thank you for all the reads and comments on my stories and let you know how much it brightens my day when I get to know a story of mine made somebody happy, or made them think, or was worth their while.
In my absence I’ve been hard at work in the real world and writing WAY less than I wish I had. Like many, I’ve wandered off into some other fandoms, like Star Trek and you never know, I may write for them occasionally.
Basically, all of this is to say I don’t really have my shit together in life which is why the lack of writing and why you haven’t heard from me in so long.
I have not forgotten the love and laughter this community has brought me and I won’t. Even if life takes a chunk out of my fandom activities.
I wish you all well.
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Mission Launch!
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We’re out to have bold new conversations about the future! A future we create together. Our mission is to share Star Trek around the world and give everyone something to look forward to!
Please join us for our launch event this Wednesday!
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How much you want to bet the Captain’s a JetC shipper???
Mission Launch!
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We’re out to have bold new conversations about the future! A future we create together. Our mission is to share Star Trek around the world and give everyone something to look forward to!
Please join us for our launch event this Wednesday!
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Trek Advent | Day 15 | Favorite Behind the Scenes Moment
E’s “Inside Star Trek: Voyager” (March 1995) [It’s the same gif twice. The second one is just slower…for reasons]
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“You feel it,” he said quietly. “You feel it, and you’re fighting it. That’s alright. The mind likes to try to make sense of things, and the gods know there’s little enough sense in what happened to us.”
“I don’t understand you,” she said, frustration making her tone sharp. “In fact - in fact I almost feel as though I don’t know you.”
To her surprise, his smile widened, his eyes softening.
“No,” he said. “But you will.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
This little manip is inspired by chapter 22 of the beautiful Homecoming by @emospritelet. This fic and the whole The Long Game universe stole my heart a long time ago and anyone who hasn’t read it yet should do it now!
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I may hate your ship with a burning desire to never lay my eyes upon it but I will never spam your tag or send you hate because I’m actually a decent person
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JanewayXChakotay Moments » 2.04: Elogium
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Same expression in their eyes.
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I just wanted them to hug at least once :(
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Resolution turbolift conversation
My submission for @25daysofvoyager
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Happy Birthday, Captain Janeway!
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Janeway/Chakotay + AO3 tags
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Star Trek: Voyager - Shattered
Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay
(photos from @trekcore I just played with them a bit)
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