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Thanks for the amazing roast dinner Molloys! Feeling very well looked after ♡
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My food bag has arrived! Humans and cats are all very excited :)
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enjoying the season tickets you left behind!
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Dinner at the silk household. Mmm pumpkin soup with all the toppings- good for the soul.
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Prodigal daughter returns
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Poppy’s tick chart :)
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all together
K and G and T are all finally home so Poppy is happily begging for dinner from everyone - we’ve had to employ a dinner/breakfast tick chart so that she can’t lie to us about being fed or not. Chicken and bacon dinner is in the oven and smells great (thanks K!) and we are enjoying pictures coming in from the marathon and Paris adventures. Parents, we had another mention in the sermon yesterday - what’s given the impression that we are perfect children? Certainly not your parenting skills :P
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Honorary child here, the cats are taking a liking to me. Mika has slept with me a couple of nights and this morning I woke to Bert sitting on my chest and kneading my hair. I'm in! 
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I've set up the air mattresses... It’s going to be cosy! Enjoy! - BS
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There is one child by which you have all forgotten. This child is the most favourite of favourites. Yet, how many of you bothered to notify her of your departure from our land? None. 
Shannan is currently laying on the floor of the Bardsley home crying. Thank goodness Poppy is around to lick up her tears. 
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Had to remove a giant weta today amidst five screaming girls at the housesitting house. (Actual size not actual photo. My arms aren’t that hairy) -tb
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Shinanaghans of the morning: Day 4
Went to bed with a beautiful clean kitchen, woke to havoc! one word: Males. They even finished the cheesecake and left the evidence! Guess who made it spotless again....this girl! Job 1 of morning 4, check! A swear jar has now been created and will contribute to coffee dates, and the first prank has been initiated...lets hope boy n.o 3 enjoys a face full of tape! feeling accomplished! And to top it off, in 10 minutes boy n.o 1 and I are giving boys n.o 2&3 a chance to get out of bed in a peaceful manner, cant promise that the consequences of not getting up wont involve water... Peace! The other CB 
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you’re a gem other cb. 
Day Three, still alive
Still recovering from the early start Tuesday morning..5.30 get up is no fun, especially saying goodbye to the rents for a month when they wont take you with! But we have ventured on and are still alive! The house has had two new visitors join the ranks and one regular disappear, which leaves us with 3 boys against 1 girl…guess who cleans! But im still alive! Day two we hosted a wee hang out! Oi mum…you actually wont believe that we did the dishes before bed! In fact, you will be proud, I can see the WHOLE bench as I type! This morning saw the 3 boys do some bonding at the gym while the girl had some therapy shopping! Ive seen 2 since then, 1 is yet to resurface but dinner is waiting for him when he turns up :) (Thanks mum for the freezer full of meat!) The power is still running, neighbors are yet to complain and the house doesn’t stink like boy….yet…im sure we will survive that too! 3 days down, a lot more to go!   - The other CB
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creepy!!! we can lend you poppy as a guard dog?
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Came home to this… Creepy footprints on the table. But don’t worry, Kelly’s investigating with her fossil brush and Mikas doing a search of the grounds.
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emailed the parents the link to our blog, and this is the reply :) posted for mutual enjoyment. 
“Hi our gorgeous girls,We love your blog, especially the "we are having fun too" ...I am not sure how to reply to your blog.... We will try and work it out. Now we know why you need to travel with your children, it is  because they know how to operate the technology! Never leave home without them. We are supposed to fly to Paris this afternoon but have been informed that our flight has been cancelled so we are waiting to hear what that means. Dubai is interesting - not as hot as we'd expected but apparently gets up to 50 degrees in June, July and August. We had fun last night on a "Dessert Safari". We saw Hundreds of camels running around a track practicing for racing, we saw a falcon show, we went racing over sand dunes in a land cruiser and we had a ride on a camel (terrifying!). We had a meal at a dessert camp under the stars entertained by a belly dancer. Hope you are getting lots of holiday relaxation. Don't forget to let Poppy out lots for wees. If you are going to copy and paste this into your blog, don't put that last sentence in! Love Mum and Dad”
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As you can see I have all the necessities for my parents’ impending stay... -BS
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