<> Vexen has logged in
-- Zexion is logged in
That’s either a prank that badly fails to be funny, in which case I’d suspect Xigbar, Demyx, or Axel; or it’s meant to be taken as fact. If it’s the latter, I’m not sure I want to be aware of who would be privy to that information. That’s between you and whoever, shall we say, has “access” to your... “ice buns.”
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<> Vexen has logged in
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// Saix has signed in
Funny, coming from another child.
o/` Demyx blogging in
Guys, I just had a thought.
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*** Axel is on ***
Children, behave.
o/` Demyx blogging in
Guys, I just had a thought.
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o/` Demyx blogging in
Screw you Larxene!
o/` Demyx blogging in
Guys, I just had a thought.
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/ / Larxene logging in
Well that’s new.
o/` Demyx blogging in
Guys, I just had a thought.
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o/` Demyx blogging in Guys, I just had a thought.
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o/` Demyx blogging in
:( Ooohhh. How about Xion?!?
o/` Demyx blogging in
Another day another mission. Uuugggghhhhhh. Anyone wanna take this one for me? Huh? I’ll pay you in choooocolate! :)
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::: Roxas is here :::
Um, sorry Demyx, I already have a mission today.
o/` Demyx blogging in
Another day another mission. Uuugggghhhhhh. Anyone wanna take this one for me? Huh? I’ll pay you in choooocolate! :)
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o/` Demyx blogging in
But there's HEARTLESS! That means FIGHTING! I suck at fighting! Hey, why can't we send Roxas instead???
Heeeyyy Roxas! Wanna take my mission? I'll give you ice cream!! :D
o/` Demyx blogging in
Another day another mission. Uuugggghhhhhh. Anyone wanna take this one for me? Huh? I’ll pay you in choooocolate! :)
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» Xigbar here «
Hey water bucket, quit trying to dump your work on others.
o/` Demyx blogging in
Another day another mission. Uuugggghhhhhh. Anyone wanna take this one for me? Huh? I’ll pay you in choooocolate! :)
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o/` Demyx blogging in Another day another mission. Uuugggghhhhhh. Anyone wanna take this one for me? Huh? I'll pay you in choooocolate! :)
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I've returned?
Hello hello, I'm surprised there are still people following me here. Anyway, things happened last year and I had to leave this blog. I've been wanting to come back lately but I've never really had the best of luck RPing on tumblr. Still, I do miss it (and RPing in general), so I thought I'd pick this blog back up. You'll see me posting my silly/weird/random posts as was always my original intention for this blog, but if anyone wants to RP with me, please feel free to send me an ask and we can sort out a thread! I've updated my about page, so feel free to take a look at that. Mmm, I guess that's all I've got to say. Later~
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An amused grin tugged at his lips at her reaction. It was clear he had her attention, now he just had to play his cards right. He watched her sheath her sabre back at her hip, his eyes following her every move. "Then I suppose we will both be placing our skilled hands to the test tonight. I've yet to meet my match."
Luxord chuckled when she said she didn't trust him. "Rightfully so." He walked on ahead, not needing to check if she was following. "I discovered a small, placid tavern where we can have our game."
After the event at the harbor, Luxord ended up following the flow of the crowd toward the mayor’s house. Being an Organization member, it was all too easy for Luxord to slip inside unnoticed and find a dark corner from which to observe. He watched various aristocrats milling about the room, their jewels and outfits overly gaudy. It was all one big show and the entertainment hadn’t even started yet!
Once the entertainment did begin, however, Luxord was pleased to find he had made a good move in coming here. That pirate captain from earlier was here now as the singer. Did she live a double life or was this a cover for some ploy? Tilting his head slightly as he watched her sing, Luxord wondered how the rest of the night would play out. 
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luxordspetfox, hey, sorry I haven't replied yet today, I've had a bit of an off day (I blame my agonizing tooth ache) and I'm just not feeling Luxord tonight. Hopefully I'll be feeling him a little better tomorrow...
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"I don't see why we cannot play a friendly game of poker right now. You would certainly be a refreshing change from my usual poker league. Winning every game can be so predictably exhausting." His lips curled into a smirk under his hood as he continued speaking. "Time is of no consequence, I assure you." For a moment, he had to wonder who Davy Jones was and why this woman was after his heart. That was another little piece of information to take back to the Organization.
When she asked who he was, he grinned and finally pulled his hood down, revealing his face. "Now why would a spy be so reckless as to permit himself to be noticed, much less captured?"
After the event at the harbor, Luxord ended up following the flow of the crowd toward the mayor’s house. Being an Organization member, it was all too easy for Luxord to slip inside unnoticed and find a dark corner from which to observe. He watched various aristocrats milling about the room, their jewels and outfits overly gaudy. It was all one big show and the entertainment hadn’t even started yet!
Once the entertainment did begin, however, Luxord was pleased to find he had made a good move in coming here. That pirate captain from earlier was here now as the singer. Did she live a double life or was this a cover for some ploy? Tilting his head slightly as he watched her sing, Luxord wondered how the rest of the night would play out. 
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Good. He had hoped she would follow him. She was a pirate after all, and he couldn't be sure that she would stay in this town. He needed to give her a reason to stick around or at least come back. Sure, this was only a recon mission, he didn't have any orders to seek anyone out in particular, but she could prove useful. Even if she didn't, this could still be an interesting game, and that's something Luxord wouldn't dare pass up.
He stopped as he heard the woman draw her sabre and point it at him. Grinning under his hood, he brought his hands up defensively and turned to face her. "A game, you say? I assure you, miss, I am a mere spectator in this game of yours."
After the event at the harbor, Luxord ended up following the flow of the crowd toward the mayor’s house. Being an Organization member, it was all too easy for Luxord to slip inside unnoticed and find a dark corner from which to observe. He watched various aristocrats milling about the room, their jewels and outfits overly gaudy. It was all one big show and the entertainment hadn’t even started yet!
Once the entertainment did begin, however, Luxord was pleased to find he had made a good move in coming here. That pirate captain from earlier was here now as the singer. Did she live a double life or was this a cover for some ploy? Tilting his head slightly as he watched her sing, Luxord wondered how the rest of the night would play out. 
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