theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Drunk in love, you, got me stuck on you. Our thoughts collide , canā€™t get enough of you. You reach for me...I reach far past you. Some nights I sit and think how God blessed you. Turn a dream into reality, unlocked the passion with personality. Yelling ā€œstone cold to heart, all broken apartā€ when a real comes through you just...play your part. Whatever language you speak, I will dance in. If I ever get to love you, hope you donā€™t through the towel in. Shukraan, Je vous remercie, vielen dank, gratias tibi, dankie...ā€Thank youā€...itā€™s just a start . Your rose pedals crumble up, hope you donā€™t mind if I pick them up. Let me touch you from within, as your doubts slowly cave in. Canā€™t promise that all art is ā€˜atheistic ā€˜...or magic , but the things I make you feel, one can only begin to imagine. I canā€™t save you, donā€™t try to save me...Do me one favor, hold onto that dream. If your tunnel ever feels dark, promise me you wonā€™t fall apart. Exist inside of me, manage not to fall apart. Be the dusk to the dawn, let me write your wrongs. Bryson, yes tiller. Take nothing you canā€™t replace..as for love-look both ways.
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
True bliss is me, finding comfort in you. A place where you feel all of me, see all of me, study all of me. A bliss that learns me. I dream a dream of the day I undress myself with you in isolation. Where you see me head from toe, within a place you can learn me. As you see all of me, I admire all of you. A bliss of all bliss. Where we can stand on opposites sides of the room...naked,raw, uncut, un-tamed. Where I photo memorize every piece of you and put you back together again. Where bliss is above all silence all uncertainty, every censorship. Where you hold me, tighter than the abrasions on my skin. A place I feel you, both mind and heart. A place where sex is unsought. And the more I look at you, we connect as one. A bliss that reads my mind before I speak...where I complete your sentences as you start mine. You, kissing me from head-to-toe. In your arms, Iā€™m weak. When I look up, you, more sure than ever. Side by side I feel you, although barely touching. Finally, our bodies, stuck together like glue. You egnite my warmth, Iā€™m all of you. A bliss of all bliss.
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Passion has got to be ā€˜lovesā€™ reflection. Passion feels like decaf on crack. It soaks up your pours until thereā€™s no uncertainty left. It brands you. From the day you meet passion on out, it Iā€™ll always find you. At the deepest of pits that fear can bury, passion thrives. Passion defines polarity. It does have a way of breaking you. It breaks you into a million pieces, that almost always bond together again. Slightly deranged, different shapes while being simultaneously the same.Passion might be the one thing in your control. Passion sets aside any fate or destiny; free will.Passion isnā€™t tide to some mythical truth of ā€œovercomingā€ some grave tragedy, some relentless prophecy. Passion carries a trait, nor dominant or recessive. Passion is trisomy 22. The cure of all cures. Passion is saying less, and doing more...passion is Optimus. I read about this girl who was both deaf, and blind. She had stage 4 type- that doesnā€™t matter. I never caught her name so I named her passion. She had weights tied to her somehow managing to stay afloat.You see, I bet Iā€™ve captured your attention now.This girl, she doesnā€™t exist. Sheā€™s a mere reflection of imagery. You probably felt like you owed her some grave devotion, to atleast here her story out. Truth is,now youā€™ve atleast felt passion...for whomā€™s passion nonexistent
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Daddy, Iā€™ve been searching for you in my dreams, and the more I search the harder it seems. Canā€™t you hear me daddy? I think Iā€™m one scream from screamed out. Canā€™t you feel me? Daddy, time is exceeding us. How did we let the world come in between-us. I canā€™t explain the feeling but itā€™s unexplainable. During your last breathe did you think twice about life? Did your world come crashing in.Checked off as deceased is where my heart gave in. Sometimes itā€™s scary how much Iā€™ve accomplished with just a pen.Pen to the paper, of the letter I wrote that youā€™ll never read.A small part of me has to keep writing, just to breathe. When you were laying in the hospital bed Iā€™d hope you just breathed. I held your hand...my father? That wasnā€™t it.You were long gone it made my stomach sick. I wish you had waited for me. Daddy, did you look back? I hate asking myself these questions, itā€™s what I most regret.I find myself writing to you hoping the pain would succeed. Daddy, are you ever with me? Sometimes I imagine you...but the pictureā€™s never clear. Daddy, I hope you havenā€™t dropped one tear. When you left us I thought the answer Iā€™d finally be in front of me. Daddy, the pieces to my puzzle donā€™t match. After losing you itā€™s been hard looking back.The nights I spent all alone, contemplating life...Iā€™m so sorry I wished my demons played nice.Daddy, it feels like Iā€™m drowning in my own sea. I remember you taught me, how to love me. Answer this, why did God take you over me? When you left, I went too. You, forever all of me.
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Donā€™t forget to remind her sheā€™s beautiful . Fill in the empty spaces my words left because they had no meaning behind it. Donā€™t forget to love her, love her in all the spaces she kept sacred because I left her waiting. Donā€™t forget to stare at her and look away, because if you stare to long she might pin point redundant flaws in her head. Donā€™t forget to wait for her, because after years of waiting she derserves someone who is ready. Wait for her, I promise itā€™s worth it. Donā€™t forget to laugh with her, laugh with her until you canā€™t breathe and than just maybe sheā€™ll forget the scars of me. Sit in silence with her, because after pouring her thoughts out itā€™s one thing sheā€™s become good at. You know, I still kind of blame me, my thoughts were so loud they flooded her sea. She drowned in me, and I couldnā€™t save her. Donā€™t forget to hold her, hold her tighter than the abrasions that made her colder. She was ready to dance, as I just started to crawl. Donā€™t try to fix her, but explore it. Every other guy missed what was truly important. You canā€™t fix something that isnā€™t brokenā€¦I never really got a chance tell her-closure unspoken.
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
I remember separation was infinite , but now itā€™s the one thing that dragged these pages. I remember there was no you , without me and I wanted this more than being free. I remember I finally found myself and sold it for a one way ticket down a path we already created. How did this escalate? And in that path you became more elated, your messages delayed; I remember we couldnā€™t breathe without one another. I remember the air consisted of both you and me, and if we ever lost it Iā€¦I might not breathe. I remember separation was only a thought. A thought I casted away the moment we ever fought. I remember separation was infinite and now your name is tamed within it. Look at me, can you even see me? Has separation ate away at you enough that you donā€™t recognize me. Did I lose myself? The one thing I thought I was sure of. Did I pick up and leave? Did I choose you over me? Did I sacrifice myself for youā€¦for space? Today I realized itā€™d be okayā€¦because in that moment of solitude that almost breaks you before your okay..you find out a lot about yourselfā€¦and sep-separation decays.
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
And if thereā€™s one thing Iā€™ve learnt about people itā€™s that we have trouble letting go. Itā€™s why I keep a box under my bed with ticket stubs from every movie Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s why my bookshelves are cluttered with old school notebooks and letters Iā€™m never going to read again. Itā€™s why I have trouble throwing away the ring he gave me even though he left 6 months ago. The thing is, Iā€™m not only holding onto the memories, Iā€™m holding onto who I used to be. I like to believe that keeping all of these little things will somehow help me save the pieces of myself that I lost along the way.
f.a.w (via fawlliams)
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Our spirits met far before we could. In a million lifetimes we remain..connected at spirit and by heart. Even on the roughest days and the darkest hours our spirits reconcile. I knew you, in a chapter outside of ā€œmine.ā€ As time passes and you allow me to seep away, a small part of me is forever etched into your entire existence. Every soul you snatch, each body you carelessly lie down withā€¦is a karma you will reep in another life. Like a victim you ran, you wanted to brush me away more then facing the truth of you needing me far more than i needed you. You left the guilt on me, in return i saw fit rage. I casted you away the night i needed you most. I let guilt consume me, and in this day it haunts me. When the tides are at bay rest assure i still feel you. I feel you a thousand miles apart. Just when your ready to give up, your conscience is drawn to me. To know in the ugliest times i havenā€™t abounded you means everythingā€¦and in it you proclaimed your power. But i loved you for you, you fell in love with my soul, and what love i had to offer. You forgot i was too human; you forgot to love my very flesh, my skin and bones and all things iā€™m outside of consciousness. You forgot to feel every surface, every depth. You didnā€™t realize i had slipped away. I became soul-food for youā€¦your food for thought.
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
You kind of ruined hugs for me. Nobody else really fits the way you do. Nobody else holds me like the world stops existing when weā€™re next to each other. Nobody else whispers that Iā€™m the strongest person theyā€™ve ever met with their arms wrapped around my waist. And God, when youā€™ve had someone hold you at your worst, itā€™s hard to ever want anyone else, even at your best.
L.A.L. || (This is why you donā€™t hug people you have feelings for)
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
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Today it means a lesson you learntā€¦
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof theyā€™re going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing thereā€™s going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they donā€™t know how many branches itā€™s going to have, they find out as it grows. And Iā€™m much more a gardener than an architect.ā€
George R.R. Martin (via thegriffinsinkpot)
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Text posts are my fav on tumblr. I love exploring you guyā€™s minds. Even your darkest thoughts can be sometimes so beautiful. Beautiful because although they are your thoughts, so many of us can relate. & really, that is the only reason we keep logging on to this thing, because we can relate. So beautiful
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
For a long time I forced myself into this censorship. The kind where you half-love, half-speak. For as long as I can remember I had this love, soul deep. The kind that sprouts tulips and Daisyā€™s in the ugliest places. I was always unsure about myself, and everything be-tween. Iā€™ve learned you canā€™t plant seeds like mine nor replicate them. Thereā€™s no genetic make up, no tampering of offspring that could ever instill the gift of love, that too paves the way of knowledge. As if I was born, a reader of aurora, and energy. I felt his story, I carried her pain. I knew what was for me, and what isnā€™tā€¦ It was my heart, the heart that wanted to dance..a dozen tangos, neither alike.
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Her silences could sink ships and bury the earth upon itself. It broke hearts unknowingly. But, most of all she tore herself open beyond repair.
Navin E. (her silences)
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
Do you believe in alternate universes? Do you believe that somewhere somehow we are happy holding hands instead of holding hope that the other will turn around and be brave enough to love Do you believe in loving so much you can break the world and let that universe collide with this one
hold on to me // giulswrites (via giulswrites)
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theorginalladymm-blog Ā· 7 years
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