Naomi all but growled when the girl kicked her legs and she stumbled forwards, but she didn’t fall. She was the oldest being alive, the original witch, mother of all supernatural creatures and mother of magic. She’d be damned if all it took to bring her down was a little girl’s temper. Furiously, she turned back to face her, but she had to remind herself to stay in control. She was just a child, a lost witch who didn’t even know who she was. Seeing the iron blade made anger flare up inside her at the thought of the girl killing other witches, but she forced herself to calm down. The girl was a witch too, and because of that Naomi was responsible for her. She murmured a few words under her breath and sent the knife flying out of the girl’s reach. “It means you need to calm down and listen to me. I’m not going to hurt you.” 
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Witch Hunt || Diana & Naomi
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Naomi sighed again. She suddenly felt very old and very tired. She could understand why Aleksey would be furious and feel betrayed, but she could never think of abandoning her children. We are responsible for the demons we create. All the creatures in the Night World existed because of her magic, and caring for them was a burden she had accepted a long time ago. “Did I ever tell you what makes me immortal Aleksey? It’s not my magic, and it’s not my choice. A long time ago, the witches on the other side cursed me for disrupting the balance by creating shapeshifters, wolves, and for teaching my sister how to use magic which later spawned vampires. My own mother cast a spell from beyond the grave so that I would never age. Only until I destroyed every single Night World creature would I be able to find peace, and don’t think that I’m not capable of it. But I chose not to. That is my choice, and I cannot speak for you old friend.” She leaned back in the couch as well. “Circle Daybreak, soulmates, rebels… they are all just children, running about their lives, not knowing the price we have payed so that they can live. You see it as idiocy, I see it as ignorant bliss. We are responsible for them because we are capable of understanding the things they can’t and for doing what needs to be done.” The image of her sister flashed through her mind. She was everything that Naomi wasn’t, everything she couldn’t be: uncaring, irresponsible, and out of control. She wasn’t a child like the rest of them, she was a threat, and when there was a threat to the world she had created with Aleksey, it had to be eliminated. The rest of them needed protection, even from themselves. “But that is nothing new.” She said, standing up to get them new drinks. They could both use it. “Did something happen to provoke your thoughts?”
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As the woman put the glass back together, the man simply leaned back in his chair. There had been a time of his life that he harbored no such anger towards people. Anger came in phases for him and it seemed to only appear after betrayal. Once he had gotten away from Maya, been separated from his family that was the first time he felt any true anger. The sheer power of his rage mixed with the thirst he was unable to control led to the massacres of thousands of people. Blood that was forever on his hands. Once a monster always a monster. After he had found Thierry he decided to help the man learn to control the thirst, to control the craving to take too much blood so he would not have to deal with the same centuries of guilt that weighed the Original down. And with that he found his anger ebbing away slowly and for centuries after, when Night World was functioning well, he was at peace. Keeping himself far from the supernatural, he had found way to resolve the war within and was calm. But once more, the betrayal that came from the man he called his friend drove Aleksey to rage and once more he was inclined to allow those who had crossed him be massacred. As the woman spoke, the vampire replied with venom. “I’ve been thinking. I’ve been thinking why we’re even bothering. Why must I concern myself with the well being of people who cannot appreciate the delicate balance we have created for them? The fact that they do not have to fear persecution and death every time they step foot outside, fear pain when they feed all because of the world that we have crafted? When instead of gratitude, I am given betrayal as my reward, why must I continue to plague my mind with thoughts of how to counteract their idiocy?”
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Naomi sat calmly beside Aleksey while his mind wandered off to god-knows-where. Considering he was her closest friend and confident, she felt like she really didn’t know him all that well anymore. Naomi exercised control in every aspect of her life, and keeping her emotions in check was crucial to her. Aleksey had become a man who rarely revealed his real thoughts or feelings, but that did not mean they were under control. He shattered the glass and Naomi sighed, running hand through her hair. She could feel the tension growing in town, and she didn’t know what to do to keep things in order. Soulmates may have forgotten each other, but they were managing to find each other none the less, and there was constant tension between the hunters and other creatures. Not to mention that some of them had begun to get nosy.  All supernatural creatures were children to Naomi, and she was a fiercely protective mother. She needed Aleksey to be calm and alert in case things in case something went wrong so they could deal with any threat swiftly. They were a team, this town was their creation, and it was far too important. And of course, he was her closest friend and confidant. Whatever it was that was running through his mind was trouble for them both. With a wave of her hand and a few mumbled words the shards floated off from the floor and melded together to repair the now empty glass. “Aleksey, you have to talk to me. What is going on with you lately?” 
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There was no doubt in his mind after he had seen Ivy in Paris that Thierry would be informed. It seemed that in their eyes, he was the villain standing in the way of a love story, and perhaps he was. And a part of him resented their perceptions and perhaps it was that part, the petty part that overtook him when he very clearly knew that Hannah was being taken away. The part that wanted them to go ahead with their idiotic plans and get themselves all killed. Perhaps they would rebel once more and he would step back and do nothing and once the world found out, every human would walk with vervain in their bloods, and there would be attacks on all supernatural creatures. From there he could watch as they repented their choices to expose the reality of Night World to everyone. And it would be proven that at the end of the day, the man painted to be a villain had been the wiser one. He hadn’t let stupid emotions rule his actions. The Original could imagine that she was with one of them as they were probably indoctrinating her the same way they had in the past. The foolish duo whose self righteousness would get everyone killed. For a second he forgot about the woman who sat in the couch behind him, and his grip on his glass tightened, shattering the crystal, drawing him back to reality.
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Naomi sighed calmly, relieved to finally know who was stalking her. She hated not knowing what she was dealing with. She had been expecting to see the girl again since their last encounter. Naomi knew there were plenty of lost witches wandering around as a result of the memory spell she had cast, and she had recognized the girl thanks to the bracelet she was wearing, but she was a particularly interesting case. A lost witch, hunting her own kind. The irony… Normally Naomi despised anyone who would hunt down her children, but this girl was just lost, and she couldn’t help but feel responsible for her despite the uncanny situation they now found themselves in. “I agree.” She said, taking a few steps over and looking at the girl before willingly walking towards the alley. “I was hoping I’d see you again.”
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Witch Hunt || Diana & Naomi
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Adrian hated this stupid war, with stupid sides and stupid fights. If he could, he would have just taken Naomi and flew to the opposite side of the world. But alas, he couldn’t for two big reasons. One, they were locked in this town, thanks to Maya and two, he couldn’t just run. This was his battle and he could never rest at peace until he was sure Alder and Maya were both buried deep in the woods, lifeless and soulless. He knew how hard this was especially on Naomi and the fact she was pregnant didn’t make things any easier for her. She should stay in bed, only care about what to eat and what names to give the baby. Instead, she had to worry about her psycho sister and for that sole reason, Adrian hated Maya. He knew their history, but that didn’t mean he thought for one second the woman had any reason to do this. She was trying to kill her own flesh and blood and the werewolf could not imagine for one moment he would ever be able to harm Isis in any way.
He had been out far longer than he expected. Problems arouse one after another and at some point, the Original thought he wouldn’t be back until sunrise came down. Thankfully, he had exaggerated, but by when he had reached his house, he was exhausted. This whole war tired him out and all he wanted to do was sleep. But obviously Naomi had other plans in mind. He just sighed and listen to her rant. These arguments were too often and he could feel his head explode just by thinking. It wasn’t that things weren’t good between, they were just… dynamic. He understood Naomi’s point of view, but she was pregnant and he wouldn’t put her or the baby’s life in danger, at any cost. “I’m not the one who went ahead and got himself pregnant, so these are the consequences you must suffer.” He immediately regretted his words as soon as he said them. It was as though he didn’t want the baby. He did want him or her, but it would have been a thousand times better if this happened after the war would be over. If it would ever be over.
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Naomi’s breath came out shaky. When Adrian had finally forgiven her she thought she would never let anything come between them again, but this war was taking it’s toll on both of them. She was afraid for her child and she was afraid for him. She knew why he wanted to protect her, and she loved him for it. But this war was hers more than anyone else’s. It was her sister out there leading the fight, trying to kill her, with magic that she had taught her how to use. Naomi had been the one to cast the spell that erased everyone’s memories, so she was also to blame for the unrest that had followed when her spell had been broken. All she had ever wanted was to protect the creatures of a world she felt responsible for, but now everything was falling apart. She wasn’t just responsible for the races she had created, now she was also responsible for an entirely different kind of life growing inside of her, and she worried that she didn’t know how to protect the people she loved anymore. Or she simply couldn’t. 
“You can’t seriously mean that! This is not some mistake I made that you have to clean up, it is our child. We are both to blame for bringing him or her into a world that is not yet safe, but we will make it safe. We will find a way, but you can’t expect me to just sit here hiding away while you’re out there risking your life fighting my battles.” She already loved her unborn child as fiercely as any mother, but she loved Adrian too, and in one way or another all Night World creatures were like children to her. “This child belongs to both of us, but that is my sister out there killing people that I am responsible for, so this is my choice.” 
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Desperate Measures || Adrian & Naomi
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Desperate Measures || Adrian & Naomi
Naomi paced around the house, her heart racing and her fists clenched. She had grown accustomed to feeling so on edge, but it still didn’t make it any easier. She may not have had heightened senses like Adrian, but her magic was buzzing around her like an invisible aura, ready for anything. Lately she was always nervous, but it was on occasions like this that she was truly afraid. Adrian had left hours ago, and he should have been back by now. She was furious at him for going without her, but her chest ached painfully at the thought of something having happened to him. Her hand went to her stomach, where a small bump had already begun to form. She understood Adrian’s desire to protect them, but this was a battle she could not let him fight alone.  
She froze when she heard someone approaching just outside, and she immediately recognized his footsteps. A moment later she stormed over to the entrance of the room and threw the doors open. The relief at seeing him alive was quickly met with anger. “Estás loco? Te podrían haber matado!” Her eyes ran over every inch of him to see if he was hurt. She loved him more than anything in the world, and she wouldn’t think twice to give her life for him, but right now she could just strangle him. “Adrian, you can’t fight this alone, this is my war too, and you can’t keep me out of it.”
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“It looks like you were following an innocent girl. So I suggest you put it back.”
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flores, naomi.
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“Well what does it look like to you? I’m picking a knife.”
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“I understand why, this is certainly an interesting place. Have you liked it here so far?”
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flores, naomi.
“Can’t say I don’t relate to that. I’ve done the same thing, more or less.”
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flores, naomi.
                               naomi & adrian | for better or for worse
                  adrian opened his mouth & was about to answer naomi, but before he                   could utter a single word, he felt his body’s strength leave & within a                   second, his body was on floor. it didn’t took much longer for him to lose                  consciousness as well. whatever that damned witch did messed him up,                  big time. the last thing he remembered before doing off was looking at                 naomi’s face. for some reason, he wanted - no, needed remember what                 she looked like in case he wouldn’t wake up. because to him that was a                 huge possibility. it wasn’t that he didn’t trusted the original witch (which                he sincerely didn’t); her abilities… she was strong. she could heal him. but                he feared he wouldn’t have the strength to wake up. it was silly, stupid &               he would later learn it was a side-effect of the spell. against stupid.
                     adrian didn’t wake up for another hour. when he did woke up,                          he almost started yelling. his back hurt —- like hell & for a                          short moment, he forgot why. then he remembered his                        encounter with that one with & he started cursing in spanish.                       he attempted to get up, but found that he had no strength to do                          so & his temper immediately flared. punching the wall behind                      him, he succeeded in cracking it open. now his fist hurt & he was                             just as angry. he would get back to that little bitch, but first                     he had to figure out a way to stop the electricity bolts he kept getting                           every minute. he looked around & then remembered, he had come                       to naomi for help & he couldn’t understand where she could be.
                    yelling for help —her help— was pathetic, but he’d deal with that later.
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Naomi  had underestimated how bad he was. She held his gaze for a moment, desperate to figure out what was wrong, but when he collapsed her heart dropped. A second later she was on the ground besides him, shaking him and calling his name even though she knew he couldn’t hear her. She could feel the magic radiating from him, and she forced herself to focus on it. He had been cursed, and she felt a surge of rage towards the witch who had done this to him, shattering her unusually calm and peaceful demeanor. But what had happened didn’t matter, what was important now was how to fix it. She managed to get him into her house, using magic to move him onto the bed in her room. Once she was sure he was safe- aside from being unconscious and cursed- she immediately rushed out to gather some materials to prepare a potion that would reverse the effects of the spell. 
Just as she was finishing the potion, she heard a loud bang followed by him yelling. When she got back to her room her eyes went immediately to him, and she hurried over to sit on the edge of the couch, barely noticing the hole in her wall. He was in pain, and a mixture of anger, concern, and frustration flared up inside of her. Damn his temper. “Listen to me. You’re going to be fine. I can reverse the spell cast on you, but it will require a bit of time to take effect, and first you have to calm down or the pain will only be worse.” While she spoke she placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to push him into lying back down on the couch before he could hurt himself any more. 
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“Unwanted visitors?” She arched a brow. Naomi wasn’t the social type, but it was unheard of for her to close her door on anyone. Then again, Aleksey was very different from her, and even more different from the man he had been when she first met him. It saddened her to see how much he had hardened, but she supposed that time could do that to anyone. They had all changed so much in their long lives, but Aleksey more than anyone she knew. She didn’t think of it necessarily as a good change or a bad one, but it made her sad none the less. “Yes, thank you.” She said. She didn’t drink often, but then again she didn’t pay surprise visits to people often either. “You’re getting paranoid Aleksey. Paranoid or even more secretive than you usually are.” She teased him fondly, but she was worried about him.
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Allowing the woman to enter, he closed the door behind her and walked into the parlor to do what he always did when hehad company. Pour himself a drink. Though he wasn’t hoping she’d leave so thatwas the only difference perhaps between her visits and those of most others. Her question about the heightened security brought up his frustration and if there was one person he could tell why it was her. She knew what happened when supernatural creatures and humans interacted—what happened when the rules set forth by Night World were broken and the place crumbled. Centuries ago it had been her who warned him to stay away from Maya and perhaps he would not have had to see a day like this if he had listened. But he hadn’t and now he was paying the price for that. “I had some unwanted visitors a while ago poking around in my affairs. This is my response. Drink?”
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Witch Hunt || Diana & Naomi
Naomi had always loved the little witch shop on the outskirts of town. She was just walking back from Pandora’s Box, carrying a little bag full of candles and some herbs. Some of the herbs were simply for tea, but many of the supplies were for spells. Iliana and Gillian were both out of town, and without either of the young witches to keep her occupied -or keep her worried- she’d decided to stock up on supplies for her spells. She didn’t go out often, but the situation in Pyro Hills was a delicate one, and she was constantly worrying about the effect her memory spell had had on the people that lived there. Now, she had to be prepared for anything, so she was always worrying and always alert. If it hadn’t been for this, the original witch probably wouldn’t have noticed she was being fallowed as quickly as she did. But it didn’t take long for her to realize that something was off, and someone was watching her. She could feel it. 
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“Quite the contrary, I have plenty of faith in you, I was simply concerned, but I see you haven’t changed a bit over the years.”
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“You have such little faith in me, Naomi. All I want is a little fun.”
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“Knowing you? Probably a lot. Hello Isis.”
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“What harm could four shots do?”
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Naomi wasn't convinced. She could feel that Ivy didn't believe her. The girl was far too clever for her own good, and there was no way that she would be so willing to divulge information to Naomi. This would be so much simpler - and safer- if she just cast a spell on her to erase her memories. But Naomi's spell had already costs a lot of people treasured memories, and she didn't want to mess with anyone's head unless she had to. Besides, there was no way of knowing how much Ivy knew, and erasing too many of her memories would only raise suspicion and confuse the poor girl. She sighed. "Thank you."
She eyed the laptop skeptically. All she wanted to do was establish an alliance. She genuinely wanted to help Ivy, but she needed to know what she knew. She doubted there would be anything noteworthy in their conversation. "Spring, almost three years ago, I think. I can't quite pinpoint when it started exactly." She said. That was when she'd cast the spell. It hadn't been easy, and Naomi wasn't proud of it, but it had served its purpose. She wasn't going to let anything or anyone endanger the Night World. "What about you? How did you realize some of your memories were missing?"
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A Game of Cat and Fox || Naomi & Ivy
Ivy gave an innocent blink. It was a mannerism she’d learned to use many years ago from sweet girls who’d been cheated. “Of course,” she replied, “Anything I know you’ll know.” Technically this wasn’t a lie. If Ivy discovered that Naomi too was a victim in all this she would share the truth. But Ivy was far too suspicious to believe it just yet. She searched Naomi’s face, looking for clues. So far she found nothing. 
But it was time to test the waters. Ivy opened her laptop a little wider and pulled up a file. She typed Case #1153 on the top before pressing enter several times. “So when does the memory trouble start?” she spoke in a low voice, one that couldn’t be overheard. Her own memory gaps started about three years ago. There were a few missing case numbers, something she never did. Only a few people knew where she kept her old case files, further limiting the number of suspects. Ivy waited for Naomi’s answer. She knew the witch wouldn’t give her everything, but she might be able to glean something useful. 
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"Is there anything else I can help you with then?"
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"My bad."
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