theoromano · 9 years
“Are you gonna be able to pay or should I just kick you out now?”
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“It isn’t my car, I don’t mind.”
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theoromano · 9 years
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“Don’t call me sir. My name’s Theo.”
“Oh, right! Terribly sorry Sir. I was just- vastly interested in your mechanic skills.”
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theoromano · 9 years
“I don’t even know where to begin. You do realize that if your car starts making weird noises while you’re driving it, it’s not smart to keep driving it? For days?”
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“You wouldn’t be able to fix it at all if I did stop breathing down your neck, Teddy, and we both know it.”
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“What’s wrong with it, anyway?”
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theoromano · 9 years
“I’d be able to fix this thing a lot faster if you stopped breathin’ down my neck the whole time.”
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theoromano · 9 years
sorry i haven’t been on guys!! i’ve been really busy but i’ll definitely be on tomorrow
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theoromano · 9 years
“Well, it’s a good thing you’re never gonna get rid of me, then.”
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“Buona fortuna con il, mio amico, I’ve got money to last me decades.”
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theoromano · 9 years
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“Oh you’ve talked to others about me, how cute.”
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theoromano · 9 years
“Good for you, I guess.”
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“Just like that. I love babies, so it seemed like a good idea, and the pay is better than that of a nanny or teacher.”
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theoromano · 9 years
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“I don’t–– I’m not–– I don’t get cagey!”
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“Look, I just don’t know why you want to know those sort of things. The past is the past, nothing we can do about it – so why bother getting all worked up over it?”
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theoromano · 9 years
“Thank you for proving my point, Jenny.”
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“I’m not sayin’ you have to tell me your life story. You just have this tendency to get cagey, and I don’t know what subjects to avoid around you.”
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“Oh what, so now I have to tell everybody I meet everything about my entire life? Why aren’t I allowed to keep some things to myself? Why do you want to stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong, Theo?”
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theoromano · 9 years
“Such a filthy liar. Alright, what’s with you and your hate of tellin’ people about yourself? Got a lot of dirty secrets?”
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“I don’t act like I hate you – I don’t hate anyone, actually, so I can’t imagine why I’d pretend to hate somebody.”
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theoromano · 9 years
“Sure, good luck with that.”
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“Midwife? Like with births and all that?”
“I may make that a mission of mine someday…”
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“But yeah, I am! A general practitioner right now, but in a few months I’ll have all my classes done to be a midwife, which is really exciting!”
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theoromano · 9 years
“You’re the one that offered it, how am I the bad guy here?”
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“Okay, then. Let’s do a real simple one first. How come you act like you hate me, when we both know that you don’t?”
“You’re worse than a five year old, Teddy.”
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“Alright, I’ll be in the kitchen if you think of a question that you desperately require an answer to then.”
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theoromano · 9 years
“I don’t really care enough to find the “right” book. Anyways, you a nurse or somethin’?”
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“That’s true, I do have a little spending money from working extra shifts at the hospital. You know what? I’m going to do it! You should try reading, though, you just have to find that right book.”
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theoromano · 9 years
he can hate leo if u want – everyone else does
omg that’s so sad but hilarious at the same time !! tbh i can see them beating the shit out of each other one day but i still like what they’ve got going on rn
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theoromano · 9 years
“The fact that you left your purse lyin’ around and didn’t expect anyone to take it.”
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“What gave it away?”
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theoromano · 9 years
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→ (1/?) meet theodore romano
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