theowlyone · 5 years
books for when you want to feel like a beautiful 15th century milkmaid or an adventurous schoolgirl in the english countryside
(I honestly couldn’t think of a better way to categorize it) 
We Have Always Lived in The Castle by Shirley Jackson
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Tess of the D’urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay
A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce
Thistle and Thyme by Sorche Nic Leodas
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Bernett
I Capture Castle by Dodie Smith
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Howls Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce
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theowlyone · 5 years
I'm a slut for beautiful sunsets and the stars
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theowlyone · 5 years
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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, August 16, 1934
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theowlyone · 5 years
Sometimes I’m overwhelmed with the insatiable desire to learn. To know astronomy and geography and language and architecture; to recognize each constellation, planet, and star; to speak and understand all languages, be able to decipher ancient Greek and Latin text; to grow my understanding of how the human body works; study the differences and similarities of each religion; recognize the use for each herb and seed and sapling.
I want to better myself, not for fame or recognition or power. I just want to understand. 
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theowlyone · 5 years
outfit concept for mark antony
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theowlyone · 5 years
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When corporations run your country why not hit them where it hurts
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Over 250 #JewsAgainstICE have been arrested in the last month protesting what we see as impending genocide.
The 40 arrests today in NYC were at an action organized by @JFREJNYC.
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theowlyone · 5 years
what an experienced rogue!
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Chatterbox Album of Animals, 1880
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theowlyone · 5 years
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Some pictures for y’all
The first two are from today, the second two from last month
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theowlyone · 5 years
nobody has the same exact friends that you do
nobody is able to support the same exact people that you are able to
nobody can write like you or draw like you or sing like you
nobody can tell stories or jokes in the same manner that you do
nobody has the same expressions or the same voice or the same laugh
you are NOT replaceable, you are not a misfit because nobody “fits in” anyway
you are super important and unique and you can add your own little gift to the world in a way that nobody has seen before
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theowlyone · 5 years
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theowlyone · 5 years
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[throws a rock at a hornets nest]
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theowlyone · 5 years
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theowlyone · 5 years
just spent an hour making guardian angel memes for absolutely no reason
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theowlyone · 5 years
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theowlyone · 5 years
There is a distinct technique used by capitalists to bypass the legal and contractual rights of workers which to my knowledge has no name currently - so I’m giving it one - Lunch Grinding.
Lunch Grinding is a manipulative erosion of worker rights both in and out of the workplace. It bypasses legal and contractual standards through informal social pressures which the bosses cannot be held directly accountable for.
Lunch Grinding is named after one of the most common examples. It begins by asking a few employees to skip lunch in order to finish a project. Workers who are already insecure about their position due to economic anxiety will see this as an opportunity to prove they are a good employee. Those who refuse to do so may receive blame for failing to finish the project on time.
The issue becomes compounded when the bosses begin to purposefully schedule less time to complete the same projects. A distinct class begins to appear ignoring their contractual right to a lunch break - who become hostile to those who refuse to work during lunch for being “lazy” or “the reason we didn’t finish on time.”
At this point the management no longer needs to influence anyone directly to work through lunch break, simply by keeping up the sense of constantly being a little late for the project they have ensured the lunch-grinders will apply pressure to their peers who aren’t working through breaks.
As workplace hostility increases towards the “unproductive” members who are expressing their formal right to a break - they will be replaced with new individuals who may not even realize they have the right to a lunch break because working through the hour has become normalized by their peers.
Thus formal written standards from contracts and legal code become functionally non-existent. After which a new standard will be identified by management for erosion some examples include:
+Accepting uncertain hours. +Working off-the-clock. +Staying “On-Call” at all times. +Finishing projects / responding to emails at home. +Never using time off or sick leave.
All of which are socially conditioned in the same format - starting with “The Good Worker” who does a little favor for their boss - and ending as a peer enforced pressure and a perpetual hostility from management claiming productivity isn’t as high as expected. 
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theowlyone · 5 years
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P.G. Wodehouse in The San Francisco Examiner, California, March 24, 1929
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theowlyone · 5 years
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Art By IG: @vskafandre
direk izle Instagram: @artwoonz
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