thepaddedamby · 11 months
It's Been nearly Seven years now.
Holy shit do we have a fuck ton of things to talk about here.
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Where the hell did you go???
So, this has a short answer, and it has a long answer. The short version is that I just migrated away from the site. I pursued other goals I had, and I migrated away from Tumblr. Simple as that. Though this isn't exactly the full story.
After the rest and I of the Tumblr group had created the Red Light Room, we have to go on a hiatus due to lack of content and the growing discourse between myself and two other members of the group. This had lead to a post that was made about what would happen to the stream moving forward. We asked for requests of games and other topics we could use for future podcasts. Well, I'm sure you can probably guess how everything went. We got absolutely nothing. After a few months of waiting for something to appear, we had gotten nothing and decided to just leave it be. Dahlia, Midnight and Lusties Pleasures had all left Tumblr. I had left shorty after I never really looked back to this site in the slightest.
So, What happened after that?
Nothing much honestly, After I had left in 2017, I had a few big changes happen in my life. Some very good and some very bad. We'll get to all those in a moment. After I had left Tumblr, I had moved over to twitter for a short time before dropping out of any public eye for a long while. And while Amber's Padded Palace had vanished, the person in control of it did not.
In late 2018, I had started to date someone that would eventually propose to me just two years ago. Oddly enough, you all called it. Midnight and I had started dating. I was invited to move from my state and live with him, Lusties Tavern, and Lusties Pleasures. I of course had agreed and moved in with them. This was in early 2019. From there I had lived with them all for about two years. More on that in a moment.
What happened with The Red Light Group?
NOT GOOD THINGS! So, this one is a bit of a long one so I'll try and put what I mostly remember so bear with me. So everything had started about six months after I had moved in with the group. Any personality that Tavern and Pleasures had shown had melted away, leaving me dealing with almost completely different people. People who were inconsiderate, lazy, gaslighting, Manipulative and all together scum of people. This is the absolute hell I had to live through for about two years.
The issues had started with Pleasures. What I thought was a general cool dude had turned into a homophobic, self-absorbed, Toxic, "Man's man" (Very Toxic Masculinity.) Every little thing that had broken down in the house, it was automatically my fault. Internet goes out? My fault. T.V. Busted? My fault. Everything was placed on me. Everything had to be controlled by him, the location of the router, who the "bread winner" was, etc. We had butt heads a good amount of times over the two years, never in a good way. He had to right on every occasion, the end.
Then there was Dahlia. If your conversation was not on her, then there was a problem. Sad scene in a movie? Loudly announce that "I'm not going to cry." Tragedy in your life? Loudly announce "Well my brother died a few years back let's all talk about this instead." and proceed to cry crocodile tears. Suggest a small change in plans then? "Oh...Okay then...Thats fine" The loudly sigh and mope. Everything as stated earlier needed to be about her. If not? There was going to be a problem.
Problems had kept going through the house for the better part of two years. Though everything had changed in august 2021. Midnight and I had arrived home from a vacation to California to see my parents. Though when we had boarded the plane to go back to Texas, we had gotten a message in the shared roommate chat on discord. They had said that we were horrible people, and they were moving out. in this note they had also accused me of being an abusive Boyfriend to Midnight and Midnight had been a pathetic shell of a man. Of course, there was a lot of anger over this but somehow, Midnight and I moved on.
What happened after they left?
Midnight and I moved on. Plain and simple. over the next few days that they had moved out, they had proceeded to turn every mutual friend against us and gloat about it. Mentally it had started to hit us but as we had found out, we didn't need them. Life had already started to get better. We had moved from the shit hole we lived in, gotten better jobs and became engaged. What happened to them? As we have heard, everyone has started to turn on them. Though do we care? Not in the slightest. Karma is a bitch.
So what now? Why this post?
Well, this post was something I had needed to get off my chest for a while now. I wanted to come back to Tumblr for promotion stuff to hopefully post new Fic's I'm working on and hopefully post new journeys I'm starting. If this post swayed some former opinions, then that's awesome! I won't be focusing what I used to do on this blog, everything will be original content along with a few posts about my padded life in general. Plain and simple. With that, I'll be posting links to my other accounts to keep anyone interested up to date. I honestly hope you enjoy what's coming up and Stay Padded my Friends!
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