thepaleblade-blog · 6 years
This is the armor I designed for my Basara OC Kazuki. I know the photo quality is bad but this is the only one of this pic that I have and the original drawing went poof.
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Thinking about redoing it but for now this is what her armor is after being recognized by the one-eyed dragon as a warrior and it is a gift from him.
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thepaleblade-blog · 6 years
Character profile
Name: Kaika
Age: 17-18
Appearance: She's 5'5" with white hair that reaches to below her backside which is either left down or tied into a single large braid. Her eyes are amber and her skin is lightly tanned.
She mostly wears her armor which is posted in the pic below it is white and red with a gold trim. When she isn't wearing it which is a little rare, she wears a red and gold yakuta with dark pants and a hair comb adorned with white Orchids a few of which have a thin golden cord hanging from them but one Orchid is clearly missing.
-Has feelings for him though will not admit to it easily if she has realized she even has these feelings.
Faction: Takeda
Likes: The thrill of battle, training, writing stories, making charcoal drawings
Fears: She fears being betrothed or promised to someone she does not love though this fear she will not speak of.
She fears losing those she cares about but the thought of Yukimura being killed terrifies her.
Dislikes: The subject of suitors, losing those she cares for, defeat in battle, being teased about her admiration for a certain someone.
Personality: Kaika can be a little loud at times though she's mostly quiet, she's quite respectful when speaking to others and polite. Though it isn't easy to anger her she is fierce when pushed too far, however, it's quite easy to embarrass her when someone mentions finding a suitor, she's more concerned with being a warrior than a woman due to a certain persons influence, boys and romantic feelings are confusing to her and she avoids talking about that kind of stuff as much as possible.
Possible Love interests: Sanada Yukimura, Shima Sakon.
Extra: She has no memory of her blood family or where she came from save from the faint memory of a woman with dark blue hair humming a tune to her as a small child.
-Was once taken by bandits and was rescued by Yukimura.
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-She wants to know where she comes from and who the woman she can barely recall is.
Note: Her history can change a lot which is why it is not up on here if you have questions please ask.
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thepaleblade-blog · 6 years
Desperate for a Basara roleplayer
Seriously I am bored as hell and I need a fangirl craving satsified. It so hard to find people that roleplay Sengoku Basara and even harder to find ones that will give my oc a shot.
If you are reading this and are interested in roleplay or know of someone that would be up for some senbasara fun please message me.
For the love of battle and sake someone help me ;-;
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thepaleblade-blog · 6 years
Character Profile
Name: Hana Kazuki
Age: Between 18-23
Gender: Female
Species: Half-blood Okami (I call her a Nageku which means lamenting one)
Appearance (Glamor active): Kazuki is 5'7", with deep brown hair that reaches just past her backside when worn down but she usually wears her hair up secured in place by an old worn wooden comb or she has it in two low-hanging ponytils. Her eyes are a light grey that borders on being silver, her skin tone is very light but not quite pale.
Appearance (Glamor inactive): Her Okami markings appear on her skin but are blue instead of red. Her wolf ears pop up on top of her head and her tail appears at her back, all of which are the same color as her hair save for the snow-white tips. Her eyes also change, becoming more wolf-like but their color stays the same.
History: Kazuki was born to an Okami woman who had fallen in love with her father, Hana Yemon when he was young. She had become pregnant by him after they met in the woods late one night, she came back to him nine months later with a newly born Kazuki wrapped up in her arms. She didn't need to say that Kazuki was his as he just knew when looking down at her, his old lover couldn't take little Kazuki with her back to heaven as half-bloods were frowned upon and treated poorly so Yemon took his infant child from her and gave his word she would be well-looked after, with a tearful goodbye the Okami woman fled into the night never to be seen again. Yemon had to confess to his wife Sadashi what he had done, she was furious with him and outright refused to raise Kazuki as her own and despite her protest Yemon made Kazuki a legitimate member of the clan and ordered her to take care of Kazuki.
Needless to say Sadashi despised Kazuki, heavily abusing her mentally and physically, when she was seven she was thrown out of home by Sadashi the same night her father was murdered and banished from the clans territory under pain of death so Kazuki traveled the land as a vagrant, often blamed for things that were out of her control she was made an outcast. A few years after being abandoned by her family she was trying to sleep under a willow tree in a starving state when she was found by an old retired Samurai who took her into his home despite knowing who she was and treated her with kindness, nursing her back to health before giving her a set of new clothes and saying she could stay with him permanently or leave it was her choice.
She chose to stay and so he trained her in the ways of Bushido, making sure she would be able to protect herself once he passed on. This man in particular was known all across Japan for the fighting prowess he exhibited during his service to the Date clan and thus very much loved in Ohsu by it's people. Life was good for a while then her world was turned upside down when mercenaries came for her and her master gave her his most precious sword and ordered her to run, she did as he bid but guilt overcame her and she ran back only to arrive just in time to watch him die. No one really knows what happened after that other than the rumors surrounding her became a lot worse and she earned the name Pale Blade.
Faction: Date or Maeda
Personality: Kazuki is laid back and rather quiet but when the situation calls for it she is very serious. Although most of the time she is not quick to anger there are moments when she has a very short fuse, when she gets angry her eyes will turn a dark shade of grey although most people never notice it. Kazuki is a kind-hearted person and very understanding although she won't seem that way to start with as she is very closed off from the world around her.
Likes: Quiet, Training, the thrill of battle, watching the moon and stars, playing with wild wolves, singing, dancing and children.
Dislikes: Seeing others hurt, her family, evil spirits and souls, treachery, being an outcast, being asked about her past.
Fears/Weaknesses: She fears not being able to protect someone due to her father and her master being killed in front of her.
She fears giving over to her darker side like she did the night her master was killed.
She also fears dying alone, never knowing what love is like.
Because of her fears Kazuki can't really show affection to a possible love interest as she believes once she does they will be doomed to die in front of her like the two previous males in her life and so she will become uneasy when they show her affection, at first anyway.
Possible Love interests: Date Masamune, Katakura Kojuro, Maeda Keiji.
Extra: Kazuki is the descendant of a powerful bloodline.
-Her glamor is active almost all the time, however, she always deactivates it on a full moon when she is deep in the woods away from prying eyes before she dances.
-She was trained as a spiritualist from a very young age.
-She is known as the "Silver Lily" but is more often than not called "The Pale Blade"
-She's unwelcome among her family.
-Her weapon of choice is a katana with the Kanji for moon etched into the bottom of the pommel.
-She always has throwing knives with paper charms wrapped around the handles on her person
-Kazuki will not sing or dance in front of anyone as she easily becomes insidously nervous if she knows there's someone watching her and if someone catches her at it but they don't make themselves known at the time and bring it up later in conversation she will become incredibly flustered and embarassed.
-For your own safety NEVER ask her about her family, especially her mother, I am serious just don't do it.
Note: Her history regarding her master is not set, I have several ideas for how he dies so if you are interested in role-playing some Sengoku Basara with me I will tell you the other ideas and we'll go from there or I can just surprise you if you want.
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