theparanormalgal · 4 years
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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Rob Sese | @rob.sese
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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At the river and summer dreams by Niilo Isotalo instagram.com/niiloi
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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The spring queen
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
Come Hell or Highwater Spell 🌊
a spell to prepare you for difficult times ahead, and give you the power to rise. 
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🌊  gather: a jar, twine, high tide sea water, honeysuckle, lavender, lime peel, black salt, wax, and a self representative object.
🌊  prepare and dry the herbs, in the oven or naturally
🌊  charge with personal energy, and add the representative object  
🌊  ring the jar’s lid with black salt and seal thoroughly with wax, bind bottleneck with twine, secure with a strong knot. 
🌊  go to the beach when the water is at high tide, hold the bottle in the water as it comes in, letting the waves wash over it. while doing this, chant:
“come hell or high water i rise with the tide this time and after the sea will be on my side.”
🌊  do not litter the bottle in the water, take it back with you, keep in case you need to perform the ritual again. 
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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All credit to the artist. Artist unknown, if you know them, tag them.
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
D'ya ever feel like somebody’s watchin’ ya?
brat-demon submitted: 
My final big story. Which happened in the middle of my “hanging out in the attic” events before I completely ditched staying up there alone the winter after this happened. It was summer and I was just 16, Gunner (our old cat) had passed away, we were without cats at the time and we still had our dogs. I woke up to my tv all snowy and staticky. I hadn’t even had the tv on when I fell asleep the night before. It was just after the sun rose and it was about 5 in the morning. Wide awake (rare for me, I can barely wake up at 9 am).
My heart is racing and I’m so god damned confused and alert and aware of something in the room. The TV switches suddenly back to Cartoon Network and bugs bunny is on. I watch for a moment, trying to catch my breath. There’s no way I’m going back to bed, so I get up and go into my moms room. I wake her up and tell her what happened.
“You were sleeping, go back to sleep” of course she didn’t believe me! My mom is a hardcore skeptic. I don’t even think she believes in aliens.
I make my way downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal and turn the tv on to finish the episode of bugs and I’m relaxing, feeling a bit better about everything. The episode is the one where he gets messed up with that mad scientist who makes a Frankenstein monster of sorts and tries to kill bugs. Bugs addresses the audience “hey, d'ya ever feel like somebody’s watchin’ ya?”. I freeze as I hear three MASSIVE stomps in the hallway. BOOMBOOMBOOM, like someone is charging down the hall, a show of strength of sorts. The “you wanna go?” Stomp. I inhale and in the next exhale I hear a growl from my right in the bathroom, whereas the hallway is in the left.
Pinpricks, racing heart, that feeling of just before passing out is roaring through me within milliseconds. Everyone always talks about fight/flight in times of danger. Im a freeze and submit person. I can’t even swallow the cereal in my mouth, I can barely move.
I’m waiting for that tension bubble to pop. I’m waiting for something else to happen. Nothing did. Like someone popped a bubble with a needle, the tension broke and I was back to normal in a second, I felt nothing from the room. Nothing big, scary, “let’s scare the baby sister” happened again since. I think it/he/she comes around when it’s bored tbh.
Another random fact about the house. I took a taxi from a concert once, the only taxi I’ve ever taken actually. He was an older dude, around 70 I think. When I told him my street name, he paused and kinda laughed. As we got closer and I pointed out the house, he was shocked and told me that his mother was one of the first people to ever live in the house. Weird, right?
James: 9/10 Damn that bug’s bunny part is scary! Thanks for sharing the scares!
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
tarot cards in spells
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i haven't seen a lot of people talking about how you can use tarot cards in spells, so i decided to make a post about it. please remember that this is just my personal experience and preference. i hope you enjoy!
why use tarot cards?
there is most likely a tarot card for every spell you could possibly do, so you can be really specific
tarot cards generally have a lot of imagery, and because of that they're really expressive, which i personally think can help with making your spell more effectice
they're easy to use. if you don't have a lot of ingredients, but own a tarot deck, you can easily do a spell with just them
how do i use them?
there's a lot of different ways to use them in spell casting. here are a few different methods that i have used and that has worked well for me!
this one is really easy! all you need is your card of choice, and a clear and focused mind. let's say that you're doing a spell to bring happiness to a friend. you take your card, for example The sun, and imagine your friend in the card. imagine them sitting on the horse, smiling. imagine them looking up at the sun and absorbing its energy, or them happily dancing in the fields. the possibilites are endless!
charging and enchanting
just take whatever object you want to enchant or charge, and then choose what card to use. if you want to attract new relationships, take your item of choice (for example a necklace you always wear) and put it on top of The ace of cups. let it charge for however long you want, and you're done! now your necklace is filled with the energy of The ace of cups, which is a card that stands for new relationships. simple as that!
this kinda goes with the visualization method, but it's a little different. let's say that you're doing a binding spell on a storm. then you would take The tower, since it shows a storm, and do your binding. basically, you use the imagery on the card more than the meaning. this is probably more useful for more detailed decks, but i still wanted to include it!
again, remember that these aren't all the ways to use tarot cards in spells, and that it's all very personal and up to you. please do your own research on this too! anyways, that's all ♡
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
lil tarot tip 🔮
contrary to most beliefs, you can pull for yes or no questions! here’s a short cheat sheet for when you have a question on whether you should do something ✨
yes, but you’ll have to work for it!
yes, it’ll come to you naturally!
this one means it will come with a price...
absolutely not!
major arcana
“good luck” and be careful
side note
get the details on your answer! pull more cards to see where you could go wrong or how you can improve the situation :) follow your intuition! remember, not everything is set in stone ✨
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
Tarot Cheat Sheet (Reversed)
Major Arcana - Represents key moments in the Fool’s Journey from Innocence to Enlightenment.
Fool - Naivety, Recklessness 
Magician - Craftiness, Deception 
High Priestess - Secrets, Lost of Self 
Empress - Excess, Selfishness 
Emperor - Domination, Anger 
Hierophant - Convention, Blind Faith 
Lovers - Indecision, Conflict 
Chariot - Loss of Direction, Lack of Discipline 
Strength - Pride, Cowardice 
Hermit - Isolation, Rejection 
Wheel - Lack of Control, Bad Luck 
Justice - Unaccountability, Unfairness 
Hanged Man - Fear of Sacrifice, Stalling 
Death - Decay, Fear of Change 
Temperance - Extremes, Lack of Harmony 
Devil - Freedom, Release 
Tower - Delaying/Avoided Disaster, Fear of Suffering 
Star - Insecurity, Faithlessness 
Moon - Misinterpretation, Fear 
Sun - Depression, Negativity 
Judgement - Lack of Self Awareness, Self Loathing 
World - Emptiness, Lack of Closure
Minor Arcana
Wands - Represents creative forces, pure energy, passion and willpower.
Ace - Boredom, Lack of Energy 
Two - Bad Planning, Fear of Change 
Three - Frustration, Obstacles 
Four - Transience, Lack of Support 
Five - Avoiding Conflict, Respecting Differences 
Six - Excess Pride, Punishment 
Seven - Lack of Confidence, Overwhelmed 
Eight - Panic, Slowing Down 
Nine - Fatigue, Unsure Motives 
Ten - Stressed, Unwilling to Delegate 
Page - Procrastination, Conflict 
Knights - Recklessness, Anger 
Queen - Selfishness, Jealousy 
King - Overbearing, Impulsive
Cups - Represents feelings, emotions, relationships, everything that connects humans together.
Ace - Blocked Creativity, Emptiness 
Two - Imbalance, Broken Communication 
Three - Overindulgence, Isolation 
Four - Acceptance, Awareness 
Five - Acceptance, Finding Peace 
Six - Independence, Moving Forward 
Seven - Diversion, Disarray 
Eight - Avoidance, Fear of Loss 
Nine - Dissatisfaction, Smugness 
Ten - Domestic Dispute, Shattered Dreams 
Page - Emotional Immaturity, Disappointment 
Knight - Fickleness, Fantasy 
Queen - Martyrdom, Dependence 
King - Coldness, Emotional Manipulation
Swords - Represents mental energy, intelligence, clarity, knowledge, ideas.
Ace -  Confusion, Chaos 
Two - Stalemate, Lesser of Two Evils 
Three - Recovery, Forgiveness 
Four - Restlessness, Stress 
Five - Lingering Resentment, Desire to Reconcile 
Six - Emotional Baggage, Unresolved Issues 
Seven - Coming Clean, Deception 
Eight - Self-Acceptance, Freedom 
Nine - Reaching Out For Help, Despair 
Ten - Can’t Get Worse, Inevitable End 
Page - Manipulation, Deception 
Knight - Unpredictability, Disregard for Consequence 
Queen - Cold Hearted, Bitterness 
King - Manipulation, Weakness
Pentacles - Represents the body, health, home, nature, finances, all things material.
Ace - Lost Opportunity, Bad Investment 
Two - Disorganized, Overwhelmed 
Three - Lack of Teamwork, Disorganized 
Four - Stinginess, Possessiveness 
Five - Recovery, Charity 
Six - Power & Domination, Strings Attached 
Seven - Work Without Results, Distractions 
Eight - Uninspired, No Passion 
Nine - Living Beyond Means, Obsession With Work 
Ten - Lack of Stability, Fleeting Success 
Page - Lack of Commitment, Greed 
Knight - Obsessiveness, Work Without Reward 
Queen - Self-Centeredness, Jealousy
King - Greed, Indulgence
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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Romance Hypersigil
Please Reblog to Empower and Spread this Sigil
Views Charge and Amplify the Effects of this Sigil
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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photography by astrovas ( my edits )
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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theparanormalgal · 4 years
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photography by Nordic Creatures
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