thepatrickblanco · 3 days
Patrick laughed at Hayes' words - they may have been a little on the cheesy side, but it was somehow still ridiculously attractive to hear them in the lilt of Hayes' accent. "Mmm... you can have my dick any way you want," he said in reply, his mind already thinking up multiple different scenarios that they could try to fit into the one night they had together, since Patrick knew it was realistically only the one night. Unless perhaps Hayes was still here tomorrow night, and up for a second round. Finally their bodies were rid of all the clothes, tossed in various locations around the room, and he licked his lips, admiring all of what he could see of Hayes now. He smirked up at Hayes when his hands were pinned on either side of him, rocking his hips up to meet his movements. "Mmm... versatile, huh? Me too. Think of all the fun we could have. But given the fact you were waxing poetry about my dick..." He turned his head, smirking down at Hayes, "I think you want me to fuck you."
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 10 days
Patrick let out a low moan when Hayes' thigh pressed against him, and it was enough to make him rut his body forward to get more of the friction he so desperately desired. He rarely let himself look, well, desperate in front of his partners, wanting more for it to be like a means to an end. An itch to scratch. But for some reason, this felt different. It was like he had no qualms showing that side to Hayes in this moment. Which meant when Hayes' hand slid underneath the waistband of his briefs, wrapping around his cock, he didn't press his hips down against the bed but instead bucked up at the touch. He laughed at Hayes' words, "jesus christ, that was cheesy." He pulled the other man in for another kiss, grinning against his lips, as his own hands slid down Hayes' body to find the waistband of the other man's briefs, sliding his thumb underneath it and pushing it down and away.
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 26 days
Patrick licked his lips, watching as Hayes pulled the t-shirt over his head. It wasn't that his muscles had been hidden before - quite the opposite - but it was so much easier to appreciate them now there was no fabric in the way. And he certainly wasn't going to make any attempt to hide the way he was checking Hayes out, as more of him got exposed to Patrick. He made a sound when Hayes pulled him in, cut off by the way the man's lips pressed against his. He let him guide him to the bed, his steps echoing Hayes' and he smirked as he watched him lay on the bed. His shirt, unbuttoned by Hayes moments earlier was easy to toss aside, as he quickly ridded himself of his hands too, before crawling on the bed and on top of Hayes. "Uncle Patrick, huh? I'm never going to live that one down." He laughed, leaning in and crashing their lips together as he ground his body today, now only the thin fabric of their underwear separating the two of them.
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 1 month
Patrick's lips continued to practically devour Hayes', feeling the other man's strong hands holding on to him, guiding the kisses the two of them shared. Any regrets he had still been holding onto, from that night in Madrid that never was to be, quickly faded as all that mattered was this moment right here. He was no stranger to one night stands, having tended towards them over the past few years as past relationships had ended badly, and his work kept him too busy to pursue anything seriously. But still, there was something about Hayes in this moment that seemed to click, and he was sure going to appreciate that to the full advantage.
"Oh fuck," he gasped against Hayes' lips when the other man's leg slipped in between his own, and he could feel his body already reacting to the movements, Hayes' leg pressing against his hardening cock. He couldn't help but grind his body against him, trying to get more friction already, but also not wanting to speed anything up. "Bed?" He asked, nodding towards the large and luxurious bed in the middle of the room. While Patrick's room was nothing to scoff at, it was nothing compared to Hayes' premium suite. And the bed looked divine. "Unless you plan on us fucking against the door because hey, I'm good with that too," he said with a roll of his hips.
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 2 months
Patrick took in the site of Hayes as he opened the door, tall and handsome as the first time he'd seen him. He thanked the gods that somebody had been listening and given him a second chance because really, he was stupid for not reaching out in Madrid. Who throws away an opportunity like that? When Hayes commented it took him long enough, he laughed openly, only cut off by the other man's lips pressing against his own and pulling him into the room. And fuck if that wasn't an instant connection. His arms found Hayes' waist as he pulled him flush against him, with Patrick's back now against the door Hayes had kicked shut moments earlier. "Better late than never, right?" He said with a wink, before kissing him again.
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 2 months
Patrick read Hayes' reply with a smirk, watching as his room number popped up on the screen. The man didn't seem too bothered by the fact Patrick had never texted him in Madrid, and Patrick couldn't quite believe his luck that he just happened to be at the same hotel as him a couple of weeks later, in a different city. It had been an instant attraction with Hayes and while there wasn't any delusion it would likely be anything more than a one-night stand, he wasn't about to pass up that opportunity a second time.
See you soon then.
He responded, before walking out of the bar and to the elevator. Luckily, the hotel allowed him to go to other floors his card couldn't access, which meant getting up to the 15th floor was easy. The sign on the wall pointed him in the direction of room 15-D, finding it easily. He took a moment, before rapping his knuckles on the door, waiting for it to open.
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 2 months
Patrick shook his head at the bartender when he asked if he wanted another, thanking the man in French before he slid off his chair, still looking at his phone. He chuckled at the man's responses, figuring he had no use of not being forward about the situation. After all, he had messaged Hayes after essentially blowing him off two weeks earlier after the Madrid concert. And it didn't seem like the other's interest had waned.
I don't know but I do believe in the fact you and I are seemingly both staying in this hotel but in two separate rooms, seems like it's setting up for another missed opportunity.
So what do you say - should we pick up where we left off in Madrid? ;)
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 3 months
Patrick finished off his whisky as his phone buzzed, and he saw Hayes' name pop up on the screen so he knew it was a response from him. He set his glass down and unlocked his phone with a swipe, opening up to see the couple of messages he had received. He had known Hayes had saved his number, as he'd seen him ring it when he'd put his number in Patrick's phone. But the ball had been in Patrick's court to message, and Ari had talked him out of that. He hadn't been surprised Hayes hadn't messaged, because he didn't seem like the type to get caught up if people didn't reach out to him. Still, the fact that he knew who he was meant he hadn't deleted the number. If anything, it meant he'd saved it with his name (why did Patrick suspect he'd saved it as Uncle Patrick) which gave him a weird sense of satisfaction that maybe Ari had been wrong about his intentions.
It's a long story.
Hah. No. I travel a lot for business. And when I saw you at the exact hotel I'm at I thought surely this is a sign from the universe and I would be a fool to ignore it and make the same mistake twice ;)
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 3 months
Patrick sighed, pulling his suitcase behind him as he made his way out of the airport. Travel between the Schengen area was always easy, with no need to check his passport as he exited the airport. His flight had been delayed, then cancelled, and then he got pushed to another flight last minute and got stuck sitting in economy. It was only a two hour flight but still, getting stuck next to a rather talkative woman was not how he had planned to spend those two hours. He was beat.
Paris was neither his least favourite, nor his favourite city. But he rarely ventured outside of the hotel, except for business meetings and he didn't doubt this trip would be the same. His preorganised ride was long gone given the delay of the flight, so he made his way out to find a regular taxi to take him to the hotel, where he could have a shower and crash. Of course, on the way to the hotel he saw a large billboard for August Moon flash past. Typical, they'd probably done a show here after Madrid. He'd barely had a moment over the past two weeks where he didn't regret letting Ari talk him in to not messaging Hayes that night. He'd resaved his number the next day but the man was long gone and messaging now just seemed pointless. Besides, it had been for a one night stand and not anything else.
After having a shower, he felt like he couldn't wind down and decided he needed a drink. He got dressed in a button up and trousers (he was still here on a business trip after all, and couldn't risk somebody seeing him in anything too comfortable) and headed down to the hotel bar where he planed to order a whisky. The kind of drink where he could sit at the bar and stare disconsolately into the glass. Which is exactly where he found himself.
He heard a bit of commotion and looked over out of curiosity. He had to blink twice to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. Hayes, and the other members of August Moon. Here in the same hotel he was staying at. They were being ushered by security so Patrick barely got a glimpse at them but enough to know it was them. And enough for him to look down at his phone. There was no Ari here, to try to talk him out of messaging and he figured why not shoot his shot? That is, if Hayes hadn't made plans with somebody else tonight, of course. Maybe he just did that, in each different city.
Patrick opened a text message, and then typed.
... are you staying at the The Peninsula in Paris or am I seeing things?
Making Up For Lost Opportunities || Payes (Feb 2)
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thepatrickblanco · 3 months
Quick Regrets || Patrick Self Para
Patrick hummed to himself as he and Lucia waited at the front door. He could hear the lock clicking and soon enough the door open to Ari standing there, a dressing gown wrapped around her. To her credit, she did look a little worse for wear. Besides, Patrick was hardly complaining about having attended the concert today... it had all worked out rather well for him. He'd drop Lucia off, then text Hayes and see what happened from there. Ari ushered them in and he followed, knowing he wouldn't be able to get away immediately. Lucia was babbling to her parents (David, Ari's husband had joined them) about how amazing it was, and how great all the members of the band was, and then she made a joke about one of the band members seeming to really like Patrick, to which he shot his niece a look. She smiled, innocently, as Ari told her to go upstairs and get ready for bed.
"Patrick," Ari admonished, shaking her head, "you were meant to let the kids talk to the band members. Were you really trying to get all the attention on yourself?" Patrick glared at her, "really, Ari? I was as much in that room as anybody else and besides, he started talking to me." Ari rolled her eyes, opening the fridge to get all three of them a bottle of water, David staying decidedly quiet. "Of course he did," she said, and Patrick knew she didn't believe him so he couldn't help but snapping back, "well Hayes gave me his number and I'm going to go meet him so if you'll excuse me, I think I'll be off..." He put the water bottle that he hadn't even opened down and turned to leave, but Ari caught his arm.
"Patrick," she said, voice more gentle now, "don't be stupid. He probably gave you a fake number, but even if it's real who knows what he wants? He's probably just bored and wants to use you then move on." Patrick didn't shake her arm off him but he did stop, turning to look at her, "you forget, I quite enjoy a one night stand and I'm not expecting anything other than that. Are you really telling me to give up the opportunity to spend the night with a literal rock star? Are you crazy?" "I'm sure it would mostly be disappointing," she said, patting his arm, "besides, isn't he the bisexual one? Remember Ivan? You don't want that again, do you?" Patrick took a breath, steadying himself. Ivan was different, he knew that. He could point that out to Ari but it wouldn't get anywhere. It had been a high school relationship that Ari herself had got involved with, but constantly reminded Patrick of what Ivan did to him like she didn't play any part in that. Besides, he and Ivan parted amicably in the end. Last he heard he was studying in Brazil.
"Ari-" "No, come now Patrick. Just spend the night here, it's late, and Lucia will be thrilled to see her Uncle Patrick here in the morning. You wouldn't want to disappoint her, would you?" "No, but-" "Good. Now give me your phone, so you can delete his number and you don't have to think about it again. Trust me, he'll have forgotten about you by tomorrow." He pulled out his phone, knowing she likely wasn't going to let him leave. He didn't know why but she always seemed to get in his head and he didn't have the energy to fight it. Something he expected he would regret at some point on his life. But, before he passed it to Ari, he quickly went in and screenshotted Hayes' number, luckily it had still been open on the screen. He then deleted the number and showed Ari who seemed satisfied.
She suggested they watch a movie, and Patrick sighed, knowing he wouldn't be getting away tonight. Tomorrow, after having breakfast with Ari, David and Lucia, he would look to see August Moon's shows, only to read they had flown out of Madrid early the following day and he would know he missed his shot. He knew Ari was probably right, that Hayes would have forgotten about their interaction in a day or two, but he couldn't stop but think...
What if.
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thepatrickblanco · 3 months
Patrick smirked as Hayes' hand slid into his pocket, and he made no attempt to stop him grabbing his phone. He had no doubt a night with Hayes would be memorable, even if it was just because of who Hayes was. He was sure some people in Hayes' line of work would be all talk and no real delivery, but he doubted that was Hayes at all. He took the phone back from him when he passed it to Patrick and looked down at the number that were now saved in his phone. "Through the secret back door?" He asked with a laugh, nodding at Patrick in lieu of a goodbye, as he watched the other man walk back to his band mates.
Oh, he was screwed.
(In more ways than one, he hoped).
A Moment In Time || Payes (Jan 19)
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thepatrickblanco · 3 months
Patrick laughed, shrugging in a way that almost said 'sue me' because it was true. He felt bad, but he was glad Ari had called him last minute, with the request to take the girls to the concert. He was sure this was an experience he would never forget. He was surprised, but also not surprised, when Hayes asked him if he would come back to his hotel, after he dropped Lucia and her friends back home. He didn't doubt the man did this, in whatever city he was in, and it wasn't like Patrick was opposed to a one night stand. And who was he to say no to a night with a literal rockstar? He looked at Hayes, with a smirk and gave a single nod, "I could be ... persuaded."
A Moment In Time || Payes (Jan 19)
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thepatrickblanco · 4 months
Patrick pursed his lips in attempt to stop the amused smirk from crossing his lips at Hayes' comment. "Is that so?" He glanced away and then back to look at Hayes, his efforts at containing his expression failing. "Well... noted." A clap on the other side of the room made him jump, bringing him back into the reality of the room. They weren't alone or at a bar, with nobody paying attention to them, like it normally would be when Patrick was flirting or picking somebody up. They were in a room with Hayes' bandmates, with fans, and some press. But he also wasn't one to back down from a challenge, or somebody he was interested in, famous or not. "Don't tell my sister ... but I'm glad she was sick tonight. Would have been such a shame to miss this." He knew it went without saying that he wasn't talking about the concert.
A Moment In Time || Payes (Jan 19)
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thepatrickblanco · 4 months
Patrick raised an eyebrow, one side of his mouth quirking up in amusement as Hayes took a step towards him. This whole thing should feel ridiculous, but it surprisingly didn't. He didn't answer straight away, bringing the plastic cup up to his lips and taking a drink. "Mmm... I could say something like 'oh that third song you did, with the purple lighting' but we both know that's not what I'm talking about." He chuckled, looking over at Hayes, the person who he had watched whenever he'd been on the stage. His bandmates were by no means unattractive, but they weren't quite as captivating. "What can I say? You have quite a talent for commanding a presence on the stage and I'm a man who knows what he likes."
A Moment In Time || Payes (Jan 19)
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thepatrickblanco · 4 months
Patrick laughed, pouring the drink into his empty glass from before. He tossed the can into the bin provided next to the table and looked at Hayes. "Only to Lucia. To everybody else, I'm just Patrick." He took a sip of his drink and nodded, "the girls definitely did," he nodded over to where they were, talking to one of Hayes' bandmates with awe, "and me ... well." He shrugged, looking back at Hayes, looking him up and down without any subtly. He knew he probably shouldn't be treating Hayes like any other man he'd normally flirt with, given he was somewhat (very) famous, but it wasn't like Hayes wasn't flirting with him too. Maybe he was just a natural flirt but what the hell, Patrick had nothing to lose. And the girls were busy (and he could still see them in the crowd), so it wasn't like he had Uncle duties right now. "I'm not exactly your target audience, but I did find myself enjoying it quite a bit. Especially one part."
A Moment In Time || Payes (Jan 19)
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thepatrickblanco · 5 months
When the band came in after a little while (no doubt they had wanted some time to cool off after the show), Patrick watched as the reporters crowded them, and the fans weren't far off either. The dance floor had been all but abandoned, at least for now. But he hung back because, despite being a little more interested in being here than he had been a few hours ago, he still wasn't what you'd call a fan of the band and he wasn't about to get in the way of somebody who was. Especially because half of them were under the age of 18. Still, it wasn't long before the crowd dispersed a little, and people spread out a little as it was obvious the band was going to be around for a little while, and the point was also to have fun and not just stand in line to talk to somebody.
And that was when Patrick saw the one man he was interested in talking to again make his way over to the refreshment table, somehow with nobody following him. He debated going over there, wondering if the man would even remember who he was. He no doubt met many people before the show, and probably spoke in the same way to each, in that flirty and charming tone. But still, what he have to lose? He walked over to the table, getting a lemon soda for himself too, now that his glass of punch was empty. "Hayes, was it?" He smirked at the man, then made a thinking sort of expression, "or was it Henry?"
A Moment In Time || Payes (Jan 19)
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thepatrickblanco · 5 months
Patrick was no stranger to men (well, people really, he just had to let half of them down) flirting with him. He was also not shy about it, knowing he looked good and flirting back freely, especially if he was after something specific. But that didn't mean he expected somebody like this man - somebody like Hayes - to be flirting with him. A meet and greet was expected to go something like one, form a line. Two, move down the table and make polite albeit slightly forced conversation as the person you were meeting signed a photo of themselves. And, three, move on and probably not think about that encounter that often despite the exorbitant cost. And while he was sure Hayes was a natural flirt, and that was exactly what would happen here regardless, he couldn't help but think he hadn't done that for others. Patrick's eyes had been glancing at him before, as the girls were meeting the other members. So as they moved out of the room to be led to their VIP seats he couldn't quite shake the feeling that Hayes had absolutely been intentionally flirting with him.
The concert was surprisingly enjoyable, Patrick found. He found he had heard a couple of their songs on the radio before (just had never known who had sung them) and even found himself bopping along to the music (much to Lucia's delight). Hayes was clearly the star of the group, which wasn't to say the others weren't good as well. They were, but Hayes drew the attention. It was on him even when it wasn't. No wonder everybody loved him. Patrick found himself cheering along with the rest of the crowd, trying to out cheer the girls which made them laugh. But it wasn't long before the band exited the stage for the second time, after the encore, and the lights slowly came back on in the venue.
The post concert buzz was alive and well, but unlike exiting like the majority of the crowd, Patrick, the three girls and the rest of the Gold VIP holders were directed to a door which would take them to the after party. The reception area was decorated beautifully, and had snacks and (non alcoholic, given the majority of guests were underage) drinks laid out for the guests to select from. There was a dance floor and music played through the speakers. Many people (including Lucia, Ana and Rocio) took to the dance floor as the band weren't expected out for a little while. Patrick hung back, leaning against the wall as he sipped the alcohol free punch and kept an eye on the girls (though he knew they would be fine).
A Moment In Time || Payes (Jan 19)
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