thepensivescribe · 2 months
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how terrible it is to love something that death can touch. BRENNA TWOHY A coworker asks me if i am sad, still / AARON SCHWARTZ On the other side of grief with Ocean Vuong / MY BRIGHTEST DIAMOND Gone away / ALBERT GYÖRGY Mélancolie / BARBARA CROOKER Grief / ANDREA COHEN Refusal to mourn / CELESTE ROBERGE Cairn / JAMES WRIGHT To the muse / RICHARD SIKEN Straw house, straw dog / EMILY DICKINSON I measure every Grief I meet / FRITZ VON UHDE Mourning / WILLIAM WETMORE STORY Angel of grief / FORTESA LATIFI / MY BRIGHTEST DIAMOND Gone away / MIKE MONTEIRO I thought we’d have more time. / JACK GILBERT Michiko dead / BOTTLEOFSUNSHINE13 Depression / W. S. MERWIN Separation / LEMONY SNICKET Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid / GLENNON DOYLE MELTON Love warrior / OCEAN VUONG interviewed by Tonya Mosley for NPR / LANG LEAV Three questions / VECKNESSS забыть, забыть. / Unknown.
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thepensivescribe · 2 months
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thepensivescribe · 2 months
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
bitches be like Ooh it’s November First I’m gonna write a whole fucking novel this month despite having lost control over every other aspect of my life. it’s me. i’m bitches. 
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Encouragment for writers that I know seems discouraging at first but I promise it’s motivational-
• Those emotioal scenes you’ve planned will never be as good on page as they are in your head. To YOU. Your audience, however, is eating it up. Just because you can’t articulate the emotion of a scene to your satisfaction doesn’t mean it’s not impacting the reader. 
• Sometimes a sentence, a paragraph, or even a whole scene will not be salvagable. Either it wasn’t necessary to the story to begin with, or you can put it to the side and re-write it later, but for now it’s gotta go. It doesn’t make you a bad writer to have to trim, it makes you a good writer to know to trim.
• There are several stories just like yours. And that’s okay, there’s no story in existence of completely original concepts. What makes your story “original” is that it’s yours. No one else can write your story the way you can.
• You have writing weaknesses. Everyone does. But don’t accept your writing weaknesses as unchanging facts about yourself. Don’t be content with being crap at description, dialogue, world building, etc. Writers that are comfortable being crap at things won’t improve, and that’s not you. It’s going to burn, but work that muscle. I promise you’ll like the outcome.
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
I hope every writer who sees this writes LOADS the next few months. Like freetime opens up, no writers block, the ability to focus, etc etc you're able to write loads & make lots of progress <3
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Yeah, I'm working on those WIPs, can't you see this elaborate daydream scene as we stare off blankly into the distance and watch the thoughts currently rolling through my brain like a film reel?
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
casting a spell of finish your wip rb to pass it on
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Give me those sweet side effects of overusing magic:
Getting lightheaded and weak, struggling to stand let alone keep fighting
"Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine. *immediately faceplants because their legs can't support their weight anymore*"
F a i n t i n g
Physical injuries like burns, broken bones, etc
The risk of permanent damage either physically or mentally
Can I get uuuuhhhhh "loses a sense either temporarily or permanently depending on the severity of the overuse"?
Stopping their heart (cue the team scrambling to drag their dumbass friend back from death)
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse.  It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms 
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable.  As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need.
https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
www.science.gov is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
www.pdfdrive.com is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names.
www.base-search.net is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Need a cover for your book? I got you covered!
My partner who does graphic design set up a fiverr as she recently started delving more into designing book covers. I know there’s a lot of you indie and/or aspiring authors out there who might get a good use of this! 
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You can check out more of her work and the details about getting an ebook or print ready covers at fiverr.com/aurora_amy. Plus I’ll vouch for her dedication to projects and attention to detail!
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Plot tables: Mapping out and organizing all your plots and storylines
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Can’t organize your plot and are juggling between several plot lines? I got your back, I present: Plot tables!
(I’m probably not the only person to use these, but I have no idea if these are commonly used and I just don’t know about it or I actually did something with this)
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Here’s a loose example I threw together. It’s just a normal table where each column represents a different storyline within the same story. It shows you roughly what should happen in each chapter / scene.
e.g., from the example table, we see that in chapter / scene 1, there’s a chase scene where the police lose track of the criminal they’re following, as well as in the same chapter we see character B and C break up.
It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it’s something I want to share considering the amount of people I see complaining about juggling 50 million storylines and having no orderly way to keep track of it
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Writing a prologue after ignoring all the writing advice that says prologues are unnecessary is something that can be so personal
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
I think it'd be funny if there was a high percentage of magic users who just don't know how the mechanics of magic actually work, and they don't particularly care to figure out how because it really doesn't seem important.
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
Types of intelligence for your OCs
What kind of intelligence does your character posses? Based on theory of multiple intelligences, these are some ideas what kind of smarts your characters might posses that aren’t the typical academic or street smarts. 
1. Visual-spatial (space smart)
These people are good at visualizing things, seeing in 3D, being able to imagine how things look even out of sight from the information they have about it. They are good with directions, maps, charts and pictures. Eye for drawing, patterns and puzzles. 
Especially useful for: architects, engineers, artists, pilots
2. Linguistic-verbal (word smart)
The ability to use words well, when writing and speaking. Typical strenghts are telling stories, memorizing information, love for reading, skill with words, debating and persuasive skills, adept at explaining complicated subjects. Also tend to be great at languages. 
Especially useful for: writers, journalists, lawyers, teachers, public speakers
3. Logical (reasoning smart)
Not necessarily but possibly mathematical, these people are great at reasoning, pattern recognition and logical analysis. Enjoyment for abstract thinking and ideas, excellent problem-solving skills and logical argumentation are other common traits. Pattersn, categories, relationships. 
Especially useful for: mathematicians, accountants, scientists, and detectives.
4. Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
Great hand-eye cordination, physical movement, often skilled at sports, dancing and creating things with their hands. Learn and remember rather by doing than listening or reading. Sense of timing and mind-body union excellent. 
Especially useful for: dancers, sculptors, actors, athletes, surgeons, crafts people, soldiers, police officers
5. Musical (sound smart)
Sensitive listeners. Thinking in patterns, recognizing rhythms, notes and melodies, good at remembering tunes, these people often enjoy singing or playing instruments. Often show great understanding of musical structure and know quickly when they hear someone going off-key. 
Especially useful for: musical teachers, composers, musicians, 
6. Interpersonal (people smart)
These people are very good at understanding and interacting with others. From verbal to non-verbal communication, they are proficient at assessing motivations, moods and desires of others and seeing things from multiple perspectives. Great communicators, create positive relationships with others easily and solve group dynamics and group conflicts well. Also enjoy discussions, debates and teamwork. 
Especially useful for: psychologists, counselors, salespeople, politicians, philosophers, teachers, managers, team leaders
7. Intrapersonal (self smart)
The opposite of interpersonal smarts is the intrapersonal intelligence, where people are very in tune with themselves and their feelings. They are honest with themselves, enjoy self-reflection, analysing theories and ideals, love daydreaming, and show great self-awareness and assessment of their own strenghts and weaknesses. 
Especially useful for: writers, philosophers, theorits, scientists
Bonus types: 
8. Creative (ideas smart) 
People that show exceptional curiousity, get inspired by little things around them and connect ideas and concepts in an unsual way. It’s a more feeling-based, spontaneous type of intelligence that gets less recognition, but brings immense benefits in all fields. 
Especially useful for: artists, marketers, scientists, concept artists, 
10. Abstract (concept smart)
Drawn to abstract ideas, these people enjoy deep discussions, don’t like to settle on one truth and ask questions that have no easy or no answer at all. Connecting, conceptualizing, analysing, listening and putting things together, they are great at seeing things from a distance, seeing the whole and not just the pieces. 
Especially useful for: scientists, philosophers, researchers, theorists, designers, analysts
Writing advice masterlist
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
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thepensivescribe · 2 years
in the tags, drop the first line of your WIP
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