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18, 28
wait ok now i’m curious how old were you when you joined tumblr and how old are you now
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it’s talking heads kermit friday
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i am already full of doubts. i think i am worse than i thought i was.
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i am already full of doubts. i think i am worse than i thought i was.
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are you telling the truth? do you mean what you say to me? your words are so good, they can't be true. maybe they were right about you.
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i did the right thing and it fucking killed me.
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he's a writer. he always says I should show, not tell. so instead of saying "I love you" at the end of the night, I say "get some sleep and drink some orange juice."
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“Crown Shyness”, A Phenomenon Where Trees Avoid Touching
The next time you’re out walking through the forest, take a moment to look above you and you might be pleasantly surprised by what you find.
Check out these incredible pictures to see what we mean. The naturally occurring phenomenon is called “crown shyness” because the uppermost branches of certain tree species don’t like to touch one another. The intriguing behavior was first observed in the 1920s, and various hypotheses have been presented since then in an attempt to explain it. Some believe it occurs to reduce the spread of harmful insects. Others believe that trees are attempting to protect one another’s branches from getting cracked and broken in the wind, and it’s also been suggested that “crown shyness” happens so that trees can optimize light exposure in order to maximize the process of photosynthesis. Despite these various theories however, nobody knows for sure why this phenomenon occurs, but it serves to remind us of just how awesome mother nature can be. Scroll down for some of our favorite pictures, and don’t forget to vote for the best. (h/t: colossal) Via BoredPanda
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she asked me what I wanted, as if one ever really knew, and I said, "dull domestication, free from pressure to pursue another touch, another love, another tired conversation."
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it means quite a lot when
Aries: seeks you out because they want to be the kind of sun that helps you grow into someone better for not only you but the world, when they want to nourish and enrich you, not unconsciously try to be the kind you revolve around for the rest of your life with their magnetic personality.
Taurus: lets you take care of them and accepts the things you offer them, when they listen to your opinion and value it even though their decision about something is about 90% set in stone, when they talk to you about things that have them stressed to the end of the world. believe it or not, it's hard for us to trust someone enough to burden them with our problems; we are well-known for being cagey when it comes to our own emotions.
Gemini: doesn't think when they're speaking to you, blurts out the first thing on their mind once they see you; begin lacking brain-to-mouth filter when you stare at them for too long, tries to step into your personal space in a very concerned way, tells you that you did something that surprised them, keeps their attention fixed on you for so long that they forget to keep track of time, when they always want to know what's going through that head of yours.
Cancer: lets you see who they are underneath the mask they see to be hiding under almost all of the time, becomes comfortable with teasing and being teased by you, tries to understand and stay attuned to your feelings all the freaking time as to never ever do anything to hurt you, tiptoes around you and grows shy when you dig deeper and deeper underneath their hard exterior, deserts always working through the motions for the sake of ambition and begins working to make you happy, when they never ever want to let go of you.
Leo: puts your needs and you before their pride, tries their best to become your confidant, someone you know you can share everything with and sometimes asks what you think of them as a person, when they let you in on their insecurities but still laugh them off with their flair for drama, when they do their best to let you know that yes, you're one of, if not the most, important thing to them in this world, despite never being as fabulous as them.
Virgo: has inside jokes with you that only the two of you get, when they don't just keep you guessing but give you answers when you need them, when they're not as shy as you first thought them to be but low-key fiendish underneath their near impenetrable exterior, when they remember every single thing about you, always try their best not to over-analyze the things you say and acknowledge that they tend to do that in a very don't-give-a-shit way. when they do almost everything to solve your problems, to be the one you can depend on but can't live without. also, they maybe critical of others, but i've noticed they don't handle criticism well themselves. so it also means a lot when they're open to your constructive criticism.
Libra: doesn't always go along with what you want, analyzes the things you'd like and makes it very clear if they support you or not, when you fail them but they still tell you it's all right--you're human with a smile that can light up any darkness while being in it themselves, when they aren't as careful of their surroundings as they normally are when around you, when they always want to make you see them the way they see you.
Scorpio: lets themselves be entrusted with your secrets, cares enough to cut through your bullshit with armored tanks, remembers the most minuscule things about you and catches you unaware with their help, uses you as a shoulder to lean on and values your opinion, when they tell you their secrets in return and quit being so damn enigmatic, don't shy away from showing you who they really are: flaws and genius combined.
Sagittarius: don't try to maintain harmony but want things to be chaotic when it comes to you, when they express themselves freely, when you're lying to someone in front of them and they still don't point it out to said someone that you are, when they respect your opinion and value the things you do for them and set you before their egos, want to see the entire world and share both its pleasures and madness with you.
Capricorn: genuinely cares about you but find themselves at loss because they don't know what shows it better, becomes humorous and teases you but tries to prioritize you at all points that are important to them, shares things with you that they don't trust themselves with, knows that they can rely on you for something they need, becomes relaxed in your presence enough for you to get spooked, challenges you enough everyday to make you wonder what the hell are they even doing, brings out their eccentric side when it comes to you.
Aquarius: tries their best to understand what goes on through your mind and your little habits and change your bad ones, values your advice and your criticisms, respects your boundaries but showers you with physical affection, knows that they can come to you with any problem, tries their best to make you understand why they're aloof and distant most of the times and urges you to accept them for it, not in spite of it; tries not to hold back themselves emotionally when it comes to you but holds their tongue around you and don't expect you to be temporary, when they know that you're there to stay, not leave.
Pisces: tries to feel validated by your opinion, tries to put you above everything they love, understands you more than you understand yourself, considers you the thing they're distracted by and don't regret that, when they realize without you by their side, the world looks like a gloomier place they can't bear to live in.
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