thepetblrcookbook · 2 years
Juno has been going through dog treats like I go through mental breakdowns, so I decided to make some of our own!
I was getting a bit concerned that she was eating a lot of crap, because the crap is what she works for. Normal crunchy kibble? Bleh, that’s boring! Why would she heel for a piece of bland breakfast?
So here’s my haphazard recipe for “Juno’s stimky limver delight”
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⚠️ Fair warning, this shit STANKY so open a window! ⚠️
Step 1: blend a pack of liver! We used lambs liver. Don’t ask the weight, I don’t have the cognitive function to make notes of these things. Just much liver as you can stomach blending! Don’t forget to use the nasty myoglobin that the liver sits in! Yum. I also rinsed the packet and poured the bloody water into the bowl.
Step 2: sprinkle in some flour to thicken up that disgusting paste and mix it all in! You can blend it, or fold it. As long as it’s a nice thick pasty substance with no floury lumps.
Step 3: add a dash of oil to help it all bond! I wanted to use eggs for this, but alas, no egg! Next time I will try two eggs instead of a dash of oil to keep it healthier. Add some more flour if it’s looking a lil sloppy.
Step 4: here’s your chance to add some extras if you so wish! Chicken bits? Peanut butter? Tiny chunks of kibble? Whatever floats your boat. I had some bacon in the fridge that needed using, so I chopped two slices of bacon into tiny pieces to add some flavour. We need high value for results and bacon will do it!
Step 5: scrape that smelly mess into a baking tray and spread it out evenly. Mine was spread maybe 2 cm thick, if you want some chonky treats maybe try a smaller, deeper dish and bake through for longer. Line with foil or baking paper if you don’t have anything non-stick, like I did.
Step 6: bake for 12-15 minutes!
Step 7:
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Don’t forget to lick the spatula!
Step 8: Remove from the baking cavity most commonly known as an oven, and leave in a safe place to cool.
Step 9: taste test!
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✅ Juno approved
Step 10: cut into tiny snacc sized pieces and pop them in an airtight container to store in the fridge.
And voila! You now have a slightly healthier and cheaper alternative to training treats! EMJOY
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thepetblrcookbook · 2 years
Anyone wants to bake some tasty treats with us? Pretty easy and apparently very delicious according to Lokis appetite ☺️
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thepetblrcookbook · 3 years
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Dog icecream:
Dog food and liver paste
I simply took her dry food, poured some warm water on it until soft, added liver paste and mashed it all together (mixed)
Put it all in ice trays and into the freezer!
I added the liver to boozt the taste, it works totally fine without it if your dog already like their food!
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
Honestly these look good for even human snacks! You and your pup can share together!
So, my friend has these treat recipes, so I thought to share. These are her images as well : ) You can eat these too :/
Berry of choice gummies:
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of gelatin (flavour of berry i.e. blueberry), 1/2 cup of water, and 1/2 cup of pureed berries (of choice).
Step 1: Put the gelatin in the hot water, stir until dissolved
Step 2: Puree berries
Step 3: Mix berries into the gelatin mix
Step 4: Pour the mix into any shaped silicone mold
Step 5: Place in fridge to set
Total time: 30-50 minutes (mostly setting time)
- We did raspberry flavored gummies
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Banana crisps:
Ingredients: Bananas
Step 1: Preheat oven to 100°C (210°F)
Step 2: Chop up the bananas into thin slices (long or short, it's up to you)
Step 3: Cook in the oven for 1 hour and 30 minutes (or longer to have a crisper banana (or shorter (not by much) to have a less crisper banana))
Step 4: Leave it to cool once it's out the oven
Total time: 1 hour and 35-40 minutes
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Pumpkin biscuits:
Ingredients: 2/3 cup of pumpkin puree, 1/4 cup of peanut butter (no xylitol), 2 eggs, 3 cups whole wheat flour
Step 1: Preheat oven to 280°C (350°F) and grab a baking tray with baking paper/parchment paper
Step 2: Mix everything together (easier with an electric mixer, but if you'd prefer to use your hands, or a whisk, go ahead. Mix until they're fully combined. If it's sticky add more flour, and if it's dry add more pumpkin puree
Step 3: With a lightly floured surface roller/roller, roll the dough out and cut it into shapes (any shape will do). After, place them on the baking tray (you might need two depending on your shape)
Step 4: Cook until the edges are golden brown for 20-25 minutes
Step 5: Leave to cool
Total cook time: 40-45 minutes
- If you don't have pumpkin/dog is allergic to pumpkin, you can use sweet potato puree
- You can use gluten flour if needed
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Wow they look amazing! And what a cute pooch!
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
Yes! We absolutely encourage people to experiment with recipes and modify them to fit your pets! These recipes can be seen as more of a guideline than anything else! Have fun with them, and your pets will too!
Homemade pupsicles
First you’ll need:
Meat or vegetable stock, depending on your pet’s diet ie chicken or beef broth for carnivores and vegetable broth for herbivores(unsalted or low sodium is best)
Something with a spout like a measuring cup
Ice cube tray (or any kind of container you can put in the freezer)
A cookie sheet (only really needed if you’re using a silicone ice cube tray)
Some water (optional)
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Step one: Mix the water and stock together in the measuring cup
Step two: Pour the stock mixture into the container(s). Don’t fill it more then three quarters full
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Step three: Let your pets have the leftover stock
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Step five: Put the container(s) in the freezer for no less than two hours
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Step six (optional): If giving the small animals like rats or weasels, smash the ice up in a ziplock bag with a hammer or blend it for a few seconds in a blender to make the pieces smaller
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Step seven: Serve and enjoy a nice summer treat that is delicious and cool
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
Homemade pupsicles
First you’ll need:
Meat or vegetable stock, depending on your pet’s diet ie chicken or beef broth for carnivores and vegetable broth for herbivores(unsalted or low sodium is best)
Something with a spout like a measuring cup
Ice cube tray (or any kind of container you can put in the freezer)
A cookie sheet (only really needed if you’re using a silicone ice cube tray)
Some water (optional)
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Step one: Mix the water and stock together in the measuring cup
Step two: Pour the stock mixture into the container(s). Don’t fill it more then three quarters full
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Step three: Let your pets have the leftover stock
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Step five: Put the container(s) in the freezer for no less than two hours
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Step six (optional): If giving the small animals like rats or weasels, smash the ice up in a ziplock bag with a hammer or blend it for a few seconds in a blender to make the pieces smaller
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Step seven: Serve and enjoy a nice summer treat that is delicious and cool
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
Yes! Feel free to submit photos of your pups trying their treats to the blog anytime!
(Note from Marlo: These snacks are about as cheesy as my human’s jokes)
You will need:
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Some cheese, some flour, and an egg or some butter.
A) Mix all your ingredients together until they are the consistency of wet sand:
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B) Wrap your dough in plastic wrap and let it sit in the fridge.
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C) Roll the dough out until it is flat and smooth:
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D) Cut dough into tiny pieces or into fun shapes and spread them on your baking sheet. PROTIP: This is an excellent time to sneakily eat uncooked cheesy dough whilst your human is busy taking pictures!
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E) Cook in the oven (or toaster oven) at 350F for about 10 minutes:
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F) Wait for them to cool. PROTIP: Keep the snacks out of reach during this time because temptation is strong.
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G) GOURMANDISE! PROTIP: Act like you’re starving so your human feeds you a bunch of snacks!
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
CHEF MARLO PRESENTS: Better-than-rabbits tuna snacks
You will need:
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One (1) can of tuna, one (1) eggs, and some flour.
A) Start by mixing the ingredients in a bowl until they are the consistency of mashed potatoes:
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B) Next, smooth the mix into a microwave-safe bowl. PROTIP: Lick the spoon clean to save on dishes!
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C) Put your concoction into the microwave for two (2) minutes. Check and microwave for three (3) additional minutes:
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D) Remove from the dish and cut treats into desired sizes:
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
(Note from Marlo: These snacks are about as cheesy as my human’s jokes)
You will need:
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Some cheese, some flour, and an egg or some butter.
A) Mix all your ingredients together until they are the consistency of wet sand:
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B) Wrap your dough in plastic wrap and let it sit in the fridge.
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C) Roll the dough out until it is flat and smooth:
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D) Cut dough into tiny pieces or into fun shapes and spread them on your baking sheet. PROTIP: This is an excellent time to sneakily eat uncooked cheesy dough whilst your human is busy taking pictures!
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E) Cook in the oven (or toaster oven) at 350F for about 10 minutes:
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F) Wait for them to cool. PROTIP: Keep the snacks out of reach during this time because temptation is strong.
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G) GOURMANDISE! PROTIP: Act like you’re starving so your human feeds you a bunch of snacks!
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
CHEF MARLO PRESENTS: Treasured tripe treats
Note from the human: These are literally the stinkiest food. Extremely high value, but try not to stick them anywhere near your face.
You will need:
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Half a can of tripe (we used venison tripe because it was on sale this week at the pet store), one (1) egg, and some flour.
A) Mix everything in a bowl. Try not to inhale.
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B) Smooth the dough into a microwave-safe bowl. PROTIP: look pitiful and the human will let you lick the spoon!
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C) Microwave for three (3) minutes, investigate, then microwave for three (3) more. Try not to breathe during this time or for the next hour or so.
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D) Remove from dish and chop into pieces of the desired size.
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E) Charm your human into giving you treats!
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
Chef Marlo presents: Pup-sicles of Destruction*
(*Destruction optional)
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Some canned dog food of choice (I used tripe and a pouch of lamb puree) and some kibble.
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Stick that stuff in a bowl and mix it until it’s the consistency of mashed potatoes.
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Spoon that mixture into a mold. If you feel like adding the Destruction element, spoon into cardboard containers (my favourite are empty TP rolls or egg cartons). Alternatively, spoon into muffin tins or small tupperware dishes. I fill mine about half-full. 
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Stick them in the freezer for a few hours. Allow the chef to clean the bowl in the meantime, because she works hard.
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Remove from freezer and give to the dog (If using a muffin tin, run the bottom of it under hot water for the pup-sicles to easily fall out). Chef Marlo recommends giving them as a cool treat directly after a walk!
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
CHEF MARLO PRESENTS: Fancy Holiday Treats
A four course meal turned into dog treats!
You will need:
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One (1) can of ham, some pumpkin, some applesauce, and some parmesan cheese.
A) Mix that stuff together
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B) Smooth into a microwave-safe dish and sprinkle more parmesan on top
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C) Chuck it into the microwave for 15-ish minutes. Check on it every once in a while
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D) Remove from the microwave. Chef Marlo reminds you to be cautious when handling hot dishes!
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E) Cut into pieces and serve! That was easy!
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thepetblrcookbook · 4 years
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I disliked the extra filler ingredients in store bought cat treats, so I made my own! I used beef liver, beef round steak, and thin pork chops. Pharoh’s fav is for sure the liver!!
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