I do that all the time.
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in Injustice, Alfred literally head-butted Superman and shattered his fucking nose but it was still the “Clark Kent, I am so disappointed in you” that broke him
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Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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You know, I thought waiting a month would mean it was safe to talk about the new bf. Nope, two days later he turns into an uncommunicative ass who expects me to repress thoughts and feelings he doesn't like and blames me for shit he didn't communicate.
And makes it sound like his idea to break up -- babe this is all shit I've been saying since day one. What did you think my message was?
Don't lie about your feelings and I won't expect you to act like you have then.
BTW, your music is lame, you're 35 and playing in a cover band that gets canceled constantly bc everyone else has lives and not even good covers. Van Halen is not metal, and playing shit you know I hate doesn't make you authentic to your craft, it makes you inconsiderate and unable to handle criticism.
So, thank you for freeing me up to not fucking accommodating your ego anymore and making room for someone who isn't a patronizing douche the minute something goes wrong.
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I have those clamps and oh those fuckers are like goddamn pliers on full strength.
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~ Augusto Cury
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That guy gets it
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every clock is a cop
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do you by chance sell any sexual content? Like nudes and such? You're very pretty 😍
Sure, make me an offer
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Quick someone rush me to ocean to save lives!
I mean, I can't be sure whose, might be mine, might be someone who annoys me but I am very sure a few days with waves will make it less likely
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Democrats would have to be in control of both chambers of congress and the White House to make this happen.
Democrats could take complete control if enough of us vote.
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Oh! Also have been working on developing and launching a life coaching business -- I know that sounds funny to y'all bc you know my crazy messiness, but I'm actually great with other people and know personal development and therapeutic techniques better than most grad students, so...
It's essentially designed for women to not only get their internal worlds right, mind, body, and soul, but then I go further with ok, now let's get the outer world in alignment too. Bc coaches tend to invariably act like once you get your spirit right everything falls in place for your life, and not in my experience or that of anyone I know -- what happens is your fucked up life knocks your internal world back out of alignment. Or that fixing your practical problems, will make you feel all OK (bc none of them paid attention to the Barbie movie, I guess -- many of the answers to life's questions can be found in "what would Barbie do?" and that's been true long before the epic movie spelled it out).
I'm approaching it as a three phase process, getting yourself right -- shadow work and somatics play a big role here -- then getting really clear on what you truly want and how you want to expand and grow -- bc you don't stop growing as a person once you hit a magic spot like you've integrated your shadows. Here I think behavioral modeling plays a huge role. Finally goal setting, habit forming, and action plans, teaching you to reach your goals now and keep going to each new one. There's a daily practice and consistent themes that run through as well like archetypal guidance, journaling, some others, and what I refer to as my contingency plans -- certain things that work great to break through resistance put up by the ego, like art therapy and movement therapy will tear through some of that quick if applied right.
It's exciting and someday I'll learn marketing and it'll be awesome!
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Watch The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived on YouTube Music
N, if you still stalk my Tumblr, consider this your invite to not....
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Ok, so I may have buried the lead there on my life as to why no one has heard from me in forever -- first thing is because my every weekend is being spent with the guy that every guy I've ever gushed about pretended to be. I'm going to call him Bard, bc he will LOVE that. Yes, this guy is great enough I am even giving him a loving handle here.
It's not even like big huge shit -- he's just honest, and reassuring, and considerate, and respects me, and he listens and he coddles me on the shit that's not really important to make me feel secure while standing up to me on the shit that is to find a compromise (like his schedule sucks, and his two days off he hosts DND every other week and has band practice the other, and I'm like there's no time for me, just fitting me in -- didn't drop either but we agreed to pause them for 6 weeks to give us time to spend together to make me feel secure, and then I could come with or hang out in the other room if I chose, and non DND weekends or sometimes Saturdays can be spent at my place, not always his. Like he wants us both to have our lives but he gets I'm scarred and so willing to show me first -- with a clock -- that I matter by giving me a window to settle in). He met my older kids and brought Oldest a birthday present, and Boy Thing had been giving shit about the last guy who wanted to impress him sent a fruit basket. This adorable man had no clue what goes in a fruit basket (his first thought were melons) or what fruit baskets were so he bought the apples and oranges and kiwis and put them in a medium laundry basket. Boy Thing straight up laughed out loud at the sight, it was perfect. Every time he left my room, he'd be gone like at least half an hour -- the bathroom is like a 90 second walk max -- bc he and Oldest would get chatting about gaming.
He tells me I'm sexy and I'm beautiful but he also compliments things like how I make him feel understood, how I communicate. He knows I'm perfectly capable of defending myself if insulted or offended but also doesn't think I should ever have to.
And yes, the sex is fantastic and in a way that's fucking revelatory. He tries my kinks even if he's internally a bit iffy on the idea, bc he trusts its OK if he stops as soon as he doesn't like something (thankfully he's liked them all so far, initiating them at times now.) I had to red bc of something he said while I was going down on him, after trying to convince myself I was overreacting (bc honestly it was nothing bad, and would normally not have even fucking blipped my radar) and when I did, he immediately dropped out of the scene and sex and into taking care of me and what was it that triggered me and what came up and not only did I not get any pressure but not even any guilt -- like I knew he meant every word that all he cared about was me. I can initiate with him without feeling paralyzing fear of rejection bc there's zero mind games, zero manipulations.
The first weekend, we hadn't decided to spend the whole weekend together -- we were just going on a bookstore. We spent it all in bed, but not just fucking, we were talking. And the fucking? He couldn't cum. Even had a tough time staying hard. And for the first time in my life it was OK. Normally a guy can't, and it fucks with my insecurities so much that like no, I don't even want to be there. But instead we did everything we could and both reassured the other that it was fantastic -- bc it truly was -- and not an issue. Problem resolved but he's said like he wouldn't even think to mention orgasms if anyone asked him about that weekend that it was like 4 days of the best sex of his life, like how it can be hard to cum while rolling but the sex is amazing.
After I red'd out during the first time I was giving him head (it's a thing for him, but I'd been refusing bc he'd eaten asparagus and I warned him every such occasion would be followed by at least 5 days before his dick came in contact with my mouth again bc it makes semen taste just the worst). Going another round later in a roleplaying scene, he broke character a bit to ask about head, I said I didn't want to risk another round of sex derailed bc I got triggered since it'd just been earlier that day, he's like yeah totally get that, and both back into character and having a blast. I'm completely comfortable naked around him even if my legs have stubble, but in a sexy way, and never ever boring!
He's a musician, guitarist and bassist. He's a nerd. I recommended a book, and he immediately was going to buy a copy and I offered to loan him mine (a fave book of mine) and he has been slowly but diligently reading it and says it's better bc it's my copy and looking at it's broken to shit spine and pages that have been dog eared a million times just makes him love it more bc I love it. He wants me to come to band practice (if I can behave lol) and to join the party at dnd (if I can behave lol -- to be fair, those are my caveats, not his) but also wants to paint with me and take pottery class with me, and write a metal track that can be belly danced to (bc metal is very masculine in the tantra vibe sense, not the gender roles way, while belly dancing is pure divine feminine -- never meant to seduce, it was by women for women -- and I think that juxtaposition would be fucking amazing if we get it right) and likes hanging out with my kids (Oldest made him a dice set) and respects my relationship with B, and tells all his friends about me and wants me to meet everyone and is more worried that I like them than that they like me. He makes terrible jokes that crack me up. He sits through my storms with me. He understands that I push people away and am the poster child for trust issues and hangs through all my bullshit.
He would never want to hurt me, like truly, but also never lies to me to spare me.
We will literally spend hours past when he should be in bed for work on the phone, to the point that I, Little Miss Time is a Construct, have started watching the clock for time so he can get his sleep and I don't resent it bc he's so great about setting the boundary of he wants to stay up with me but has to sleep or will be late for work, and when we go over never blames me or resents me, but owns that he chose to do so bc he was loving it.
Yeah, I might be more than a little gone over him.
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