theprizzles-blog · 4 years
to my soulmate, in this life, my past life and the next:
Happy 5th Anniversary🤍
Wow..it’s crazy how it’s been 5 years of us being together. (Honestly I’m at a loss for words so please bear with me through this whole letter & you know I’m a rambler so tyt reading this :) )
A little over 5 years ago (before we met) this was my outlook on love:
“The reason I’m so sour about boys is because nothing ever works out for me. I always care way too much and put in so much effort and get nothing in return. Guys always give up on me, they bail, and they leave. And it’s just so frustrating because its hard for me to believe people because they always end up the same and instead of taking my walls down they make me build up more. That’s why I’m not into the whole liking people thing, because I’m tired of wasting my time for people who aren’t worth it.” 
I was over it. I was over guys who left me hanging, I was just over putting effort into something I knew was ultimately going to fail and leave me hurt. Now, over 5 years later, I can’t relate to this post like I once did.
I know it’s been 5 years, and we’re over the whole cringey, overly lovely-dovey stuff, but I still can’t help but cry when I think about us. I’m actually crying while typing this out because it’s just so crazy to me how I wasn’t even looking for a boyfriend, how I didn’t see us turning anything or becoming what we are today. You are the person who I trust, completely with my whole heart. You’ve never made me doubt your loyalty to me, and I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel like I have made you doubt mine. I’ve never been a perfect person, but to you I feel like I’m your dream come true (as corny as that sounds). I know I may seem not in the mood at times, act annoyed or whatever but I’ve NEVER forgotten any of the important moments we’ve had, even the little ones. You’ve cheered me on when no one else has, listened to me when I felt like no one else wanted to listen and supported me 100% through everything. I will never understand what you see in me, but I’m so glad that whatever it is, you see it.
I remember when I first decided I was going to UOG for college, how I cried and argued with you for months. We didn’t know if we were going to work and honestly, I thought that you would end up staying behind and saying goodbye to us — but you didn’t let that happen. Guam was probably one of the toughest times we’ve ever had to go through, but I’m glad that I had you there by my side through every step of the way. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t be here today if you weren’t there for me, and you know how tough it was. It really tested our relationship, and after that whole time period — I knew you had me. I knew I could count on you, I knew you loved me and I knew you cared.
After that, we moved back here and we tried to rebuild our lives — we went to college, got jobs, etc. SO MUCH in our lives have changed, but my love for you hasn’t. I still get excited when I see you, I still cry over the cute moments we have, I laugh at our stupid jokes, and I thank God every single night for giving me you. I know that sometimes it seems like I’m asking for a lot, that I want that love story that I see in the movies, but I’m very very appreciative of what we have and the love that you’ve given me.
Words will never be enough to express how much I love you, how much I care for you, how much I believe in you and more. You have the biggest heart ever, and I’m blessed to be able to see it first hand. I love you for who you are, for all that you are. You are definitely my soulmate, and I will never not believe that you are the one for me. So Happy Anniversary, I look forward to continue building this life we have together! I love you in this life and the next ♡
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