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God knew rest was essential for us. Not only did He gift us the gift of Shabbat, but He modeled it by resting Himself. God didn’t need rest. No where else in the history of time are we told He rested. He did so at the beginning of creation to show us that we need rest from our accomplishments, our disappointments, the battles we fight in prayer, the stress that we entertain. Your day of rest doesn’t have to be in Sunday, but it should be a part of your self-care regimen.
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Music was the backdrop of my childhood. I love many genres of music. There’s nothing like the music that comes from the souls of black folk. From Gospel to Rhythm and Blues we produce a sound that emanates from our souls. Love, joy, sadness, encouragement, reflection, heart break, its all in our music. It’s the sound that flows at our family reunions and cookouts. Enjoy Black Music Month.
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When the enemy’s only objective is to cause you to doubt God.
God’s Sovereignty
God’s Dominion
God’s Provision
God’s Promise
God’s Faithfulness
God’s Love
God’s Ability
God’s Peace
God’s Protection
Remember that God’s blessings will over take you. That nothing can separate you from God’s love. His plans for you are good and not evil. He’s given you everything pertaining to life and godliness. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. You dear one are a joint heir with Christ. God will supply all of your needs. That everything that the enemy is doing has already been worked out for your good. God is good and He is GOD💙
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All of the external circumstances don’t control how I roll. Baby it’s all good, cause it’s all God.
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I get why Sarah laughed.
So I’m driving to work this morning. I said a prayer based upon something that was spoken into my life almost 8 years ago. I immediately laughed after I prayed it. Then I remembered that the sister I started this blogged with had a similar response to a prayer she prayed a few months ago. Her thought process was God doesn’t answer me anyway, so this is just wishful thinking. God had already answered her prayer before she prayed it.
So in Genesis 18:9-15, Sarah once again hears a promise that was given to Sarai. As Sarah has been living the promise has become a fairy tale. God hasn’t come through up to this point. I’m old and my body doesn’t do that anymore, so yeah right, God is going to give me what He promised.
That’s how I felt this morning when I said Lord I’ll know you don’t want me to do it this way if “this promise”, the almost 8 year old one manifests before this other thing happens. I make it a point not to pay fleece prayers. I also don’t make deals with God. As soon as I thought the words, I started laughing.
My laughter wasn’t born from unbelief. It was born from b the weariness of believing in something that seemed untouchable. Many prayers later. A lot of trusting in the Lord with all my heart, and not leaning to my own understanding. A lot of endeavoring not to make the wrong decisions while I waited on the promise. So much avoiding birthing an Ishmael instead of said promise.
You see I know the plans He has for me. I firmly believe He only has what’s best for me. My human emotions have superseded the promise and my flesh has decided to no longer hope, because hoping has become painful. Hoping for this has become like a fools errand. Sarah didn’t not believe, maybe just maybe her ability to keep hoping cost more emotionally, mentally, than she had within.
Remain blessed
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Hopefully you’ll be able to follow me down this train of thought and not get lost/confused.
I’m a serious book lover. I consume books like the junk food I love. As I’m washing my dishes it occurs to me, that one of the things I love about reading is the ability to immerse myself in a characters life. Dorothy Gale of the Wizard of Oz came to mind. We know the story, there’s a a tornado in Kansas that transports a young girl to the powerful land of Oz, where she’ll have to find the wizard, then defeat a witch, before said wizard will grant her wish of returning home to Kansas.
As a young adult I experienced a storm that had me sitting on a corner, pregnant and in tears outside of a neighbor’s home. I didn’t know these people from Adam. The husband and wife saw me outside and interrupted the Bible study they were hosting to comfort me and invite me in. At the time my circumstances and mindset didn’t compel me to accept, They then offered to introduce me to God. Again I wasn’t in the right headspace to hear the invitation.
I didn’t have to pursue God to be delivered from what was the beginning of a season of tumultuous events. God pushed me. He didn’t stop either. I didn’t have to prove my mettle to him by eliminating the storms and turbulence that became common occurrences in my life at the time. All I had to do was take the outstretched hands that periodically reached out to me on His behalf.
Books are wonderful. Nothing wrong with them. Reality of precious and priceless . I’m amazed that as people we aren’t satisfied to receive a gift that was freely given, and cost the recipient nothing. Instead, pursue relationships that break our hearts to the point that the person ego becomes our person has to resolve to stick with us as we are healed. We pursue material things that create financial hardships that many of us die without ever relieving ourselves of. I just wonder why that is.
Remain blessed
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If you are so rigid that the only spiritual nourishment you will receive comes from a pulpit on Sunday morning or a mid-week Bible study, you are depriving yourself. I would opine that you may even be malnourished….
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The blessing of knowing the word and hearing the word is that as you become more intimate with God, The Word becomes more vibrant and alive. There isn’t anything that God will withhold from you, especially when it’s a part of His will for your life.
Never feel like you aren’t worthy of what your asking for. Many times I’ve ceased praying for something I believed God could provide. Lack of patience while waiting, allowed doubt and a strong sense of unworthiness caused me to just stop praying. It caused me to throw in the towel. Fear of being disappointed by God, or allowing my thoughts to make me feel like God didn’t want that for me, has also caused my to waver and faint.
I encourage you to be fervent and focused when seeking, asking, knocking. Don’t give up. Keep praying. Silence doubt with the promises in His word. No good thing will He withhold from them that walk upright. The plans He has for you are to give you a hope and a future. You don’t have to have the entire Bible memorized to dispel the doubts that you’ll encounter when you are believing God for what others deem impossible.
Matthew 7:7–11 (ESV): Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
Be encouraged. Remain blessed
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One of my favorite scenes in the Lion King is where Mufasa tells a young adult Simba, “Remember Who You Are.” It is such a profound statement that can’t be answered if you don’t know who you are.
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I was not familiar with this author or his work. I don’t normally allow myself to be influenced by what the world is reading. I’m so glad I loved the book where James is introduced enough to give this a listen.
James is not just a story of an enslaved man that runs because his world is about to be changed. This is the story of how blacks have to assimilate just to be non-existent to whites. Even the characters in the book who claimed to frown upon slavery had a perception of what blacks could accomplish/think. It’s the story of a man who made choices when others said he didn’t have a right to.
My favorite part in the book was when Sammy asked Norman why he remained enslaved if he could pass for white. That is a question that blacks have explored from both sides of the color line. Some would have felt like life would have been easier living in a white world.
Percival Everett created characters who were integral in their humanity. He gave voice to the plight of humans who were considered to be insufficient in their intellectual prowess. This is a with of fiction that provides insight into the masks oppressed people wear to survive in a society where the color your skin grants you privilege.
It’s destined to be a classic. By far one of the best works of fiction I’ve experienced this year. I will read this more than once.
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Ladies before you let that man invite you to thrupple or become a sister wife, remember it’s a permanent hall pass. This man has no intention to love you as Christ loves the Church. He’s not willing to sacrifice anything for you. You aren’t his Bride, you’re a side chick without the hope of experiencing what love looks like. Mary said she’s looking for a “Real Love”, why aren’t you?
Remain blessed
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I received this coffee tumbler several years ago at a health fair. Over the years it became really unattractive. The logo that represented the company began to peel off. You could see more of the stainless steel than the black vinyl that was the backdrop of the design. My best friend is a cuptician. She places custom designs on plain tumblers and glass. A year ago she said to me let me take that home, strip it, redo it. I turned her down. Recently she made the same request, I gave it to her. The pictures are the result.
It reminded me of when I was too stubborn to accept Christ as my Savior. It wasn’t like my life was honky dory. Still I dug my heels in, determined to live my life in a raggedy manner. God didn’t give up on me. He used my siblings to show me the wear and tear my choices were making in my spirit. Even after I accepted Christ, God continues to weave others into the fabric of my life to make me new. No longer do I feel wretched and dull, sullen and weighed down. Now there’s a light in me, I can’t dim. There’s peace where chaos reigned. I’m no longer hard and rigid. I’m soft and pliant as the Potter sculpts me into a vessel that can carry His word.
Remain blessed. Allow Him to make you over💙🙏🏽
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