thepupofthetardis · 11 months
"Eco-friendly" paper drinking straws contain long-lasting and potentially toxic chemicals, a new study has concluded. In the first analysis of its kind in Europe, and only the second in the world, Belgian researchers tested 39 brands of straws for the group of synthetic chemicals known as poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS were found in the majority of the straws tested and were most common in those made from paper and bamboo, found the study, published in Food Additives & Contaminants. PFAS are used to make everyday products, from outdoor clothing to non-stick pans, resistant to water, heat and stains. However, they are potentially harmful to people, wildlife and the environment. They break down very slowly over time and can persist over thousands of years in the environment, a property that has led to them being known as "forever chemicals." They have been associated with a number of health problems, including lower response to vaccines, lower birth weight, thyroid disease, increased cholesterol levels, liver damage, kidney cancer and testicular cancer.
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thepupofthetardis · 11 months
Aight so like I’m coming back to this blog after literally almost 5 years and holy fucking shit my life has changed (does tumblr censor swears now I have no idea)
Got a Crohn’s diagnosis and am now in a wheelchair after almost dying and spent 6 months in hospital from Sept 2019-March 2020 (Legit got out a week before covid lockdowns started)
I’m recovering which is good but my life has changed so much (did get married which was a wonderful time)
I’m still cosplaying and a chunk of it is still Homestuck but we’ve a little more variety now than 2018 which is good.
Honestly I’ve joined a few more fandoms and picked up some new hobbies but rn I’m just happy to be here and thought “hey maybe that thing I used to spend hours on as a teen might give me something else to amuse myself” and so here we are
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thepupofthetardis · 11 months
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
be christ-like this christmas. gather a crowd and inspire them to anarchism. beat a politician with a whip. help out your local sex workers. preach equality.
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
damn when am i gonna break free of society’s shackles and become an 18th century lady pirate captain who eventually gets caught by the navy in a caribbean port because i stopped to bed the neglected governor’s daughter who is soon to be married to a prestigious naval officer for whom she has no feelings meanwhile she is immediately drawn to me when we meet in the market so i woo her and she happily comes, so to speak, but the governor and naval officer find us because i let down my guard for once because She Does Unexpected Things To My Heart and they throw me in prison and sentence me to death for piracy but that same night ANOTHER band of pirates kidnap the governor’s daughter and hold her for ransom and do so Very Threateningly and the navy can’t catch this dastardly brute so i’m released on the grounds i rescue the woman and bring her back unharmed and i’m like uh huh sure and when i get free i debate just leaving for the first pirate port but i can’t shake the image of the woman from my mind so i convince the crew to chase down this other pirate and they’re wary but also eager for a fight so we go and rescue her before any harm befalls her and after cutting down the brutish rival pirate captain i stand there with my sword drawn looking sweaty and butchy and bloody but with concern in my eyes for her well-being  then she throws her arms around me and i take her back to my cabin and she cleans my wounds and we make sweet passionate love in the candlelight and she tells me she always knew i would come for her, again so to speak, and we decide we can never be parted again so i give my ship to a spunky up-and-coming heroic sidekick lad who proved his mettle in our recent battle and meanwhile me and my love run off and shack up on a small island with the money i put away that i stole from the british and we live to be old and happy the end
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
Could you imagine if edward had just been some regular dude like fucking around with bella and she said with the utmost confidence “i know what you are…..you’re a vampire” and he’s just out there alone with her in the middle of the forest like
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
have you guys ever seen a hummingbird in its nest
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
@ slack’s emoji artist turn on your location i wanna talk
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
voltron: it was just….so hard to make rep……..dreamworks made us…….we had to kill them………..we fought so hard…….*sniffles*
noelle stevenson:
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
I look at @m3rryg4m / @g4mmercie ‘s white diamond and it makes me wanna watch catch up on Steven universe
I looked at this and I wanna cry from the sheer beauty
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Hello Starlight, you certainly gave everyone a scare.
Debut of the White Diamond cosplay! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen! 
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
Please re-blog if you’re OK with silly fan art of your characters.
I mean….who wouldn’t be?
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
joss whedon: loki tortures and murders people for fun, and, despite being the god of CHAOS, is a fascist who says things like “it’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation” 
taika waititi: loki is an annoying little shit who day-drinks, puts on theater about himself, and fucks his way to the top
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
As someone who changed his name just for fun when I thought I was still cis, i promise most people are ok with accepting a new name, even if you lie and say it’s a nickname. I promise. It’s really easy to just casually go “hey I wanna go by Bob now, it’s an old nickname I wanna bring back” like. Just start introducing yourself to new ppl, no one knows better. and if someone accidentally deadnames you just go haha no I go by my nickname now.
It sucks that ppl treat nicknames as more sacred than trans ppls choice names but still.
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
Intuition is real. Vibes are real. Energy doesn’t lie. Tune in.
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thepupofthetardis · 6 years
Remember when Armed and Ready came out people said that “There’s nothing I won’t do for her.” Wasn’t about Blake.
Remember when they were convinced that BMBLB was about yang singing to her motorcycle.
Remember when Casey lee Williams had to actually go on twitter and confirm that all that matters was meant to be a song about Yang and Blake.
Straight people in this fandom are wild
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