thepuzzleoflove · 6 years
Little Tokyo Date
June 26, 2018
“Good morning, linda! bowling later? if youre not busy”
“Damian mentioned it to me too. What time and where?”
“in Little Tokyo, at 8pm. I low-key want to hit Little Tokyo before to smoke and drink the beer I bought yesterday and maybe eat something”
Your very informal way of asking me on a date that I wasn’t sure was a date. I wasn’t even entirely sure you were gay. I remember being super excited to meet up with you, but super nervous because it was going to be just us. I was so afraid that I would be really awkward or extra weird because I wasn’t sure how to act. Again, you were wearing your floral hat and a different floral shirt. You just always looked so beautiful with that pink hair of yours. It gave you such a bubbly vibe. We met at the gold line station in Little Tokyo and we walked to the plaza to get sushi and mochi. I remember being so nervous to eat because Im such a messy eater, but it didnt even matter. I had a lot of fun just eating with you and talking about who knows what. We got mochi and I remember noticing your lips and how full and pretty they were. They looked really soft. They also had the mochi powder on them and it was adorable. I still wasn’t sure if we were on a date or if this was purely platonic. Were you into me? Did you like girls? Am I acting like myself? I wasn’t sure of anything aside from the fact that I knew we both wanted to be there and we both enjoyed being there. I don’t know how I didn’t take “linda” and “hermosa” as possible hints. I thought, maybe she’s just really sweet? We eventually met up with your friends and that confused me even more because I thought it was going to be just us. We ended up smoking and drinking nearby, and we had not stopped talking since we met up. I don't know what exactly we talked about but I have this clear image of you with such a wide joyful smile. You were laughing and it brought a smile to my face. I enjoyed being there with you. 
As 8PM came around, we met up with everyone else who was going to be tagging along. We ended up by the pool tables, not really bowling, cause I didn't care. I just wanted to spend time with you. I think we ordered fries? from the bar. We asked for ranch and I remember spilling it all and freaking out cause I was embarrassed. Classic clumsy Lucy, huh? You just laughed and told me its not a big deal. I don't remember the order of events. but you ended up with your hand on my thigh and I was like THIS IS IT I KNEW IT SHES GAY SHE LIKES GIRLS DOES SHE LIKE ME????? Suspicions confirmed. There’s no way that was just friendly. That was a sign, that was a message and girl... MESSAGED RECEIVED. I didn’t do anything except freeze up a little but thats when things were clear. We never bowled or played pool. We just talked, we laughed. Once I took you home, dropped you off and I smiled all the way home.
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thepuzzleoflove · 6 years
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June 22, 2018
The day we crossed paths. The day we moved passed, “that cute girl on Twitter.” I remember walking into Damian’s backyard and starting to look around to see if I knew anyone. I recognized some of my friends, but I also recognized you. I remembered you from Twitter, and your presence made me kind of nervous. I remember leaning over to Jenny and telling her “Oh look. Thats that girl from Twitter.” You looked so fucking cute with your pink hair and your floral shirt. You had your signature beige cap with embroidered roses. I thought you looked so pretty and so cool. Eventually, we ended up smoking together and I remember you were already drunk because your words were a little slurry. It was really cute because you were speaking a lot of Spanish, and thats just what you do when you get drunk. You told me about how when you were learning to draw, your teacher taught you to start with an egg. I told you that you needed to teach me these tips and you agreed you would. You expressed so much enthusiasm. I also remember you telling me about the time you and Cat did acid and you guys wanted to just walk into the ocean and be consumed by it but you both knew that wasn’t really a good idea, but I knew it was meant to show a sense of beauty in being engulfed in something bigger than you. Something like the ocean, so vast, so beautiful yet so terrifying. I loved it. We also met when I was on the verge of giving up, but that night you said to me, “You’re just so happy and so positive.” I remember internally thinking, “wow this girl has no idea how much I wish I ceased to exist,” but I thought the same of you. I sensed such free, wild energy. Im pretty sure we talked all night. You, Cat, and Jasine were just the coolest of friends. It felt nice knowing you had best friends that made you so you. I loved that we both had our best friend who we did everything together with because I could feel that bond between you two and it made me so happy. I remember thinking about you a lot that night and I sent you a message on Twitter letting you know how much I loved being around you and the energy you radiated. Amy oh Amy, left me so enchanted and so curious about this mind and heart of yours that night. I knew i needed to spend more time with you. All I wanted was to spend more time with you. 
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